
Chapter 1850 The Star Accompanying the Moon

? Indeed, just as Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao mentioned in the conversation in the front row of the crowd——

To some extent, there are indeed great similarities between the Fate team and the SSK team.

One is the first team in South Korea's LCK division, and the other is the second strongest team in the division after the former.

There is also a top mid laner at the Yonko level.

There are almost no shortcomings in the overall strength of the team.

And similarly, the brilliance of several players in other positions seems to be overshadowed by their own mid laner captain.

In the SSK team, the top laner Wolf, the auxiliary Cube, and the ADC Ray are just slightly less famous and shining than their two companions, the jungler and the mid laner. Under the cover of their companions, they seem to be slightly different. Not particularly eye-catching.

But in fact, the strength of any of these three SSK main players alone cannot be underestimated by anyone. They are enough to be firmly ranked in the first echelon of the world's top level, and even to be as famous as any of them today. The illustrious Seven King-level players confront each other head-on.

In this regard, it seems that the Fate team is slightly inferior.

Because at least the other three main players of SSK are only inferior to the other two companions in terms of fame, but no other team in the world's e-sports circle will ever despise or ignore these three people.

But Team Fate is here——

It seems that except for Moon, who is a Yonko, the other team members really don't have many famous operations or significant carry records. Sometimes when people mention Fate team, they may not be able to exclude Moon. The ID names of several other team members are all correct.


It’s still the same sentence.

It can be said that Fate is almost the most low-key and reserved team in the e-sports circle today.

And to be able to maintain the second position in South Korea after SSK for the past few years, this team relies on more than just Moon as the captain, or just relying on the word "low-key". Arrived.

We can't even say how weak Fate and the other main players can be.

To be more precise...

They are the other main players of Fate,

Also "just as strong".

It's really strong.

At least.

Their jungler is really strong.

No one expected that the wave of kills in the middle would come so suddenly.

Because just in the past few minutes, the mid lane heroes of the blue and purple sides on the field were still in a stalemate and cautiously testing each other under the control of the two top mid laners.

Didn't take action easily.

Moreover, the hero levels of the mid laners on both sides have been improved. For example, Zed has two displacement skills: [Flash] and W skill "Shadow Secret: Clone". In addition, under Lin Feng's control, there is almost no chance of being caught. Possibility of ganking and killing.


At this moment, the result is already in front of you.

The blue side's mid laner, the Lord of Shadow Flow, turned into a cold corpse and fell on the ground in front of his own defense tower, no longer alive.

The opponent's purple side's mid laner Enchantress and Jungler Prince successfully succeeded and escaped smoothly.

Everything happened too suddenly.

It's also too shocking.

Especially the few people present who knew Lin Feng's true strength, they felt even more unbelievably shocked, because with someone's reaction and hand speed, and with all the skills available, how could he be so easily defeated? Gank kill?

In fact, everything just happened and ended in the blink of an eye.

To sum it up it’s very simple –

It was the Trickster Enchantress under the control of Moon. She moved out of position and avoided the disaster with her Q skill shuriken. She adjusted her position slightly and then backhanded her Q skill and then E simultaneously to throw it out.

"Malicious Seal" withdraws its troops to finish the attack.

He cleared the only obstacle between himself and his target, the Lord of Shadow Stream.

The E skill "Phantom Chain" shoots away in a swish, hitting and wrapping the prey accurately.

Jie handed over W and then retreated in the second stage to try to break the chain.

Enchantress synchronizes W's "Shadow Shadow" displacement pursuit to follow up, keeping the chain continuous.

The next second the prince rushed out through the grass at the river mouth on the right side of the middle road, and the EQ 2nd Company flew towards the target, the Lord of Shadow Stream.

The Lord of Shadow Stream flashed instantly.

Pull sideways to dodge.

The prince flashed in sync, and a steel spear flew the target Shadow Stream Lord into the air and controlled it.

Then the two players from the purple side, midfielder, and jungler used a combination of skill combinations and damage bursts, and combined with a [Ignite] to steadily take down Zed's head.

The key to everything...

It was Prince Yu's EQ flash.

The abrupt limit adjustment operation and steering midway drew an inverted L-shaped trajectory.

And faintly, like a number "7".

On the blue side of the field, the game screen in front of the computer screen turned into a black and white TV. His Shadow Stream Master was sent back to the base spring to wait for resurrection. Lin Feng in front of the screen was silent for a moment, and then spoke to the side. Nian Shisan said:

"You didn't lose the last round unjustly."

But this time, even Nian Shisan had no intention of refuting or arguing at all. The seven-king jungler captain of the Assassin team had a rare and solemn expression on his face, and spoke in a deep voice:

"When he got the last shot, he wasn't that fast."

Lin Feng's eyes fell on the purple jungle prince on the screen:


"You also made a mistake."


The crowd in the front row of the field also looked at the OB screen on the electronic viewing screen on the wall. Looking at the figure of the purple jungle prince who had returned to the jungle, An Xin whispered to himself. The ID name above the prince's head.


This is the summoner ID of the main jungler of the Fate team.

Perhaps few people would have been too impressed by this player before, but at least after today's battle, this ID name is destined to be remembered by many people.

"A Moon, a Star——"

After chanting softly, the girl suddenly smiled:

"This pair of midfielders and midfielders is indeed a good match."

Moon is the month.

And Star is a star.

Perhaps not many people would pay attention to it without being reminded, but once reminded, they will quickly discover that it turns out that the midfielder and jungler of the Fate team have such a tacit understanding in their ID names, as if they are invisibly foreshadowing a future. Kinds of mutual companionship.

But at this time, Zeng Ruike had no intention of discussing the name tacit understanding with An Xin next to him. At this moment, his face was full of shock:

"So fast--"

It's really fast.

The prince's EQ flashes. If you want to forcibly predict the location of the opponent's flash and achieve successful flying control, it is already an extremely difficult operation.

Not to mention that at that moment, the Lord of Shadow Stream, Jie, controlled by Lin Feng, did not even flash and escape in a straight line. Instead, he had calculated in advance that the opponent might follow up with an EQ flash and deliberately made a diagonal movement. flash.

But the prince's EQ flash still followed.

The same instantaneous ramp phase transition.

Perfect flying.

Therefore, a more shocking conclusion can be drawn here——

"It's not a prediction..."

Zeng Rui, who had completely figured out the joints, felt that the nerves in his forehead were beating suddenly, and he murmured almost *likely:

"This is--"

"Is it purely a matter of reaction and hand speed?"

Here's an update. I just got back from a business trip. Let Abu and I take a nap first. . . I set my alarm clock early in the morning and got up to write words to pay off my debt. .

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