
Chapter 1744 Everyone retreats!

In the eSports arena of League of Legends, sometimes before you actually see the opponent's tactics being executed, you may not even think that others would have such routines and responses, but just when you see that tactics being executed, For a moment... you will suddenly realize its power and horror.

Just like Li Shiyi, who was the only spectator in the field at this moment, felt like this.

The first time this wave of team battles broke out, he saw Anxin's jungler Widow on the purple side quietly approaching from the opponent's middle high ground to circle back.

Then there was a wave of extremely fast and powerful cutting moves that forced him to open.

At that moment, he even marveled and subconsciously recognized that the blue side army was going to be completely defeated in this wave of team battles, because even with his vision and strength, he could not imagine such a situation of double-teaming before and after. How else can the Blue Army reverse the comeback?

A very simple truth——

What your blue side army is most afraid of is the jungle widow of your opponent's purple side.

In order to limit the fatal threat that Widow Evelin could pose to their own back row, even the blue army even chose to give up the Baron just now.

Then, when the opponent's Widow Maker once again found an opportunity to cut into the back row, and when he came up to start the group, he directly used the power he could exert to the fullest...

No matter how you think about it, this wave of blue army seems to be about to explode.

Can be biased.

There really were surprises and variables.

The variable lies in the ultimate move of Dawnstar's mid laner Rune Mage.

The twists and turns.


Perhaps even the most daring and unimaginative players or even professional players, faced with such an extremely fierce and perfect team-starter like the purple army at that moment, their brains would go blank for a moment and they would not be able to imagine any way to deal with it. .

Because this is almost a dead end.

But at this moment, when the portal of Rune Mage Ryze's ultimate skill opened on the spot, it directly enveloped several teammates of his blue team.

When another magical blue magnificent teleportation circle suddenly appeared and rose behind several heroes from the purple side below the high ground——

This seemingly unsolvable dead end.

But in the blink of an eye... he was forcibly revitalized in a manner that shocked the entire audience!


Already revitalized!

Li Shiyi didn't even need to look back at the direction of the next wave of team battles, he could already guess the outcome effortlessly.

That's right, your purple side's carefully designed widow's bypass is indeed enough to pose a fatal threat to the opponent's blue side's army, and the angle of the widow's bypass at this point is almost unsolvable and unavoidable.


What you cut is my back row.

But what if everyone in my back row rushed directly to the front row of the battlefield in an instant, or even all of them circled back to your back row?

Your detour is certainly hard to guard against.

But the portal with my ultimate move... can make your widow Evelin completely unable to escape in an instant.

So what should you do?

problem occurs!

At this moment, almost everyone on the Purple Army side had the same thought flashing through their minds.

Everyone's expressions... suddenly changed!

Because they know very well that the most powerful offensive point of their lineup at this time is still the young widow Evelin in the jungle position.

So I just finished pushing the lane transition in the middle lane, and everything is according to plan.

The purpose is to create a perfect entry point for the Widow Maker, and then completely break up the opponent's formation in one fell swoop.

The first mover was indeed opened perfectly by them.

But before it was too late to wait for the subsequent perfect harvest, the situation was reversed in an instant.

Originally, their widow maker made a sharp and decisive cut around the back, catching the opponent off guard.

But now——

When almost all members of the blue army on the opposite side sat directly behind Ryze's portal and circled behind them...

The widow's situation suddenly became extremely embarrassing!

A front-line assassin who circles back.

Now not only is his body exposed, but he has become the back row of his own formation. All the threats he could have posed to the opponent's back row are gone!

But this time, the formation of their purple army was about to become chaotic.

The blue square opposite...

The lineup is tight and neat, and a counterattack will be launched from their back row in the next second!

But at this moment, they were unable to do anything to stop them. Even the mid laner Syndra's second QE hit, which was supposed to be a perfect connection to the Widow's ultimate combo combo, actually took the initiative to send a hit to the opponent. Procedure.

An Xin's jungler Widow quickly cut in and tried to kill one of the opponent's back row heroes in seconds before Ryze's ultimate move was passed away, or at least cripple the opponent's core hero's health, but the opponent's blue Fang Zengrui's assistant Nami had already reacted extremely well. Quickly put a summoner skill [Weakness] on his back glove.

Even if the purple army wanted to disperse and retreat at this time, it was no longer possible.

Because although Ryze's ultimate move "Warp Jump" almost sent all his teammates away from the opponent's jaws, as the caster, the Rune Mage himself...

But stayed.

Staying is not for the sake of breaking up.


To retain people.

Snapped! ! ——

On the blue team's side of the field, the sound of moving and tapping the mouse and keyboard in front of the computer screen on the mid laner's seat suddenly poured out like a torrential rain!

Under the control of the controller, the figure of Rune Mage Ryze flashed forward with a burst of golden light... and rushed forward!

The fire in the eyes of the morning star in front of the computer screen is burning and boiling——

Don't even think about leaving...

Start with EW's second round!

The enhanced W skill "Rune Imprisonment" can directly imprison and control the opposite purple ADC Obama in place!

Take Q, then A!

The combo damage of a set of combos poured out like mercury in an instant. Seraph opened a shield value to support it and directly ate Syndra's backhand big move "Energy Pour", and in The moment before being overwhelmed by the opponent's numerous skill controls——


Zhongya's golden body.

The rune mage's body suddenly turned into a shining statue of pure gold!

And at the same moment...

As Ryze's ultimate move, the portal, was completed, four heroes from the blue side appeared behind the opponent's formation at the same time!

With a roar, Gnar, controlled by Tian Tian, ​​suddenly enlarged and jumped into the field, hitting the back row heroes on the purple side like a cannonball!

The excavator Reksai controlled by Nian Shisan, who could no longer hold back, was one step ahead of his top laner teammate almost the moment he walked out of the portal of Ryze's ultimate move——

Flash W!

The figure of the Void Earth-Escape Beast crashed into the center of the purple phalanx formation like lightning.

A "break out of the ground"!

Perfectly lifted up and controlled the three of them!


Nian Shisan's loud shouts suddenly sounded on the team's voice channel, bringing with it a hearty and refreshing relief!

At the same moment, the figure of the ADC policewoman walked out of the teleportation array.

Huangxue Yege's eyes flashed with cold light:

"Don't even leave."

"It's all mine!"

The update is here. The next chapter will be after 11 o'clock. Ahhhh, I can finally take the time to watch the last RNG game. I'm so excited!

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