
Chapter 1759 Little Book

The atmosphere in the training room was quiet late at night, with only the rustling sound of writing coming from the notepad.

In response to Lin Feng's inquiry, No. 4 did not give an immediate answer. Instead, he continued to concentrate on writing something in his small notebook with a pen. From time to time, he stopped and frowned as if thinking about something, and then continued to write. .

Lin Feng next to him didn't take it seriously either. Instead of urging him, he waited patiently.

He knew that his question was not so simple that he could answer it in two sentences.

Because in the question he asked, the identity and strength of the object of comparison and reference were unusual.


It is not easy for anyone to compare with the world's number one mid laner from the SSK team.

Lin Feng also understood this matter very clearly. Among all the people he knew, only Senior No. 4 in front of him could give him truly powerful help.

Among the five legendary members of the previous generation team, Number 4 may be at the bottom in terms of personal strength, but in terms of data analysis capabilities, he is the well-deserved number one.

In today's new generation of professional e-sports circles, the one who is recognized as the best in this aspect is undoubtedly Autumn, the world's number one assistant of the North American Season team. Assistants like Zeng Rui who highly value calculation and analysis capabilities Players regard him as an idol.

But if compared with No. 4...

Even Autumn, who is as powerful as the second-ranked Yonko, can only respectfully call himself "junior".

Finally, as if he had finished the "work" at hand, No. 4 stopped writing, and Lin Feng immediately raised his head and looked at the senior in front of him again:

"How about it?"

Number 4 still frowned and thought for a while, adjusted the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and finally gave the answer:

"Two solos, just a rough look."

"In the next three solo queue games, I asked you to use Syndra, Ryze and Dragon King respectively, because these are also the three that the little guy named Han from SSK has used the most in the LCK league and his own solo queue training in the past six months. A hero."


I just asked someone to choose the mid lane hero that played three times.

It was not a random move at all.

We are also preparing more reliable and detailed data for current analysis and summary.

Speaking of this, No. 4 paused for a moment:


"Basically, we can draw a statistical conclusion based on the data."

Lin Feng listened carefully and did not interrupt.

Number 4 took another look at someone: "In the three solo queue games, the proficiency of your heroes is very good. The number of last hits in the early stage, the 10-minute economic data, and the 15-minute economic lead against each other. The lane vision control data, roaming gank frequency and success rate, and the number of kills on the lane - they are basically close to perfect. "

"Really excellent statistical results."

In the concept of most ordinary League of Legends gamers, it is just simple KDA or damage output data, but at this moment, the notepad in No. 4's hand has been detailed to a level comparable to the data analysis library of the coaching staff of a top team club. , and even the items listed should be more targeted and precise.

And it is extremely rare to get such recognition and evaluation from No. 4.

All data are close to perfect...

That is indeed a height that can only be reached by those who are in the stable realm of the Four Emperors.

However, Lin Feng himself had already prepared for such data evaluation, so he was not at all satisfied or happy, because what he really cared about was not at all:


Someone looked at No. 4 and repeated the previous question again:

"How much difference?"

This question caused a rare look of hesitation on No. 4's face. After a while, he shook his head and sighed:

"It is true that your current state has recovered very well. Perhaps your personal operation ability is still a little inferior to that of back then, but at least in terms of overall performance, it has caught up to or even surpassed what it was back then."


Speaking of this, No. 4 also paused, as if considering his words:

"What if, regardless of the strength level of other professional players, we simply use the little guy named Han from SSK as the only reference for the scoring data."

"Ten points out of ten."

"His rating is 9.5."

"You only have 6."

The atmosphere in the training room suddenly became silent again.

Lin Feng's eyes dropped, and the expression on his face didn't seem to change much. He just nodded after a moment of silence:

"Is it 3.5 short?"

"Indeed... there is a bit of a disparity."

One is just passing, but the other... is really close to perfect.

If we think of the S1 season that year, when both of them were equally at the top of the pyramid, the disparity at this moment would make people feel even more complicated and heavy, leaving them speechless.

No. 4 sighed: "Don't blame yourself too much. The main reason is that you have been idle for too long in the past few years, but that little guy named Han... is always moving forward. No. 2 and I also talked a while ago After this incident, that boy from SSK may have surpassed the level of most of our generation in the previous generation.”

Lin Feng nodded after hearing this, his expression still calm:

"I know."

"So...I need to make up for the wasted time faster."

As if he was just stating a trivial fact, someone's eyes were already looking at the senior in front of him again:

"I need your help, senior."

At the level of personal strength, improvement and breakthroughs can only be made by yourself, but at least in some other aspects, you can try to use a little help.

And the person standing in front of someone at this moment happens to be the most ideal and suitable candidate.

As if he had expected Lin Feng's request, No. 4 did not show any surprise on his face and just nodded:

"If you have the determination."

"I will definitely help with whatever I can do."

This was not an empty promise. As he spoke, No. 4 had already taken out a small object from his pocket.

That's a portable hard drive.

Instructing someone to pull the chair aside, No. 4 leaned down and plugged the hard drive's data cable into the computer's host USB port. He stood up, held the mouse and moved it quickly on the computer's screen and desktop a few times.

The content storage window of the mobile hard disk pops up.

A large number of dense folders suddenly came into view, almost making people dizzy, and soon No. 4 continued to move the mouse to select one of the folders marked "SSK" and double-clicked it.


Another page full of video file icons appears.

At this time, even Lin Feng had expected and prepared for a long time, but he couldn't help but his eyes widened and he was speechless:

"Senior, you are also——"

"Isn't that too exaggerated?"

Anyone who comes over and sees the densely packed files and information in this mobile hard drive, especially the names marked with notes on each folder, will probably be shocked to the point of losing their voice on the spot.

Because of the weight of this mobile hard drive...

If it were thrown out hastily, it would cause a violent earthquake in the entire world of professional e-sports circles.

However, No. 4 seemed to be used to it, and just adjusted his glasses calmly:

"Do you think my little notebook... is really just a notebook?"

The update is here, and it’s done in the third update. It’s a pity that EDG actually lost to TL, but congratulations to the team for qualifying!

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