
Chapter 1787 It’s doable!

Almost everyone who has played the hero Syndra knows that the Dark Head has extremely powerful online suppression in the early stages of the laning, especially after reaching level 6 and learning the ultimate move, a set of combo skills. Even without [Ignite], the damage is enough to kill someone instantly.

But Syndra's skill casting order is also very particular.

The "energy pour" of your ultimate move is not something you can use casually.

The damage of the Dark Leader's ultimate move has a range, which is not completely fixed. In addition to the magic power of the equipment, the damage level also depends more on the number of energy orbs accumulated before Syndra's ultimate move is cast.

If you open it directly, then Syndra only has the passive ability of three dark orbs. Although the damage of the three dark orbs thrown is not low, it is not fatal enough.

If you use the Q skill on the ground to save an extra ball in advance, the damage of the ultimate move will be higher.

If you save two more, you will get more.

Even if you have enough CD reduction when Syndra's equipment is formed in the middle and late stages, and the number of passive orbs is stacked to more, the damage of the ultimate move will naturally be more terrifying and explosive.

Therefore, Syndra players who normally play some games will always choose to throw out all the common skills of QWE when launching a set of skill combos, accumulate enough magic balls, and then use the final big move to finish. The maximum amount of output damage.

No matter what happens, you should use Q first. Even if Q misses the target, the ultimate move with four magic balls will always do more damage.

Almost everyone knows this.

Not to mention if you are a professional mid laner.


He is a top Seven Kings expert at the level of Dawn Morning Star.

It is precisely because of this that at this moment, the blue side mid laner Syndra, controlled by Dawnstar in the middle of Summoner's Rift, suddenly launched a strong attack. All the people gathered in front of the viewing screen in the training room and outside saw the OB screen. This scene makes him so stunned.

Just this flash of forceful cutting is enough to make people's minds unable to react.

In this wave, even if Olaf is already on his way, it will be difficult for your midfielder to cooperate and kill a time assassin who is positioned behind him.

[Flash] It was a bit too hasty to hand it over.

But before such thoughts could even stay in his mind for too long, Dawn Morning Star's next move made almost everyone in the audience almost pop their eyes out in shock.

Syndra flashed to the ground and swung her hand wide! ?

What the hell kind of operation is this! ?

Many people are just like Su Xue. The first reaction in their minds is that the Dawn Star made a mistake!

Serious mistake!

Even if you want to force the attack first, you should use QE's second attack to try to control it, or no matter what, if you want to do full damage, you should save the ultimate for last.

It is obvious that only rookie players who have just come into contact with the hero Syndra can do this kind of operation by directly throwing the big move naked! ?

Is Dawn Morning Star too impatient?

Did you make a mistake in a hurry that ordinary players would never make?

Such thoughts suddenly flashed through many people's minds, and also made many people who supported Team God feel their hearts sink.

An operational error is the second most important thing.

The more important point is, through such an extremely unnecessary mistake, does it mean that the No. 1 mid laner in the LPL region actually faced the strongest being in the world at the beginning of this training match? ...and have lost the calm mentality that he should have.

If the situation is already in disarray at this time, then even if this battle has just begun, the ending will almost be known without having to look further.

That's what most people think.


There are a few who are not.

It’s not that they have a better understanding of Dawnstar’s strength.

But because...

They themselves are stronger.

Perhaps it is not as good as someone and An Xin who directly came to a certain conclusion at the earliest moment, but at this moment, among the spectators in the training room, both Phoenix and Spoon, who are the kings of Europe, , or Autumn and Moon from the Yonko on the other side not far away, the pupils in their eyes suddenly shrank, and they suddenly showed shocked expressions!

This wave——

Got it!

Accompanied by a series of roars and explosions, three black spheres formed a line in mid-air and shot towards the target Time Assassin, slamming into Ike's chest!

Bang bang bang! ! ! ——

A period of damage detonates.

It was indeed objective, but it was far from enough to complete the kill. After the detonation, the three energy spheres fell from mid-air and scattered on the ground.

Just at this moment.

It can be seen that the purple side's mid laner Ike seems to be trying his best to escape diagonally forward under Han Shihao's operation, instead of running straight down the tower, as if he is trying to avoid something.

Then the next second, the question was answered.

The movement and tapping operations on the mouse and keyboard are still as rapid as a shower and never stop.

The moment the big move was launched, the opponent was given almost no time to react and escape. Dawn Morning Star tapped the E skill key on the keyboard like lightning!

"The weak retreat"!

The Dark Head of State Syndra raised his slender arms forward.

Like an invisible command.

The three black spheres on the ground suddenly seemed to be pushed by an invisible force and shot forward like lightning!

Finally, at this moment, more people in the audience reacted, and exclamations of shock, disbelief, or ecstasy rang out like a cauldron——


"Damn! So that's it!"

It is not a regular QE second company. The "Weak Retreat" shot at this moment is combined with the black light ball scattered on the ground by Syndra's ultimate move. It is like a goddess scattering flowers and shooting forward a huge fan shape. zone!

Within the sector range.

The target's time assassin...has no way to move or hide!


Your Ekko Flash hasn't cooled down yet.

It's still a little short of level 6.

What to run away with! ?

Suddenly, Ike's figure firmly ate the black light ball that was pushed from behind, and was directly knocked back and stunned, unable to move in place. The blue Fangzhong Danxin under the control of Dawn Morning Star Della quickly chased and followed up, and the combo of flat A, [ignite], then Q, then W, poured out like clouds and flowing water!

Another wave of shocking output damage!

But even so, it seems that it is still not enough to directly kill Ike.


With Olaf's entrance.


The voice channel in the blue team suddenly sounded the loud shouts of the God jungler, as if he had been holding back and endured for a long time and finally burst out at this moment without any need to hold back anymore!

The figure of the Berserker Olaf strode out of the grass at the river crossing on the right side of the center!

Directly use the Q skill "Countercurrent Throw"!

The rotating ax swung towards the target Ike who was unable to dodge on the spot!

slow down!

A period of blood loss!

The next moment, with a burst of bright golden light, and the whole audience was shaking and screaming again, Olaf suddenly appeared and rushed forward!


Pick up the ax!

Flat A then E!

Q again!

Coupled with Syndra's flat A and ignition damage, Ekko's blood volume was directly harvested and returned to zero!

"You-have--an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)!"

The system female voice's kill announcement suddenly sounded in the middle.

Dawn Morning Star in front of the computer screen seemed to still have a calm and calm expression, but the fire in his eyes was completely boiling at this moment:



The update is here. The next chapter is after eleven o'clock. Today is another day of overtime work. I fell asleep in the car when I got home.

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