
Chapter 1829 The beginning of the meeting

After a brief greeting with all the legends of the past generation present, Martin walked to the long conference table, casually pulled out his seat at the center, then put his bowler hat down in front of the table, then raised his head and looked at The legends nodded slightly in greeting:

"Everyone, please take a seat."

So the legends once again leaned over and sat down one after another.

After everyone was seated, the staff of the Electrical Association who had just filed in and distributed documents and materials quickly left and quietly closed the door of the conference room, and the atmosphere in the room became quiet.

Martin, who was sitting at the table, took out a pair of gold-threaded reading glasses from his arms and put them on. He raised his head and looked at the legends present through the thick lenses. When the gaze with indifferent scrutiny swept across However, everyone was slightly solemn subconsciously.

Martin spoke slowly and in a calm tone:

"Today...is a special meeting of the seven-member honorary advisory group at the World Electricity Association Headquarters."

"As the executive vice chairman of the headquarters, I accepted the assignment from Chairman Lance to be responsible for presiding over this meeting."

All the legends present bowed their heads slightly again to express their gratitude.

The old man's eyes swept across the people at the table again, especially for a moment on Arrow, Shiled and Ghost, as well as Numbers 2, 3 and 4, and then slowly spoke:

"This meeting, including the chairperson, should be attended by eight people."

"Actually... fourteen people."

Martin's tone turned slightly harsh, and the expression on his face became more rigid:

"According to the regulations of the Electric Power Association Headquarters, this is naturally not allowed."

"The confidentiality level of the meeting of the Honorary Advisory Group should be at the K1 level, which is equivalent to the executive meeting of the Presidium of the World Electric Association Headquarters - only the seven people present who hold the title of Honorary Advisor are eligible to attend."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the legends present changed slightly. For example, Arrow and Shield, who had never held the title of honorary advisor, felt a little awkward and embarrassed.

On the side of No. 1 and the others, No. 2's expression did not change at all, and No. 3 sitting next to him was playing with a coin as if he was not even aware of it.

Observe everyone's reactions and attitudes,

Martin still had that rigid and serious expression, but the conversation changed slightly at this time:


“Considering that in addition to the seven honorary consultants, the other six Excellencies are also on the Hall of Fame list assessed by the World Electric Association Headquarters, and each has sufficient outstanding resume and achievements, so after discussions between myself and Chairman Lance, We will make an exception to grant a few people the right to attend.”

"But please note that you can only observe and not speak during the next meeting, otherwise you will be asked to leave the conference room."

Still maintaining a meticulous and strict tone, when the old man said the last sentence, he raised his head again and scanned everyone present with a rather stern gaze. The warning was self-evident.

Sitting aside, No. 4 smiled and applauded the old man at the head to express his gratitude:

"Thank you, Lord Martin, and Chairman Lance for your generosity."

At the end of the long table on the other side, Arrow, Shield and others who heard these words also breathed a sigh of relief. The former spoke directly and eagerly:

"Thank you very much!"

"It's enough to just sit in and watch. It's just right. You can see with your own eyes how some people here will humiliate themselves later!"

There was undisguised excitement and provocation in his tone.

The expression on No. 1's face was calm and unchanged.

At this time, Martin frowned and looked at Arrow with displeasure and stern eyes:

"Sir Arrow."

"I think I should make my meaning clear."

"If you keep acting like this and can't stay quiet, then maybe I need to have someone ask you out."

Arrow was caught off guard and was stunned for a moment, then he was speechless: "I, I...I'm sorry——"

He sat back down somewhat dejectedly.

No. 3 here showed a gloating expression on his face, and whispered to Bullet next to him: "Hey, this guy's brain is really hard to use..."

Bullet's tone was cold and concise:


Arrow's face at the other end of the long table suddenly turned red with anger. He reached out to point at No. 3 and Bullet, but was stopped in time by J beside him, so he could only endure it.

And Martin also looked at No. 3 and Bullet with a majestic look:

"Then...please be quiet."

"The meeting begins."

Hilton Hotel, in a room booked by SSK Club.

The rare relaxed atmosphere continues to be maintained between the team club's mid laner captain and the young general manager.

There was still a while before the review meeting, but the conversation between the two continued. Park Chanyeol sat comfortably on the soft sofa, picked up an orange from the fruit plate on the coffee table in front of him, put it in his hand, and tossed it around. laid back:

"You just asked why I don't think favorably of senior Daozai and his friends. It's actually a very simple reason."

"To put it more vaguely, it's just my own intuition that something is wrong."

"If there is a specific reason——"

"I have already told you about the first point. Because of this incident, Senior Daozai was too impatient. When facing the 'one' of the previous generation in China, he was too dominated by his subjective emotions of longing for revenge. You have the upper hand, and when facing the 'that one' in China, if you are not able to maintain enough calmness and composure to make a thorough enough layout, even a little oversight... may make you think you have succeeded. At that moment, everything was reversed."

"As for the other point..."

Having said this, Park Chanyeol paused, playing with the orange in his hand, but his eyes narrowed slightly:

"I just never think that joining forces with the European guy is a good choice."

Han Shihao frowned:

"That Crow?"

"But I heard that the one in Europe has always been said to be invincible in his ability to calculate and plan."

"If you don't have absolute certainty, it would be impossible for that person to take action easily. But once you take action, you can basically guarantee success."

Park Chanyeol laughed when he heard this:


"But in my opinion, although the European guy's ID is called 'Crow', he is not as suitable as 'Madman' - if you join forces with him, you never know whether he will drag you into trouble."

"Also, when have you ever heard that 'that one' in China suffered a loss in an entire generation?"

This question left Han Shihao speechless. After a long while, he slowly spoke:

“So, your evaluation of ‘that person’ in China turns out to be so high.”

Park Chanyeol nodded, but then shook his head:

"Among all the legends and seniors of the previous generation, indeed, only China's 'that one' is an existence that I truly respect and even fear. To put it bluntly, even if Senior Dozai and Senior M are different from each other, Compared to that, they are even inferior.”

"But I don't think China's 'one' is really invincible."

"It's just that... we shouldn't go through the method that Senior Daozai and his friends have chosen now, because there can be more other ways to slowly and long-term plan——"

After another pause, the young SSK club general manager gave his final conclusion:

"If it were me, I would choose Xu Tuzhi."

"The method of boiling a frog in warm water may be slower, but it is more stable and does not bear too much risk."

"And what Senior Daozai and his friends did..."

"Too urgent. "

"It also pushes people too hard."

"Rabbits will bite when pushed, let alone those in China? If things don't work out this time, I think the price they will have to pay may be even heavier than what they originally hoped to gain."

Han Shihao was slightly shocked when he heard:

"Senior, what exactly do they plan to do?"

Park Chanyeol's tone was meaningful:

"If you saw the specific content of the proposal they prepared this time, you would understand."

The update is here. If there is one, the next chapter will be around 12 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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