
Chapter 1695 A touch of anger

Compared with the previous training match between Minx and the God team in the first training room, which was like a head-to-head situation, the atmosphere between the Assassin and Crown teams in the seventh training room is obviously more relaxed and relaxed at this moment. many.

Before the game started, players from both teams shook hands with each other in a friendly manner.

After sitting down in front of the computer, several members of the Assassin Club couldn't help but continue to discuss in a low voice:

"Hey, I'm very polite..."

"That's right, very polite."

"I don't know how many times better than the guy from Team BW this morning."

"That is to say, the name of their ADC is right, wow, he is handsome and has a temperament. He is not on the same level as our ADC. Sure enough, only such handsome people can play ADC well?"

"Hey, hey, can you please stop dragging me down when you praise others! I'm not bad looking either!"

It seems that the team members in the Taiwan server LMS region all have this innate ability to gossip. Seeing that the topic is about to go too far, Nian Shisan, the captain, was a little annoyed and scolded:

"Hey, that's enough for you guys. Can you be more serious?"

"I'm about to start a fight, but I'm still worried about whether your parents are handsome or not... When the road collapses, believe it or not, I will turn you all into pig heads!"

As soon as these words came out, the other four assassins all shrank their heads in fear.

Nian Shisan, on the other hand, glanced sideways at several of his teammates:

"Are you nervous?"

As an old captain, he naturally has enough familiarity and understanding of his team members to tell the truth in one word.

The Assassin's main ADC player wiped his sweat a little: "Yes, Captain... I am from Crown, and I can beat my ADC by a hundred swords against Season. Didn't I crush Huang Xue Yege to death in the lane this morning?" —I feel a little panicked, and our support is not at the level of the world’s support god like Autumn..."

This comment made the support partner next to him unhappy, and he immediately protested: "What do you mean, your AD is not as good as the other side blaming me."

"But you are just not as good as Autumn..."

"Depend on,

Then you might as well be Huangxue Yege! "

The two bottom lane partners started bickering.

Unable to bear it any longer, Nian Shisan leaned forward and stretched out his hand to slap his two idiot teammates in the bottom lane respectively: "It's not over, isn't it! Come on, cheer up. We were frightened before we even started fighting. We The assassin’s face will be wiped out by you!”

The two Assassin bottom laners, who received a slap in the face from their captain respectively, looked aggrieved:

"But captain, it's really stressful."

"Just like when a jungler faces you, the captain, he will be super nervous, right?"

The last sentence was a smooth flattery, which made Nian Shisan feel better and feel better. He touched his chin: "That's right... Well, the focus is indeed on the bottom lane. If If you are beaten too badly, the situation will be really difficult to handle——"

"How about changing lanes?" The team's top laner volunteered, "I can try to withstand the pressure."

The two players on the bottom lane immediately nodded and raised their hands in strong agreement:

"I think it works!"

"It's okay to change lanes! Let's pressure them into the top lane!"

But what he got in return was Nian Shisan's rude glare: "What a change! This is not the start of the finals. What we need in the training match is to be as familiar as possible to find out the details of our opponents, okay? You two are always Just go to the bottom lane and line up with others, don’t think about anything else!”

But after saying this, he paused for a moment and then added:

"Of course, don't worry."

"I will take care of this one more times when I get off the road."

"The methods for both teams to win are very simple."

Lin Feng off the court gave his own evaluation:

"As for the Assassin... Anyway, Old Thirteen can set up the jungle rhythm by himself, and in the early stage, he can catch others in the middle lane, or just focus on the bottom lane to cause trouble."

"For Crown, well, it depends on whether his ADC can take off in this line."

Li Shiyi nodded:

“If it’s Thirteen, I’ll probably still target the bottom lane.”

After all, there are lessons learned from the past. With the personal strength of the Crown team in the bottom lane, if the Assassin's bottom lane combination did not have the help of the jungler Nian Shisan, they would probably be defeated by the opponent in the early stage without paying attention.

"However, Crown should also guess that their opponent has such a plan."

Zeng Rui cautiously gave his opinion:

"They will definitely have their own response measures."

Su Xue nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I think so too!"

An Xin did not participate in the discussion. She just looked far away in the direction of the Crown Team on the field and suddenly raised her eyebrows slightly:

"But it seems that their ace core ADC... is a little distracted now."


Lin Feng and others next to him were stunned when they heard:


He was indeed distracted.

Even though just now, almost everyone's attention in the training room was attracted by the two extremely stunning and beautiful figures, and even at this time, several teammates sitting next to him on the field were already discussing this matter seriously. How to formulate ban/pick tactics to face opponents in training matches? He always just sat in front of the computer alone, as if thinking about something.

Of course, this match is destined not to be easy for their Crown team.

The opponent's Assassin team... has the seven-king jungler Nian Shisan who is on par with SSK's Mafa.

And there is no doubt that the opponent will definitely try their best to target their Crown team's bottom lane and his ADC.

But at this moment, he didn't consider this at all.

Because when he was recalling the content of the phone call that his most respected senior teacher made to him, he suddenly realized a problem.


It was he who suddenly caught a certain key word in the senior's words at that time——


Unlike the pronunciations of personal pronouns like he, she and other in Chinese, which are exactly the same and easily confused, the personal pronouns in English are very clearly distinguished. The male "he" uses "He", while the female "she" uses "He". The one is "She".


The pronoun used by his most respected and admired senior teacher was "She".

Therefore, this allowed him to effortlessly come to an astonishing conclusion that he could not calmly accept at this time -

The new apprentice mentioned by the senior who was the only one he recognized...


Is it a girl?

At this moment, the eyes flickered rapidly, and a trace of undetectable anger began to rise in the depths of his pupils.

Even the senior he respected the most.

If you really made such a choice, it would still be inevitable...

It’s so humiliating to myself!

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 8 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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