
Chapter 1743 The waiting is now

The purple army's tactical thinking has actually been extremely clear from beginning to end and has not changed.

I just watched them get the Baron, group up in the middle and advance to the high ground with a wave of Baron buffs, and then it seemed that they were just relying on two AD heroes like Obama and Jess to stabilize the A tower with the minions, and nothing direct happened. The fierce collision and battle steadily destroyed the high ground in the middle of the blue side, and then switching to the lane seemed to replicate this steady rhythm of pushing towers again——

This will make people subconsciously feel that the purple side army intends to simply rely on the time of the big dragon buff to seize the two highlands of the blue side without any blood, and then naturally take the initiative in the rhythm of the later stages of this confrontation.

But if you really think so...

Just wrong.

Because don't forget, in fact, for the purple army, their initial plan was not to capture the dragon.

Instead, I want to use the Baron as bait to put pressure on the opponent in the terrain area of ​​the river Baron Fjord, forcing the opponent's blue side to come out and hit the dough.

Because in such terrain, their most developed AP assassin Widow Evelin on the purple side can exert the greatest power and effect.


It's a pity that Dawnstar, the decision-maker on the blue side, didn't take the bait.

They would rather let go of the dragon than fulfill the purple side's wish, eliminating the threat of An Xin's jungle widow cutting in while fighting in the wild.

Then go to the purple side army to advance with the big dragon buff in the middle——

In fact, in the terrain in front of this highland, it is indeed difficult for the Widowmaker on the purple side to play the role of an assassin in the back. Not to mention that the blue side made two real wards on the highland. Make sure your vision is safe.

Therefore, when advancing in the middle, the Widow can't find an opportunity, and the purple army just relies on the line of troops to push the tower.



They had no intention of just demolishing the tower peacefully.

After breaking the opponent's middle lane and switching to the high ground, the four members of the Purple Army came to the top lane to lead the lane and continue to advance, but only Anxin's jungle widow Evelin... stayed.

Quietly, he stepped onto the opponent's high ground in the middle.

He even avoided the real-eye view of the blue army on the opposite side, which was lowered on the high ground, and went around a big rear——

With the opponent's true eye's vision range blocked, Evelin had been patiently waiting for an ambush next to the summoning crystal ruins in the middle of the blue square from the beginning.

Just waiting for this opportunity.

When the blue side's highland tower on the road was about to be broken, the widow took action.

Slowly move towards the back row of the opponent's formation.

And when the defense tower collapsed and turned into ruins, and the heroes on the blue side on the high ground were forced to retreat slightly...


It was equivalent to hitting Evelin head-on and outflanking her from behind.


Not just a defensive tower.

Not even just two-way high.

This wave of purple army's ambitions are so great that they don't even want to accompany their opponents to the later stages, but rely on this big dragon buff...

Immediately lock in the final victory!

boom! ——

A large pile of dense stingers of hatred suddenly detonated and exploded in the back row of the blue army's formation!

Like a cold and deadly poisonous flower blooming!

By bypassing the Widow's ultimate move "Painful Embrace", she directly hit and controlled the three heroes of the blue side in the back row. The bodies of ADC policewoman auxiliary Nami and jungler Digger were suddenly penetrated by sharp and deadly stings. Movement speed suddenly plummeted!

A perfect round-the-back interception.

Widow Evelin's ultimate move only delayed the blue army's retreat, disrupted the opponent's formation and position, and immediately gave her teammates a chance to pursue and follow up on the frontal battlefield.

On the blue side, Tidecaller Sameji Nami, who was just an auxiliary, hurriedly backhanded a big move called "Howl of the Raging Waves", setting off layers of waves and sweeping towards the four heroes on the purple side right in front, but this was also It can only help teammates to slow down the opponent's pursuit a little.

And this moment.

The purple side mid laner Syndra, controlled by someone, did not even intend to let his side's pursuit rhythm be disturbed in the slightest.

The golden light suddenly bloomed and exploded!

The figure of the Dark Head suddenly flashed forward and passed through the tsunami of Nami's ultimate move. The moment he landed, QE's second skill raised his hand and shot out like lightning.

"Dark Sphere".

"The weak retreat"!

A black light magic ball suddenly formed on the ground suddenly shot forward as if encountering an invisible force!

Follow this ballistic trajectory.

Syndra's flash of QE's second company is to knock back and stun at least three heroes in the back row of the blue side. Once the combo connection of this control skill catches up, almost this wave of team battles will be The victory is already about to be sealed by the purple side!

At this moment, An Xin also controlled his jungle widow to quickly catch up and follow up.

Originally, the girl held the Summoner skill [Flash] in her hand, because she judged that the jungle excavator on the opposite side was very likely to flash and pop out at the moment she was exposed, and was controlled by the W skill, so she also Already prepared.

However, looking at the current battle situation, it seems that the excavators on the opposite side have too much to take care of themselves.

Then this hand flash may be able to stay for a while.

Used to chase down the policewoman on the opposite side?

Or is it the core output point of the blue side, Ryze?

At this moment, countless possible choices flashed through the girl's mind, but almost the next second, when her eyes swept across the front row of the battle circle, a certain scene captured by her peripheral vision made her unable to stop. The expression on Zhu's face changed slightly:


The girl only had time to send out this urgent warning on her team's voice channel.

Lin Feng also reacted at this moment.

But on the contrary, because his own too fast hand speed could not stop the inertia, the second QE company had already hit the ground at the moment of landing.

And what he saw.

It was almost at the same moment that he flashed past Nami's ultimate move Tsunami.

Ryze, the blue mid laner not far away from the opposite side, retreated and at the same time pulled up a big move called "Warp Jump".

A portal suddenly appeared in the back row of the blue square formation.

Covering all the blue heroes.

Even the blue square top dannar and the jungle excavator, which originally occupied a slightly forward position, were pushed in due to the double knockback effect of Syndra's QE. Inside the portal circle of his teammate Ryze's ultimate move.

The same moment.

Below the high ground, in the back row of the purple square army formation, another magnificent magical blue teleportation circle rose out of the air!

The pupils in someone's eyes suddenly narrowed!

The expressions of Shadow Puppet and Shi Hang, who had come back to their senses, suddenly changed, and Li Shiyi, who was watching the game from the field, was even more shocked and moved!

This wave...

What a miraculous reversal of the situation!

No one expected that such a scene would appear.


Everyone on the blue side actually expected it, because just seconds before the team battle broke out, Dawn Morning Star, their team commander, said something in the team's voice channel.

That sentence is:

"Wait until I turn it up."

"Everyone come in and go around the back together."

Everything happened in a flash of lightning, and it was destined that no one on the Purple Army side had time to stop the change.

In front of the computer screen on the blue side of the field, the flames in the eyes of Dawn Morning Star suddenly burned and boiled!

He said "wait a little longer".


It's now!

An update is coming, the next chapter will be around 9:30, these two days. . My tired eyelids were shaking.

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