
Chapter 1857 Two will fight even five.

? The cooperation between the midfielder and the purple side is almost at its peak.

First, Moon's mid laner, Trickster, seizes a wave of opportunities and strikes decisively. The W skill followed by a set of RQE's combo instantly emptied the target policewoman's health bar in almost seconds, while Star's jungle prince also instantly hit the target. The indirect connection followed up with the EQ's second consecutive attack to make up for the damage and complete the kill.

But this is just the beginning.

While EQ's second company rushed forward to pick off the target policewoman, Prince Jiawen's figure was already approaching the opponent's blue side assistant Thresh.

So the ultimate move "Heaven and Earth Shatters" came down almost without thinking.

With the roar of "Demacia" from Prince Jarvan, the rugged and towering ring-shaped rock wall suddenly rose up from the ground, trapping him and the target soul-locked warden in it.

Even just the damage from this ultimate move caused Thresh's health bar to plummet by more than a third.

Then came the appearance of auxiliary Niutou from the purple side Fate team.

The same decisive flash forward.

Move into the circle of the prince's ultimate move.

The Q skill "Earth Shatter" was released instantly, and the Tauren Chieftain's majestic arms slammed to the ground. Before the opponent's assistant Thresh had time to hand over [Flash] and escape, he was once again sent into the air by an uncontrolled earthquake.

So Thresh's fate can already be imagined.

Even though the assassin team of the blue army was already trying to respond and rescue urgently, Rambo, the top laner, immediately activated the summoner skill [Teleport] to support him, but before the teleport landed, The kill announcement from the system’s female voice sounded again:


The prince double kills.

In the crowd watching the game, the players from the Assassin Club suddenly turned pale. In contrast, the players from the Fate Club not far away on the other side couldn't wait to let out a roar of applause.

Zeng Rui gasped:

"What a strong cooperation——"

Tang Bingyao stared at the purple jungle prince and mid laner Enchantress with wide eyes:

"So fast--"

Then the girl looked at the auxiliary Niutou of the Fate team.

Then he turned to look at his supporting partner beside him: "A Zeng, that bullhead is faster than you."

A sentence that is quite in line with the girl's simple and direct character.

But it was enough to make Zeng Rui choke to death and cough. An Xin next to him couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing until his flowers trembled:

“Tangtang’s words are so heartbreaking——”

But such evaluations are not wrong.

It is this wave of cooperative operations that can directly reveal the true strength of the Fate team without reservation.

Everything just happened in the blink of an eye, without any warning. It was entirely because Moon, the mid laner, suddenly seized a wave of opportunities and took the lead, and the subsequent follow-up of the prince and Niutou Their entrances were almost seamlessly coordinated without any gaps, as if they had been rehearsed countless times in advance.

This kind of tacit understanding of cooperation... If you really look at the professional e-sports circles around the world, there are almost only a handful of two or three teams that can achieve it steadily.


Having said that, after the prince won this wave of double kills, the rhythm of the situation seemed to change immediately.

For the assassin team of the Blue Army, this was simply a sudden and terrible news.

Very good...

We had originally made preparations to have a stalemate with the opponent at Xiaolong Gorge for a while, but just as they were about to set up their formation, their bottom lane duo was suddenly stolen by the opponent.

Taken away in one wave, there is no time or room for reaction.

Moreover, one of Rambo's summoner skills [Teleport] was wasted at this time, because two of his teammates were dead, and there was no way to fight 3 on 5. It would be useless even if it was teleported.

So at this moment, the two main players in the bottom lane of the blue side Assassin team were so ashamed that they wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it:

"team leader--"


There is no doubt that Nian Shisan was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "You damn...don't you know how to be more careful? The prince Niutou and Enchantress, no matter who you are, you will always fire accurately!" "

This means that in front of Lin Feng, an outsider, he is saving face for his team members and calming down a little bit. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, he would definitely be furious, because this wave of mistakes in his bottom lane is really too serious. It just gave the prince two heads for nothing, and also made this wave of team battles impossible immediately, and the fire dragon had to be given up in vain...

"You might as well give it a try."

Someone suddenly said something next to him:

"How about you go down and take a look later?"

Two of them died in the bottom lane, and the remaining three on the blue side were forced to retreat to create a safe distance. Naturally, the five members of the opposite purple side's Fate team had already begun to focus their fire to deal out dragons at this time.

Nian Shisan was choked by someone's words and rolled his eyes:

"Should I go down and grab it?"

"Why the hell are you trying to rob me? I'm not a prince. If I get down, I won't be able to get up, okay?"

His jungler Olaf's summoner skill [Flash] has just finished cooling down at this moment, but the problem is that this flash only has no other movement skills. Whether he really gets in and grabs the dragon or not is another matter. , anyway, death must be a complete death...

However, Lin Feng's words were even more direct and straightforward:

"Don't think about whether you will die or not."

"First let's talk about whether you can grab it when you go down."

Nian Shisan glanced at his level and then looked at Prince Jiawen who was fighting a dragon in the fjord across the river:

"I punish him more than he does."

"If you really want to grab it, there's no problem."

Regardless of whether it's true or not, Niu Pi blew it out with no red face and no heartbeat.

I never thought that someone would nod in the next second:


"Then grab it."

Nian Shisan was in a daze: "Damn, am I going to go alone?"

Lin Feng: "I'll accompany you."

"Both of you are going to die?" "Who said that you are going to die?" "No matter how you look at it, you are going to die..." "Then at least you can grab the fire dragon and get a few backers, it won't be a loss."

After a quick conversation, Nian Shisan suddenly came back to his senses:

"So you really think you can fight?"

Lin Feng spoke faster and more concisely:


Nian Shisan only thought about it for a second and nodded quickly:


"Then do it!"

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two of them seemed to have made up their minds and discussed the plan. Someone's idea was so wild and bold that it reached the extreme of adventure, but Nian Thirteen actually agreed decisively without raising any objections.

So it was the turn of the top laner of the Assassin team who was still alive next to him to be stunned:

"Team, captain?"

"Do you really want to go?"

He himself had been mentally prepared and thought that this wave of teleportation was in vain, but who would have thought that his captain and the master Lin Feng actually planned to have a 3-on-5 confrontation with the five members of the Fate team?


It seems that from the content of the conversation just now, these two people did not even include his top laner Rambo.

So... this is 2 versus 5! ?

Assassin, the main top laner, felt that his brain was completely exhausted.

At this moment, Lin Feng and Nian Shisan had no time to pay attention to or help the Rambo team member to explain more, because at this time, the five members of the Purple Army in the Xiaolong Gorge in the river had already reduced Xiaolong's health. Beaten down to less than a quarter of the bloodline——



Updates are here. There are only two updates today, and three updates will be resumed tomorrow. Then there will be frequent high-energy updates in December. I am already prepared.

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