
Chapter 1694 Not within the scope

"In the professional e-sports circle of your generation, you can see more top players emerging in the top lane, mid laner or jungle position, but in the two positions of ADC and support in the bottom lane, the real There are actually not many outstanding seedlings.”

"To put it this way, if we want to have a relatively strict evaluation standard, then the only one who can really be put on the table is Autumn from the North American Season team."

"Officially ranked second among the Yonko, if I remember correctly, is that right?"

Not paying attention to the many stunning glances from around the training room, No. 5 smiled and talked to Lin Feng and the others. After the people around him nodded subconsciously, he continued with a smile:

"Indeed, he has lived up to his title of God of Assistance."

"Senior No. 1 and I have watched some of Team Season's previous game videos."

"Autumn's level of strength, from personal operation to laning to team battles, as well as his ability to control rhythm and overall situation, is almost impossible to find any flaws."

"And this style is somewhat similar to the previous generation Shield in Europe."

After hearing this, Lin Feng suddenly patted his head:

"Oh yes!"

"It does look a bit similar."

When he was a passer-by in the European server's King Group and was climbing the solo queue rankings, he had met the legendary strongman from the previous generation in Europe, and the calm and immovable nature of his support left a deep impression on him.

As No. 5 said at this moment, the auxiliary god of the current Season team seems to be somewhat similar to the Shield of the previous generation in Europe in some aspects of his playing style.

Number 5 nodded and shook his head: "However, compared to Shield, Autumn may be more comprehensive, and its field control ability is even more than one step ahead of the former. As for Shield... his personal abilities and characteristics are still It seems a little too simple.”

Lin Feng suddenly woke up after hearing this:

"By the way, Senior No. 1 also said that! He said that Shield is a dead turtle!"

As soon as he said these words, he attracted strange looks from Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao, Li Shiyi and An Xin.

Someone also realized what he was doing and quickly sternly denounced the blame: "Hey, that was what senior said...not me."

No. 5 shook his head helplessly after hearing this and glanced at Lin Feng angrily. He looked down at someone in embarrassment before continuing with a smile:

"So actually, you and I, senior No. 1, were quite optimistic about this Autumn originally, and we even expected that this player might be able to hit a higher level in the future."

Indeed, when the realm reaches the level of No. 5 and No. 1, in fact, what they care about is not limited to the personal battle of morale or the so-called competition between competition areas, but the perspective of standing is higher. For professional e-mailers, Any junior in the competitive circle who has enough hard work and talent would be happy to see them progress and grow.

Because that also represents the prosperity of an entire professional e-sports industry.

"After all, we can't lose to the seniors of the previous generation -" Lin Feng also made the same comment.


As the saying goes, if the new generation of professional e-sports players cannot even reach and surpass the heights of their predecessors, then no matter how many trophies and honors they win, it will be meaningless.

Because the most essential and pure primary pursuit of a professional e-sports player should be to continuously become stronger and surpass himself.

Zeng Rui next to him suddenly became curious:

"What if we compare Autumn with Senior No. 1?"

When No. 5 was doing this analysis earlier, Zeng Rui was the one who listened most attentively. He was originally a support player, and Autumn was also the professional support player he admired most over the years. No. 1 commented that this new-generation auxiliary god may have surpassed the European Shield of the previous generation, so he subconsciously couldn't help but make more extended associations at this moment——

However, when this question was asked, No. 5 was slightly stunned when he heard it. Lin Feng and the others next to him looked at Zeng Rui with strange eyes.

Sensing everyone's eyes on him, Zeng Rui was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses and realized that this question seemed a bit stupid. His face suddenly turned red with embarrassment:

"Ah...I, I didn't mean that-"


If you calm down and think about it for a while, you will know that even though Autumn is already comparable to many legends of the previous generation, and even surpasses Shield, those legendary beings of the previous generation... how can they be easily compared with Number One.

Number 5 also laughed:

"It's okay, it's not surprising to have such a problem."

"After all, No. 1 and Shield played the same position back then."

However, No. 5 stopped here and shook his head:


"For No. 1, it's not appropriate to put it within the scope of such a discussion."

The tone was as soft as ever, but the meaning of the words was enough for everyone present to understand it effortlessly.


This is the same as discussing in the first training room downstairs what SSK's top laner Wolf has a chance of winning against The-Sword.

In fact, there is not much practical significance and value in the discussion, because the strength of the entire SSK team has completely exceeded the upper limit of comparison with any other team, and has completely become the most special existence.

As for No. 1, the topic of discussion at this moment is almost the same.

You can compare Autumn with the Shield of the previous generation in Europe, but there is no way to include No. 1 in the standard of comparison.

Because this one...

It is also beyond the realm of discussion and speculation.

Even the world's auxiliary god, who is now ranked second among the four emperors, is still not even qualified to be compared with him.

"But even at this level, he is already very good." No. 5 then smiled and said: "So, in this state, Autumn's bottom lane combination can be suppressed by more than 100 AD. Dao, the little apprentice Bullet brought out, he must be really outstanding."

Of course that's true.

Lin Feng also nodded in agreement, but the next second he changed the subject:

"Hey, after all, Tangtang is Senior Bullet's designated apprentice now. Give Tangtang some time. Anything beyond this will definitely be easy!"

His tone was that of a vow, but he didn't even pat his chest to vouch for the girl next to him.

Tang Bingyao was at a loss by Lin Feng's sudden wave of compliments: "Ah... I, I can't do it, that one must be very powerful..."

Number 5 reached out and touched Tang Bingyao's head lovingly:

"Tangtang must have confidence in yourself. "

"I may not be as good as your senior brother now, but in the future... I will definitely be able to surpass him."

"It's good to come here. Let's take a look at the level and style of the senior brother that your master spent half a year bringing out. You can also learn some experience for yourself."

At this moment, Su Xue's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Hey, that's enough, don't talk about that."

"The ban selection is about to begin!"

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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