
Chapter 1786 What operation! ?

Just before this moment, many of the spectators supporting the blue God team were in quite complicated moods.

Because on the one hand, they saw Wolf controlling Eye of Twilight in the top lane of Summoner's Rift to perform a stunning single-kill operation, directly destroying the little advantage that Gnar had managed to establish on God's side in the early stage. Destroyed and shattered, and anxiously complaining about the inaction of God’s jungler Olaf——

Yes, you, Olaf, should lead some rhythm in the early stage.

Even if you can't find an opportunity, you should still provide some support to your teammates. No matter what, you can't just watch the situation tilt towards the opposite side.

On the other hand, they also knew that Olaf could not be blamed for this.

Just like the first wave of kills on the top lane, Mafa's jungler nightmare on the opposite side didn't even make a move. He just calmly brushed and developed in the jungle. It was completely a solo kill caused by the difference in strength between the previous players. Olaf also had difficulty finding opportunities. Go help.

As for the bottom lane, the ADC Obama of Huangxue Yege on the blue side also played aggressively and strongly, pushing troops to press the line. This made Olaf unable to find a gank opportunity in the bottom lane. If he wanted to do more anti-crouching, It's useless. It's impossible to wait for other people's nightmares.

The only one with any chance seems to be the middle lane.

After all, Olaf's level 2 gank in the early stage was based on the summoner skill [Flash] of Han Shihao's mid laner Ekko. If you want to catch people, the mid lane without flash is naturally the most ideal choice.

But the problem is...

The manipulator of Ike is Han Shihao.

With the world's No. 1 mid laner's personal laning strength and perfect awareness of gank prevention, it is really difficult for Olaf to have a second chance to succeed in a sneak attack.

Therefore, this reality makes the players and players who support the God team feel even more miserable and unable to speak out——

Anyway, there seems to be no solution.

But could it be that this highly anticipated training match was going to end at such a pace?

On God's side... there will be no hope so soon?

And just when almost everyone was thinking so pessimistically, the blue army on the field,

Finally, there was a second action.

Jungler Olaf pounced towards the middle again.

Capture Ike by force.

When such a scene fell into their eyes, it immediately caused people to exclaim one after another inside and outside the training room. Many people were immediately in high spirits and showed unstoppable expressions of hope, but many more people began to shake their heads directly.


Yes, they can see that in this wave Olaf finally chose to actively initiate gank roaming again.

Very decisive.

And knowing that this wave should be the most likely gank opportunity for their blue side army to succeed in the early stage, Shen must go home if he is dissatisfied with his condition, and jungler Nightmare and mid laner Ekko still lack some experience before they can reach level 6.

This is the time of Olaf's last shot in the early stage.

But the problem is-

At this time, the purple side's mid laner Ekko was obviously extremely cautious. With Han Shihao's always casual and uninhibited play style, he actually carefully chose to control the line at this time, and his position was even more careful to stay behind the shooting range of his own defense tower. Range edge.

This position makes it impossible for Olaf to perform a gank around the back like the previous wave.

There is no right angle.

Moreover, Olaf does not have the ability to control and retain people. Even if the mid laner Syndra has a QE double combo in his hand, it is still easy to be avoided by Ekko's reaction - especially considering the world's No. 1 on the opposite side. The mid laner responds to the hand speed of the operation.

"No way."

There are already experienced and discerning players watching the game shaking their heads and giving such evaluation conclusions.

And even the two European kings who were as powerful as Autumn or Moon, as well as Phoenix and Spoon, who had never witnessed the simulated training situation of the two God team and Lin Feng and others last night, could not help but feel... Shake his head slightly.

There are only two people——

Lin Feng, who was in the front row of the crowd, narrowed his eyes slightly subconsciously.

An Xin, who was holding Tang Bingyao's arm beside her, had a bright light in her eyes.

Almost at the same time.

The two of them said something from their mouths as if talking to themselves:


At this moment, Wolf from the purple side SSK team on the top lane was controlling the Eye of Twilight Shen who had obtained first blood and was preparing to return to the city.

It was Ray in the bottom lane who continued to face off against Huangxue Yege calmly and at the same time, while happily sending endless praises to his fellow top laner on his team's voice channel.

It was the jungler Mafa who controlled his own nightmare to collect the stone monsters in the upper half of the jungle, and then judged the possible whereabouts of the opponent's blue jungler Olaf, and casually gave a reminder to his mid laner teammate in a very natural way. :

"Olav is probably around the middle."

But even if he said this, Mafa himself didn't feel the need to be too vigilant.

Han Shihao nodded slightly and had already controlled his time assassin to prepare to retreat slightly. When the corner of his eye swept through the grass at the river entrance on the right side of the middle road, the ward he had just placed in advance happened to have illuminated the figure of Olaf on the opposite side.


It's too late.

He had already made a final conclusion in his mind about Olaf's intention of action, and at this moment, a bright and dazzling golden light suddenly exploded in front of Han Shihao's eyes!

It also allowed the top laner in the world, the leader of the Yonko, to be in the top lane for the first time in this training match... It can even be said that it was the first time in the entire season this year——

The pupils in his eyes suddenly narrowed for a moment.


The crisp tapping sound of the keys suddenly exploded like a torrential rain!

It was almost too late for everyone to react. In the mid lane seat on the blue side of the field, the figure in front of the computer screen suddenly exploded with operations at a scalp-numbing speed!

Summoner skill key pressed!


Accompanied by a burst of bright golden light, on the route in the Summoner's Rift, the figure of the blue square midfielder Syndra moved forward and rushed forward like lightning!

There was a sudden sensation in the crowd watching the game!

Almost everyone's eyes suddenly widened!

This is……

Directly flash and force open! ?

Although Olaf is about to be in position, he is not even fully in position, and there is no way to surround him like last time. In this case, the success rate of gank kills is too low, and this Syndra ...How dare you brazenly hand over [Flash] in this situation! ?

And everything seemed to happen in a blink of an eye and exceeded everyone's expectations.

The moment Syndra landed in a flash.

The movement and tapping operations of the mouse and keyboard in front of Dawn Morning Star suddenly exploded to the extreme!

Big move.

"Energy pouring"!

Suddenly, several black orbs floated in mid-air and formed a line, roaring towards the target Time Assassin and blasting away!

A series of roaring sounds passed through the extremely effective external amplifier in the training room, and vibrated directly to everyone's eardrums like the heaviest subwoofer!

It also shook everyone's minds to the point of going blank!


Give it directly to the big one! ?

In the corridor outside the training room, there was an explosion of incredible exclamations all around, and Su Xue in the front row of the crowd was even more stunned:

"What...what operation is this!?"

Here's an update. I had a meeting for about 12 hours today. . . Everyone was confused.

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