
Chapter 1830 Motion

? In the center of Manchester city center, the World Electrical Association branch building.

Everyone in the conference room was seated. After the silence fell, the only voice heard was the voice of Vice Chairman Martin, who was the host of the conference. It sounded as if without emotion:

"According to the stipulated charter, the standing meeting cycle of the Honorary Advisory Group is once a year, at the end of each year——"

Having said this, the old man pushed up his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, raised his eyes and looked at the legends on the conference table, with a bit of dissatisfaction in his eyes:

"Of course, in the past few years, basically none of them has been successfully held."

All the legends at the conference table, especially the honorary advisors, couldn't help but cough twice, feeling a little embarrassed.


This is their own problem.

Just as the Vice Chairman Martin in front of him said, although they are honorary advisers with respected status, the seven of them have basically never really performed their duties and obligations - even this annual executive meeting , and everyone has never seen the dragon before it comes to an end. The World Electronics Association has spent countless efforts but failed to contact them...

In other words, they just disappear as soon as they arrive at the meeting.

The dissatisfaction expressed by Martin is also reasonable, because on the one hand, this old man has a rigid character who attaches great importance to rules and regulations and is extremely rigorous. He cannot stand anyone's "neglect of duty" or disrespectful attitude towards the rules. On the other hand...

In the past few years, he, the executive vice chairman of the headquarters, has been in charge of the executive meetings of this honorary advisory group.

It is tantamount to say that they, the honorary advisers, have directly disgraced this respected old man.

It just happened that I was mentioned to someone’s face right now...

It's really embarrassing.

However, Number 1 smiled and answered: "Sorry, Xiao Wu and I were on our honeymoon at this time last year, and we didn't have time to get back in a while -"

He easily found a high-sounding reason for himself.

But what he got in return was a cold look from the old man:

"So what Mr. 001 means is that in the past many years, your wife and you have been on honeymoon every year?"

No. 1’s smile is as warm as the spring breeze:

"The young couple has a good relationship.

I have to come here once every year to laugh and laugh..."

The other legends at the conference table couldn't help but their foreheads were covered with black lines after hearing this. They had never seen such shameless people before, and they were so shameless that they could talk nonsense without changing their expressions.

Number 5 next to him couldn't help but feel ashamed and embarrassed after hearing this, and pulled his fiancé. Number 4, whose head was as big as a bucket, quickly whispered in Number 1's ear:

"Just say a few words less..."

The old man sitting at the head of the table was obviously frosty on his face after hearing this, and he gave Number 1 a sharp look:

"Sir 001, this is not a place for joking."

"Please restrain yourself."

No. 1 shrugged and spread his hands to express receipt.

Li Dozai, who was sitting across from him, had already begun to sneer, happy to see his old enemy's stupid move to anger the Vice Chairman of the World Electrical Association Headquarters so foolishly.

But on this side of the long table, J seemed to notice something. He frowned slightly and whispered to Crow beside him:

"It doesn't feel right..."


They have enough familiarity with Number One.

Knowing that this person can become the absolute number one among the many legends of their previous generation, he has never been a stupid person, but facing the current situation and the carefully designed plan of these people , but he actually took the initiative to provoke Martin Bode, who had the absolute dominance and decision-making power in this meeting, as if he was so relaxed and casual, even "without knowing whether to live or die"...

This kind of behavior makes people feel that something is wrong no matter how they think about it.

Something went wrong.

There must be a demon.

Crow's eyes flickered when he heard this, and he looked deeply at No. 1:

"Let him be."

"Next... let's see if he can still laugh."

After the topic was slightly interrupted by No. 1, it finally came back again.

Martin's eyes swept across the people at the conference table again, and he continued to speak in a flat and emotionless tone:

"So this meeting is not an executive meeting."

"It is a special meeting initiated by a motion proposed by Mr. Crow, the third seat on the Honorary Advisory Panel."

"According to the relevant charter of the Electric Power Association Headquarters, the honorary advisors with the top three seats in the honorary advisory group have the privilege of initiating one motion every year. Therefore, this special meeting was authorized to confirm that all seven advisors were present and none were absent. The host was Martin. ·Bode, after the meeting begins, all motion topics will be recorded by six cameras in the conference room, and will eventually be sent back to the headquarters for archiving and handed over to Chairman Lance for final review.”


After narrating all the starting declarations for the meeting, Martin paused again and looked around:

"Everyone, do you have any objections?"

All the legends present shook their heads.

Martin nodded:

"Then the meeting has officially begun. Everyone has received a copy of today's motion document. It contains all the motion items and specific contents proposed by Mr. Crow. We will discuss and resolve them one by one."

"First of all, please open the file and turn to the second page."

Then there was the sound of turning pages of materials.

The text on the second page of the material has been translated into Chinese, Korean and English, clearly visible to everyone.

The title of the first motion is extremely eye-catching.


Somewhat dazzling——

"Proposal to change the charter of the "League of Legends Professional E-Sports Continental League" project."

Seeing this title, several legends from the previous generation in Europe, as well as Lee Do-jae and M, did not react strongly. They probably had expected and prepared for it. Only M showed a slightly wry smile.

Sitting on this side of the conference table, even Bullet and No. 1 could not help but have their eyelids twitch slightly.

At the same time, Martin's voice sounded calmly and emotionlessly again:

"According to Lord Crow's first motion, it is aimed at some of the arrangements for the 'Intercontinental Tournament' project that was proposed by Lord 001 in conjunction with the China E-Sports Association Headquarters a few months ago and reviewed and approved by the World E-Sports Association."

"The specific rules and regulations of the competition remain unchanged."

"But we object to the selection and arrangement of the venue and organizer."

"The proposed change is to change the organizer of the intercontinental competition from the China Electricity Association to the European Electricity Association, and change the venue from Shanghai, China to Paris, France."

"The text below the title is the argumentative material prepared and provided by Lord Crow. You can read it carefully."

Snapped! ——

A sound was heard.

But No. 3 directly threw the stack of documents in his hand on the conference table:

"What else are you looking at?"

"You can play such a dirty game, damn crow, you have a lot of time to do it--"

It is indeed rare to see No. 3, who is usually cynical and seems to not care about anything, to be so angry. At this moment, the former's eyes are sharp and cold like a sword towards the end of the long table. Crow shot away, with a sneer on his lips:

"I thought I knew you well enough."

"I didn't expect that——"

"The most dignified man of the past generation in Europe, he really doesn't have any shame when he is shameless."

The update is here. The next chapter should be around 9:30. I have to go to Shanghai on a business trip at the moment. I will arrive at the hotel at 8:30 and start typing on the train.

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