
Chapter 1856 Unexpectedly fast pace

In the first ten minutes of the game, there were constant small-scale frictions and collisions between the blue and purple armies on the field. The head count was also rising alternately, but it basically maintained an even situation.

At most, it can be said that the Fate team of the purple side has a slight advantage.

After all, Moon's mid laner, Trickery Enchantress, has three heads in hand, and her development is much better than someone's Lord of Shadow Stream, Zed.

In addition, on the top lane, it is also the purple top laner Jace of the Fate team who suppresses the Assassin team's top laner Rambo in terms of last-minute hits and level. When playing solo, the HP of the defense tower is being worn down by Jace. Most of the pipe fell.

And from the perspective of the lineup, the lineup of the purple side Fate team also has strong enough combat capabilities in the mid-term, not only the two points of mid laner Enchantress and top laner Jace, but also the output equipment of the jungle prince. The route has damage and control in the mid-term, and can be coordinated with teammates in various ways.

There is also a way down——

Although Olaf, the jungler who read Thirteen, caused a wave of double kills in the early stage and damaged a lot of rhythm, Fate's ADC Obama's last hit count was not widened by the policewoman, and the more important point is that Obama added bull heads. This pair's ability to participate in mid-term team battles is far better than that of the policewoman and Thresh on the blue side's bottom lane.


For the purple side army at this time, what the Fate team needs to do most is to further snowball their advantage.

And if you want to start a snowball, the most suitable method... is to start looking for opportunities to force a group from now on.

The first little dragon is of fire attribute.

It perfectly fits the purpose and needs of the Fate team.

It has also rendered the atmosphere in Summoner's Canyon at this moment with a vague smell of *.

"We must fight!"

All the spectators on the Fate Club side of the field made judgments and conclusions without thinking, and each one of them was full of confidence: "Our lineup is almost invincible in the mid-term team fight. Brother Moon's Enchantress can easily get stuck in the field of vision." It's really not that easy to steal someone by force——"

"Jace's Poke is also very useful at times like this."

"Also, Brother Star can force the prince to start a team at any time. The Niutou will follow up with the WQ second company - and create a combo.

There is no way to stop the group of crispies on the other side. "

It seems that just as the players of their own club thought, on the purple side of the field, several main players of the Fate team also clearly began to consciously focus on the lower half of the jungle.

The auxiliary Niutou and Jungler Prince have already arranged eye positions here in advance to create vision.

His intention was clear, he was coming towards this fire dragon.


After taking a good view, I didn't see the purple army taking action immediately.

"I'm still worried about it."

In the front row of the crowd, An Xin gave his comments in a leisurely tone.

Zeng Rui nodded next to him:

"Well, after all, the blue team's lineup... is not bad at teamfighting in the mid-term."

Although the policewoman plus Thresh in the bottom lane is not as good as the opponent's ADC auxiliary combination, especially the policewoman before the endless electric knife at this time, basically hitting people is like scratching an itch without any pain at all.

But in the lineup of the blue side Assassin team, even if the top laner Rambo is suppressed by the opponent in the early stage, at this time, he only needs a big move "Constant Temperature Burn" to blast down in a row, as long as the position where it is cast is enough If you hit a group of people reasonably, it will inevitably cause considerable AOE damage.

Someone's mid laner, the Shadow Stream Master, also has the ability to enter the field and cut into the back row.

There is harm.

Except for the auxiliary Niutou, the other four heroes of the purple square Fate team are actually not very useful.

Not to mention Nian Shisan’s jungler Olaf. This one has almost the highest development in the game. With the record of 4 kills in hand, even if he has just been terminated once, during this period, the Berserker is the most violent. In a ferocious period, especially under the control of the No. 1 jungler in the LMS division, once they find a suitable opportunity to enter the field and act recklessly, even two or three people on the purple side Fate may not be able to withstand it.


Although that is what is said.

But at this time, the initiative in the rhythm of the situation is undoubtedly still in the hands of the purple side Fate team.

They are not taking action directly now, just because they hope to find a more reliable way to capture the Fire Dragon, such as catching a wave in the middle or bottom lane first, to ensure that there will be no subsequent unexpected risks.

But even I didn't find this kind of gank opportunity for the middle and bottom lane.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to just force Xiaolong away.

So at this time it is obvious that the purple army has made a decision.

On the small map, Fate team's top laner Jayce had just finished pushing a wave of troops on the top lane and immediately chose to return to the city. At this time, he was already heading straight towards the river Xiaolong Gorge.

The Enchantress also suppressed a wave of troops in the middle and turned into the river.

ADC Obama and auxiliary Niutou in the bottom lane are also rushing to gather at Xiaolongfjord.

Everyone watching the match looked slightly condensed.

This is going to be a fight.


What does the blue square mean?

"It's for grabs!"

A member of the second team of the Assassin Club saw it in the crowd and was the first to shout:

"They're all here too!"

Yes, it is almost only half a beat slower than the opponent's movement speed, but apart from Rambo on the road holding [Teleport] in his hand and temporarily clearing the line of troops under the tower, several other heroes of the blue army They all quickly gathered towards the river Xiaolong Gorge.

The fire dragon still couldn't give in easily.

As soon as they are given away, the increase bonus for the purple opponent's heroes such as Enchantress, Jace, and Prince is too big. Their lineup is already stronger than their own in the later stage, and there is really no way to give the opponent a Fire Dragon buff. beat.

This situation seems to have occurred many times in the two days of training and competition.

Basically, as long as it revolves around the Fire Dragon, it will be impossible for both teams to let it go easily. Even the disadvantaged team will try their best to win it, at least not allowing the opponent to win it easily and smoothly.

What can be seen from this is that the playing styles and attitudes of the teams and clubs in this year's finals have become significantly tougher.

However, it seems that if we refer to other competitions in the past two days, then the rhythm of the next wave of dragon team battles can also be expected——

Neither side is willing to let go easily.

But they would not take the initiative rashly.

There will probably be another wave of stalemate, and various constant explorations around the terrain of Xiaolong Gorge, and time will pass by slowly...

It will always feel a bit boring.


It seems that this time, the situation is somewhat different and unexpected.

Almost immediately, all the heroes from the blue and purple armies quickly gathered in front of the river Xiaolong Gorge to start a confrontation, and the spectators off the field were already ready to watch a stalemate that lasted for at least half a minute. when.


But in an instant, it suddenly broke out unexpectedly.

There is a brief and fleeting opportunity for the purple side's mid laner, Trickster, to get stuck in the blind spot of the terrain.

As fast as lightning, the W skill "Shadow's Trace" flew out through the wall.

Take R.

The second step hits the blue ADC policewoman.

Second QE connection is received in seconds.

Prince Jiawen's second EQ company connected and caught up almost simultaneously!

in a blink.

The blood bar on the top of the policewoman's head suddenly bottomed out and cleared to zero, and the system's female kill prompt sounded coldly and ruthlessly.


A split second!

The update is here, go away and continue typing, the next chapter will be around 11 o'clock.

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