
Chapter 1734 No, I have to fight

An Xin's statement is correct.

Indeed, although the lineup of the opponent blue side army is almost unstoppable in the later stage, after all, in the early and mid-term stages, the initiative is still firmly in the hands of the purple side.

Opposite Huang Xue Ye Ge's ADC Policewoman was targeted too badly in the early stage. Although the last hit was still forcibly stabilized by her personal strength, she was still ahead of Tang Bingyao's ADC Obama on the purple side. She wanted to wait until the Policewoman's attack The initial stage of strength requires at least a two-piece suit, and according to the current development speed of the female police officer, it will not be until at least the 20th minute of the game.

Tian Tian's top laner Gnar is also in average development and is not strong enough for the time being. If playing in a team at this time, standing in the front row will not be able to withstand much damage - someone's mid laner Syndra has a set of skills and a big move. You can put it down.

Ryze, the fattest mid laner of Dawnstar, has also not yet reached its true power stage. Even if the damage has already increased, it is quite squishy, ​​but before the stack of Seraphs is full, the team is still squishy, ​​and was defeated by Widow. Cutting is also dangerous.

So having said that—

In the current lineup of the purple side, although most of the head economy only falls on Anxin's jungler Widow Evelin, the widow alone... is enough to help the entire team set the pace. .

Originally, jungle heroes like Evelynn exerted their strength in the early and mid-term.

Now that there is such an unnatural development, it is even more incomprehensible.

Just looking at the wave just now in the bottom lane, Nian Shisan has even calculated the roaming direction of An Xin's jungle widow and counter-crouched in advance, and also asked Dawn Star's mid laner Ryze to open up the bottom lane to bypass and intercept. , and almost gave the widow a forced 1-for-2 to take away a double kill.

This is enough to reflect the terrifying power of the widow at this stage.


To sum it up.

It's just that if the blue army wants to win, it has to slow down the pace in the late stage or even the late stage.

As for the purple side, in the current early and mid-term stages, the widow must be used as a core offensive point to force the advantageous rhythm to quickly expand.

The offensive and defensive tactics of both sides have been quite clearly distinguished.

At the beginning of the 14th minute of the game, the defensive outer tower of the blue square bottom lane was bulldozed and demolished by the opponent's purple square bottom lane ADC Obama, who cooperated with the auxiliary Japanese girl. The duo of Tang Bingyao and Shadow Puppet quickly switched to the middle lane.

Keep pushing forward as a team!


The signal mark was placed in front of the defensive outer tower in the middle lane, and the voice of Dawn Star quickly sounded in the voice channel of his team:

"Come and guard."

This wave must be defended.

Because of the current situation, the upper and lower defensive towers of their blue army have been destroyed. If the outer tower in the middle is lost again, it will directly mean that they will completely lose more than one-third of the map field of view. and the right to push the line.

Although it is said that we have to slow down the pace and try our best to avoid direct combat when the opponent is strong, but when the opponent really wants to be unreasonable and press forward step by step... even as a weak side, he still has to Stand up and stop it.

"You have to keep it."

While agreeing with Dawn Morning Star's statement, Nian Shisan also controlled his jungle excavator to quickly rush to the middle tower for support:

"If the central tower is lost, it will be difficult to defend the next dragon."


In fact, for the same reason, in the mid-term period when the opponent's purple side army is strong, if they only have some ordinary jungle resources, then their blue side will give way to this version. After all, they do not want to have a head-on battle with the opponent. .

But what was very unlucky was that the first little dragon they got on the blue side was of the wind attribute, but the second one that followed was an earth dragon.

No matter whether it is a fire dragon or an earth dragon, it cannot be allowed.

Because if this allows the opponent to get the buff of the next earth dragon, then the purple side army will have a significant improvement in its ability to push the tower or fight the baron. Even with the current development situation of the widow Evelin, the second It is possible to quickly open the baron in ten minutes.

All in all, you have to keep it.

This also made Nian Shisan couldn't help but feel a bit of a toothache. Damn it, if he usually used an offensive jungler, he should be leading the rhythm to put pressure on the opponent, but now the situation is completely reversed. ——

Soon, Huang Xue Ye Ge's ADC policewoman on the blue side and Zeng Rui's assistant Nami rushed to the middle to support.

The top lane heroes of both sides have also rushed to the middle to join their teammates.

Create distance.

A wave of troops was pushed under the blue side's defense tower.

On the purple side, although ADC Obama has short hands, heroes like top laner Jayce or mid laner Syndra have enough long-range poke capabilities.

I'm not in a hurry to force the tower.

Just pin a few people on your blue side under the tower, and then use poke skills from a distance to consume your health.

As long as the skill hits a few times, both the widow and the Japanese girl on my side will have the ability and means to forcefully open under the tower.

In contrast, the blue side army guarding in front of their own tower seems quite passive, because in a lineup like theirs, almost no one has strong means of starting a group.

Even Gnar can't easily enter the field directly from the front at this moment. If someone sees that your anger gauge is about to get red, you won't be able to do anything about it and retreat directly.

"I can only drag it for a while."

Nian Shisan frowned.

But if you delay like this, the most you can do is stalemate with the opponent in front of the middle tower for a few waves of troops, and eventually the defensive tower will have to be taken down.

It seems there is no other way.

However, at this time, Dawn Morning Star suddenly shook his head:


After reading Thirteen, I was stunned: "Ah? What do you mean?"

Dawn Morning Star looked at the purple phalanx formation not far ahead, and there was a deep light flickering in its eyes:

"We're going to fight this time."

"We take the initiative."

There was a stalemate in the middle, and there seemed to be no surprises.

The people on the purple side were on the line, pushing waves of minions in front of the opponent's blue side's defense tower. Jess or Obama took the opportunity to come up to level A and steal a few HP of the defense tower, and then more. Use skills to consume poke far away.

Although the heroes of the blue army below the tower had paid great attention to spreading out their positions, they still inevitably took a few shots of Jace's EQ 2nd Battery or Syndra's Energy Sphere.

The health of the hero and the health of the defense tower are being consumed bit by bit.

It seems that within two more waves of troops, not to mention that the defense tower will be pushed down, the health status of the heroes on the blue side will soon be forced to abandon the tower and retreat.

Seeing the person on the other side being pressed so hard by him, Shi Hang's mood became quite exciting:

"Hey, that's okay!"

"This rhythm is good. If you destroy their first tower, you can create another wave of soldiers to grind down the health of their second tower."

The auxiliary shadow puppet next to him is relatively cautious:

"Let's go after pushing."

"If you can break their outer tower, you'll be very profitable."

At this time, Lin Feng did not answer.

His eyes quickly glanced under the blue square tower opposite, and suddenly the pupils in someone's eyes shrank slightly:


The next moment, crisp and rapid warning signals were struck from Lin Feng and An Xin's mouse and keyboards almost simultaneously:


But it was too late.

Because almost at this moment.

On the middle line, not far behind several purple heroes.

A magical blue circular teleportation array suddenly appeared and rose!

Ryze's ultimate move is portal.

Blue square…

Take the initiative to force it open!

The update is here, the third update is done, friends, good night, good night, see you tomorrow, oh, the wonderful National Day holiday is over.

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