
Chapter 1851 Give face

? Putting aside the fact that the prince's EQ flash operation may not be easy to succeed every time even for professional players in official professional competitions.

And even if it can be used smoothly and effectively, it still needs to be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

The most common situation, which accounts for the vast majority of cases, is that the target is right there, but I don’t have enough EQ distance to use flash to get it together. Compared with flashing and then using EQ with my backhand, the operation is faster and makes the opponent more caught off guard and unable to dodge. The same thing happens. This situation is also the least difficult to operate and has the highest success rate.

The second is when the opponent hands over displacement skills or [Flash], and my prince EQ makes a prediction before flashing, guessing and judging the opponent's possible displacement point in advance. The difficulty of this kind of operation is obviously more than a little higher. There is a small amount of luck involved, but once successful, the visual impact of the picture will be very strong.

It will definitely arouse exclamations and admiration from the audience.

But as for the last one…

It is also the most difficult one.

That is, I am not predicting the opponent's position or displacement skills at all. I am simply catching the dodge in the middle of the EQ at the moment when the opponent hands over his skills to dodge the displacement.

Where did you go?

The next moment my EQ flashed and followed me wherever I went.

Compared with the second situation, there is actually no difference in the visual effect of this third situation, but in essence... it is almost a thousand miles apart.

Because the core principle of prediction lies in the players’ experience and judgment and part of their luck.

But if you see your opponent's movements and follow them simultaneously——

This is the embodiment of pure reaction and operating speed.

And this situation...

It is also the most terrifying.

Because in the moment just now, when the second company of the Prince's EQ was almost finished, he forced himself to cross-dodge and turn at the same moment when he saw the target flashing. The reaction time left for the Prince was hardly more than 0.1 Second.

It was almost as close as a blink of an eye.

In such an extremely short period of time, the retina of your eyes may have captured the tiny golden light flashing from your opponent.

But the brain may not even have time to receive the information and make any processing response.

Not to mention that your operating hand speed needs to be perfectly synchronized.

It is also so accurate that it can synchronize the flash changes without any deviation and successfully pick up and control the target.

To put it simply, the difficulty of such an operation has almost exceeded the limit that ordinary professional junglers can achieve. At this moment, for Zeng Rui, the top players who can do this level of operation flashed in his mind. There are only two wild players in the field—

Naturally, recite Thirteen and Mafa.

Two world-recognized top wild kings.

But even...even these two top junglers ranked among the Seven Kings may not be able to easily achieve this level based on Zeng Rui's cognitive judgment. Nian Shisan's success rate should be higher, but Mafa is even worse.

Then the problem arises.

The two people just mentioned... are the two wild kings in the world today.

It was something that neither of these two could easily accomplish. How could the Fate jungler on the field just now do it so boldly, and almost neatly and beautifully?

This seems to leave only one explanation.

That is, the operator has absolute confidence in his own operation...

And this confidence can naturally only come from strength.

"In this case, it really looks like SSK——"

At this time, Tang Bingyao couldn't help but whisper.


The similarities between Fate and SSK that were mentioned in the previous conversation may only be that the mid laners are Yonko and the teams have no shortcomings.

But now...it seems that we have to add another point of similarity between the two teams.

SSK has not only Han Shihao, the core Yonko mid laner, but also Mafa, the top seven-king jungler, which forms the SSK team's ace midfield combination system.

And now it seems that Moon is not the only Yonko in this Fate team.

There is also this jungler with the ID name Star.


Together with their own mid laner captain, they formed the midfielder combination of Star and Moon.

It seems that compared to SSK's pair of midfielders, they are not much inferior to them.

"That's not true..." Zeng Rui couldn't help but speak, with a somewhat unacceptable emotion in his tone: "Can this Star directly compete with Mafa?"

There are only two wild kings in the world's professional e-sports circle, and they have occupied the throne for many years.

Fate and Star appeared out of nowhere...

Are you saying that it can actually be compared with Nian Shisan and Mafa?

An Xin's eyes flickered slightly next to him, and he looked up at the OB screen on the viewing screen, looking at the purple jungle prince figure, and spoke softly:

"Maybe...it may not be true."

On the blue team's side of the field, someone on the team's voice channel and Nian Shisan, the temporary midfielder duo, were also having a concise and concise conversation:

"Fuck, why didn't I think this guy was so strong before?"

"Oh, maybe you have poor eyesight."

"Fart! We assassins have fought Fate so many times. No matter how bad my eyesight is, I can't be unaware of it at all, right? And even if I can't do it, damn, there are so many other teams and so many masters, why? Don’t see any problem?”

Nian Shisan's voice full of complaints was in his ears. Lin Feng didn't care. He controlled his mid laner, the Lord of Shadow Stream, to resurrect from the base spring and rush out to the mid lane again. He pressed the Tab key and swept across the purple square on the opposite side. Squinting slightly when playing the equipment information bar of the jungle prince:


"They hide it well enough."

"This one is enough to give you face."

By this time, it was actually obvious that everyone had underestimated the Fate team's jungler named Star, and underestimated the opponent's strength. Perhaps this was the one hand that Fate team deliberately retained to keep the bottom of the box.

A top jungler who originally concealed his strength suddenly showed his true strength in the next main game of the finals, especially in conjunction with the mid laner Moon, the effect he can exert is definitely enough to make Any top team would be scared.

It is also enough to become a key winner.

Unexpectedly, in the current training match, after Lin Feng came on the field, the opponent would use this killer move directly on him.

This treatment...

Indeed, it cannot be said to be lofty or solemn.

It's really flattering.

"Hey, hey, don't be too busy being happy at this time, okay? Be more attentive!" Nian Shisan's complaints came again: "Now the 40-meter machete has been revealed directly, and it is clear that he is going to Is it okay to fight you to the death? If you can’t hold on, I’ll help you in two waves.”

He was right.

Facing a top Yonko-level opponent like Moon in a single lane in the middle already requires Lin Feng to go all out to deal with it, not to mention that the opponent now has to count on another one to no longer hold back and show his true strength, which may be no less than Nian Shi. Sanhe Mafa's top jungler Star, facing such a pair of midfielders, the pressure Lin Feng was under at this moment was almost comparable to the pressure he faced against SSK's midfielder pair.

It's easy, but it may not be bearable.

Especially after a wave of kills just now, allowing the enchantress to get a head, someone's situation will only become more difficult next.

However, facing the kind suggestion of chanting Thirteen beside him, someone still smiled:


"You mind your own business."

"Middle... let me go."

The update is here. I finished coding it early in the morning and rushed to the company without thinking about posting it. Good morning, friends!

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