
Chapter 1868 One wave determines the outcome

? Team Fate is good at and accustomed to retaining its strength.

As the mid lane captain of the Fate team, Moon has also always been the most unknown and underestimated among the Yonko.

In terms of fame, he ranks at the bottom among the Four Emperors.

It's not as good as Phoenix, who is ranked third, has the title of No. 1 Dharma King in the European LCK division, or Autumn, who is ranked second, is the world's best support and support god, not to mention Han Shihao, the leader of the Four Emperors. Not only is he the number one mid laner in the world, he is even considered the number one player in e-sports of the new generation.

Although they are both four emperors, Moon's position has always been a bit awkward.

Because in the LCK division, he has Han Shihao, the number one e-sports player above him, who is firmly dominating him, and he can only be ranked as the second mid laner in South Korea - and this second place is compared to the first place, although it seems There is only one number difference, but the weight of meaning and height of honor represented are very different.

In addition, he is also the only Yonko who has been defeated by a player below the Yonko in a head-on challenge.

At that time, God and Fate played against each other, and the scene where Dawnstar mid laner faced off against Moon and took the spotlight was still talked about by people inside and outside the e-sports circle.

This further reduced Moon's reputation and recognition among the four emperors.

But the true strength of the mid laner captain of the Fate team cannot be underestimated by anyone.

When this strong man ranked last among the Four Emperors really exerts his full strength, even those who are as strong as Phoenix, Han Shihao and Autumn will have to look at him sideways and be wary of him.

Of course, this kind of thing is only known to a very small circle.

Otherwise, if outsiders hear about it, they will definitely fight for Moon——

Because the strength of Captain Fate and the honors and recognition he has received are really incompatible.

He should have received more adoration and praise.

But Moon himself doesn't care about such trivial matters. What he really pursues has never been these empty fame. For him, everything is just for the team and for the victory of each game. He will do his best to be a good person. That's enough for a mid laner or a captain to do.

But just now——

But he was truly "willful" for the first time in history.

In the mid-lane confrontation just now, he could have left, and with his usual playing style, he would have chosen to leave instead of risking a life-and-death fight with his opponent.

Although this is just an ordinary training match.

But even so, it is definitely not the reason why he would be so "willful".

So in fact, even the other main members of the Fate team, including Star, were a little confused just now. They had rarely seen their captain do such a risky and reckless behavior.

However, in fact, it is a very simple reason.

Moon is indeed willful.

Just out of some kind of "curiosity", he wanted to try it.

And it turns out he tried.


At this moment, the happiest person in the audience was Nian Shisan.

Nian Shisan was overjoyed when he saw that someone had taken away Moon's Magic Fairy in a single kill and was still in the river Dalongfjord. This version of Nian Shisan was simply overjoyed:

"Fuck it's okay!"

"Come on, come on, big dragon, let's do it!!"

It only took one second for the jungler captain of the Assassin team to make this bold decision.

Indeed, it stands to reason that there are still four people left in the opponent at this moment, even if the mid laner is missing the Magic Witch, but if the blue side army directly forces the baron like this, facing the other members of the purple side army, The pressure of being surrounded by famous heroes is still quite risky.

But as soon as this decision was made, it received immediate support and approval from Lin Feng:



It doesn't make sense either.

It was really hard to kill Moon's mid laner LeBlanc once. It won't be that simple to have this kind of solo kill opportunity in the future. Naturally, we can't let this kill just go to waste, we must take the opportunity to further occupy it. More would be cheaper.


Just want the dragon to force the group!

If you are playing Jace in the bottom lane, you still have to carry him solo. If you have the ability, you can continue to play solo in the bottom lane. The biggest problem for me on the blue side is that Baron will trade for high ground. I will still make a profit. Anyway, I don’t have time to accompany you and slowly consider delaying. Time, will you come?

The Fate team on the purple side also obviously hesitated and struggled for a long time. When they saw that several heroes on the blue side had quickly gathered in front of the Dragon Fjord and directly aimed at Baron Nash and began to output firepower, the future guardian of the bottom lane· Jace finally couldn't hold back and a [Teleport] came over.

All the way to high ground for a big dragon...

It's really not profitable for their purple side. The big dragon buff is given to the opponent's blue side army, and there are too many things they can do in the future.


When he saw Jace from the purple Fate team teleporting back, An Xin, who was in the front row of the crowd, shook his head:

"Shouldn't have come back."

"It would be nice to be more decisive."


If Jace is determined to tear down the bottom road alone, he can at least break through the high ground.

However, the teleportation support rushed back, which meant that the purple side of the Fate team would face a bigger gamble. Winning the gamble is naturally a good thing, but once the gamble loses, it will be completely lost.

Team Fate lost the bet.

Originally, their top laner Jace teleported back just to put pressure on the opponent's blue army and make the opponent abandon the plan of forcing the Baron. It was not to engage the opponent head-on. .

Their goal was indeed achieved half-

Because the Assassin team on the blue side also has no intention of forcing the Baron.


The dragon is not open.

But the team battle was still forced to start by the blue side.

The Fate team on the purple side took every precaution to guard against Olaf's bypass for the whole game, but in the end, they were a little careless and failed to guard against it. The jungler under the control of Nian Shisan was defeated by several players. When his teammates pretended to open the baron, they quietly circled around and touched the back row of the purple square army's formation.


Come right out!

With the help of the bloody battle suit of the ultimate move "Twilight of the Gods", Olaf rushed into the opponent's formation with two axes in hand and instantly disrupted the positions of several heroes of the purple army.

Rambo opens up.

Thresh's Q skill "Death Sentence" hook Q, Jace directly followed the second stage of the dash into the battlefield, and the ultimate move "Netherworld Prison" was also activated at the same time.

Zed enters the scene.

The female police officers in the back row unleashed their firepower unscrupulously.

A wave of explosive team battles.

It was also extremely rare that all the spectators in the training room saw the avalanche scene in which the Fate team was caught off guard and completely defeated in this wave of team battles in Dalongfjord.

1 for 4.

It only cost the head of an auxiliary Thresh.

Including the purple side mid laner Enchantress who was still waiting to be resurrected in the spring, this wave of Fate team suffered a tragic group wipeout.

The Assassin team on the blue side turned around and took advantage of the situation to securely win the Baron.

The training room erupted with exclamations.

All the members of the Assassin Club were overjoyed:

"I'll do it! Got it!!"

"It's turned over so much!"

In the front row of the crowd, Zeng Rui felt a little dazed as he looked at the OB picture on the electronic viewing screen and the big dragon buff that was steadily taken over by the blue army:

"This is... too fast."

An Xin smiled:


"One wave will determine the outcome."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 8 o'clock. Go away and continue typing. It's snowing heavily in Hangzhou today and it's cold.

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