
Chapter 1733 Free play

Huangxue Yege was really in shock.

Because this wave of operations and actions by the opposing jungler Widow was so fast that he was almost caught off guard.

And if he hadn't made the most extreme hand speed operation reaction in a state of concentration, and used the "90-caliber hunting rope net" of the E skill at the same time to open up a distance...otherwise, this wave of his fragile Policewoman Pi was really going to be killed and taken away by the widow before she died.



This time he reacted.

As for Evelin, the jungle widow on the purple side who was left on the opposite side, she finally had no room for any other operations.


The system female voice's kill announcement solemnly echoed in the bottom lane of Summoner's Rift.

On the purple side of the field, the game screen on the computer screen has turned into a black and white TV. An Xin in the seat shook his head slightly with a hint of regret:

"A little bit worse."

Originally, she hoped to replace the policewoman instantly this time.

But the opponent's reaction and operating speed were indeed at their limit.

The girl lowered her eyes slightly.

(in addition.)

(Her own hand speed should have been faster.)

In the end, the jungle widow on the purple side fell to Ryze, the mid laner of Morningstar on the blue side, allowing the Rune Mage to get another final kill and a generous bounty.

Finally, this widowmaker, who was about to become unfathomably fat, was punished once.

This time, it really relied on Nian Shisan's accurate prediction to counter-crouch to catch the Widow's movements, and Dawn Star's mid laner Ryze's timely and perfect ultimate move to circumvent the wave of siege.


"Not profitable."

Nian Shisan narrowed his eyes.

The Dawn Star next to her nodded slowly:



Although it was a kill that ended the Widow's kill, in fact, this wave of roaming ganks in the bottom lane that they coordinated with the middle and junglers originally hoped to gain more results.

If all went well, in addition to the kill that ended Evelynn, at least one of the remaining auxiliary Japanese women and ADC Obama in the bottom lane of the purple side would have to be left behind.

But the widow opposite made the calmest and wisest choice at that moment.

A wave of counterattacks that did not retreat but advanced directly emptied the blood tank of Huangxue Yege's ADC policewoman in seconds, so Dawn Morning Star, who was still chasing the opponent's bottom duo, had to control Ryze to turn back, otherwise he would have just turned around. The possibility gave the widow an opportunity to escape.

Now like this.

Although the Widow lost her own life, she saved the lives of her two teammates in the bottom lane.

more importantly--

While the blue side team's midfielder and jungler were linking up and swimming toward the bottom lane, someone on the opposite side, who was the purple side mid laner Syndra, was also not idle.

"An-ally-has-been-(A friendly hero was killed)."

Not long after.

A kill prompt from the system’s female voice came from the top lane of Summoner’s Rift.

The purple side's mid laner Syndra wandered around in the top lane, and cooperated with the top laner teammate Jess. Under the tower, he killed and took away the blue side's top laner Gnar, and Syndra got the head.

Tian Tian’s guilty voice came from the blue team’s voice channel:


"I was just controlled by Fengzi's flash QE. The damage was directly fatal and I can't escape."

Although he was targeted twice and died twice on the route in the early stage, someone's mid laner Syndra still stabilized his last hit and level development. During this period, the burst damage of a set of skills combined with the ultimate move has also been improved. Considerable enough.

"Let's give that guy a chance -"

Thinking of Thirteen makes my teeth itch.

It stands to reason that the mid-field cooperation between him and Dawn Morning Star in the early stage has already had a very good targeting effect, but in this wave, someone's Dark Leader found the time and opportunity to go out and wander around, and got this on the road. Gnar's head was killed, and his economic development was quickly replenished.

However, this is also one thing that makes the blue side helpless.

Because if we had just continued to target the middle lane, although someone's Syndra would not have time to find the opportunity to roam, the jungler widow of the girl on the opposite side would be able to target the upper and lower sides more easily and without pressure. There are constant ganks on the road.

So this is the choice that their blue side, middle and jungle two have to make.

Defended one.

It is inevitable that another person will take advantage of it.

Moreover, once Tiantian's Nal on the top road dies, the top defense tower of their blue side army will also be lost.

The only way to make up for it is to get a dragon.

But Xiaolong is still a wind attribute.

It doesn’t make much sense to take it.

Nian Shisan's eyelids suddenly jumped slightly.

Could it be that...even these have been planned in advance by the girl opposite?

The steady voice of Dawn Morning Star next to her sounded again, interrupting Nian Shisan’s thoughts:

"It's fine."

"Just keep playing like this, and we can slowly get our rhythm back."

Nian Shisan came back to his senses, narrowed his eyes and nodded:


Indeed, even if this wave of tactical exchanges between the two sides resulted in a small loss for the Blue Army, at least Dawnstar's mid laner Ryze's record has reached 3/0/0 after getting the finishing kill of the opposing Widow.

With such development during this time period, the Rune Mage can basically foresee the next tyrannical and invincible posture.

In fact, this simulated training match has reached this time period, and the early laning time has basically ended.

The various environments and tactical systems that everyone hoped to simulate in the early stage exercises have also achieved satisfactory results.

In the middle, the mid-field cooperation between Dawn Morning Star and Nian Shisan has indeed achieved frontal suppression of a certain mid laner Syndra in the early stage - even if he is as strong as Lin Feng, even if he is on guard. Next, he was still forcibly targeted and killed twice in a row, which slowed down his development pace a lot.

Similarly, Huangxue Yege's ADC policewoman on the bottom lane also fully and 100% experienced the feeling of being targeted by the opponent's jungler.

Although the words are a bit sensational.


Indeed, the pressure and threat he received from the bottom lane was almost like facing SSK's Mafa directly.

So the blue and purple armies each gained something.

On the blue side, Ryze, the mid laner of Morning Star, started to gain weight.

On the purple side, An Xin's jungle widow has become an assassin that can pose a fatal threat to the opponent at any time.

And since the early simulation exercises have achieved results, as this training match continues, there will basically be no more things to practice as originally discussed.


Just free play.

In this situation that each of them fought, a more intense confrontation and collision began.

After all, although it is just a simulation training.

But in the end——

There still has to be a winner.

"It's not easy to fight."

On the purple side, the auxiliary shadow puppet looked solemn. He could also see that the opposing blue side's lineup became more powerful as it went into the later stages.

An Xin, who was sitting in the jungle seat next to him, was still calm and composed:


"Try not to let them delay it until the later stages."

"Let's see if... we can win it quickly in the mid-term."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 10 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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