
Chapter 1758 How much difference?

For Lin Feng, tonight is also the first time after many years that he will compete with his senior No. 4 again.

Even if the first game was a bit lax and resulted in a defeat, which made people feel a little frustrated and depressed, there was no doubt that it was rewarding.

Compared with other seniors, Senior No. 4 may indeed be inferior in terms of personal operation ability, but in terms of precise control of various laning rhythms, skill casting, and distance positions, he is almost watertight. .

In this regard, Lin Feng even felt that even Xiao Wu, who had the most fluent and unbreakable fighting style among the seniors, might not be able to do better than the senior No. 4 in front of him.

This kind of competition can help him learn more things.

So after two solo games, someone has been completely inspired to be competitive and fighting spirit.

Unexpectedly, he was about to take the initiative to invite a third game, but was flatly rejected by No. 4:

"not coming."

Someone is in a daze.

But then No. 4 looked calm and composed:

"Two games are almost enough. We have seen almost the same things that need to be seen. It is exactly 1 to 1, so let's consider it a tie and we can jump to the next link -"

When these words came out of his mouth, it was like a person with a calm face and a calm heart.

Someone: "..."

This is really a mouthful of old blood that was so tight in the chest that it almost didn't spurt out.

After many years.

Senior No. 4’s magnanimity is still there.


He has obviously become more cheeky.

Although he was a little reluctant, in the end someone was depressed and obeyed the arrangement of Senior No. 4, turned off the customized solo room interface, and directly started the next stage of personal solo queue.

"Does the hero have any requirements?"

Entering a single-row battle room, Lin Feng turned his head and glanced at Senior No. 4.

No. 4, who had already walked up to someone, had the small notepad appear in his hand again.

He opened it and flipped through two pages as if at random, nodding:

"Let's play with Syndra."

The current T1 level mid laner hero is also an AP mage with extremely strong and violent online abilities.

Lin Feng naturally had no objection at all:


A hand of Dark Leader was locked in seconds, and then someone looked at the card master selected by the purple passerby in the middle, and his eyes were obviously filled with murderous intent.

The solo just now... was a bit frustrating.

Just right now.

It gave him a place to vent.

A high-end European solo queue game.

The game came to an end only at the 24th minute of the game, and even the opponent's purple army directly initiated a vote to surrender at the end.

This kind of situation is very rare in the high-end European server puberty game, because unlike the hot-tempered and impatient players of the Chinese server puberty, the players on the European server tend to have a gentler or more optimistic personality, even if they encounter disadvantages We can also maintain a good attitude during the situation, encourage each other's teammates to persist until the end, and will not surrender easily and surrender casually.

But of course there are exceptions.

For example, if the disadvantageous situation is too great, it will collapse.

Just like this moment.

He was probably really depressed and angry because of the hasty ending of the previous two solo games. This time, someone who chose Syndra's mid laner was beaten with ferocity and violence.

4 minutes of online solo kill.

Another solo kill in six minutes.

At the 8th minute of the game, the Dark Leader made a wave of roaming ganks in the bottom lane, and the purple jungler Lee Sin from the opposite side just wandered over. As a result, Syndra used a wave of explosive harvest to get a double kill and an assist, and took advantage of the situation to level the opponent. Defend the first-blood tower in the bottom lane and then take down the Fire Dragon.

At 15 minutes, Syndra's performance data was close to super.

High-end European players who always like to play a lukewarm rhythm in the late game rarely encounter such a ferocious early fast attack.

I was immediately stunned.

Exploded through the middle.

A mid lane card master on the purple side had a 15-minute record of 0/4/1, and his last hit didn't even exceed 60 knives.

In 20 minutes, the middle lane went directly to the high ground. When someone's Syndra led his teammates to the lane, they gathered together to destroy the opponent in a wave. When he was about to switch to the Baron, he just waited for the opponent to surrender.

As a result, the ranking of a passer-by high-end game was quickly won like a chopping of melons and vegetables.

After finishing the rankings, Lin Feng turned to look at No. 4 standing next to him. The latter seemed to have just recorded something quickly on the small notepad in his hand. He stopped writing and looked at the final statistics on the computer screen in front of someone. Interface, nod:


"Next time, try playing Ryze."

Lin Feng nodded and obeyed.

Soon the second game of solo queue started, and then ended when the game time was less than 30 minutes.

Two consecutive wins.

This time, the mid-range Rune Mage's performance data was also stable and super-carrying the whole game. It was as if the passer-by-master king of the European server had reached someone in the rankings, and there was no difficulty at all.

In fact, even first-line world-class professional players, or even Seven Kings level experts, may not be able to overwhelm Tailwind's huge advantage when they occasionally play in solo queue. There are even some professional players who are ranked in solo queue as a solo player. Stop in the situation where the diamond cannot rush forward.

But if you reach the realm of the Four Emperors.

This kind of thing is basically impossible to happen.

Not to mention Moon, Phoenix and even F, the top mid laners of the Yonko level, even Autumn in the auxiliary position has also reached the top of the US server champion group many times with his solo queue.

Therefore, a simple two-game winning streak in solo queue was nothing to be happy about for Lin Feng. Number 4 next to him was still just concentrating on writing and recording something on his notepad. When he stopped writing again, he Made new arrangements for someone:

"The next Dragon King."

This model seems a little strange from a training perspective, because it is as if No. 4 just casually gave out a few designated heroes, but actually has other hidden intentions.

Lin Feng nodded again.

The third game begins.

End of Game 3.

This time, the mid laner of the Dragon King is in the hands of someone, and he is still killing everyone in the high-level ranking game of the European server. The early and mid-term roaming ganking ability of the Star Casting Dragon King is fully utilized in the hands of the former, and this If other people who were familiar with Lin Feng saw a solo queue match, they would probably be moved and discolored——

Lin Feng, whom they are familiar with, most often chooses a more offensive and powerful hero in the mid lane position.

But he didn't expect... Dragon King Thor would have such terrifying power when he got it into his hands.

But neither Lin Feng nor No. 4 seemed to care at all.

After all, someone's hero pool has never been shallow since the past S1 season.

After finishing three solo queue games, No. 4 finally nodded:

"That's it."

Lin Feng stopped.

Then he turned to look at senior No. 4 who was still writing and drawing on the notepad:


"How much difference?"

How much is the difference? What we are actually asking is how big the gap is.

And such a question naturally requires an object of comparison and reference.

There is naturally only one person who can make Lin Feng care so much and who is qualified to be compared with him.

In fact, this was the reason why he took the trouble to call the senior in front of him to help him late at night.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. It's a pity that EDG lost this time. Otherwise, they could have won the first place in the group. .

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