
Chapter 1684 Ike is here!

Fly's mid laner Cassiopeia's R flash was a sure hit in everyone's eyes.

Moreover, the "Petrified Gaze" of Snake Girl's ultimate move was directed towards the three heroes of the Blue Army on the frontal battlefield.

At least one or two should have been controlled.

But no one expected it.

Lulu, the assistant on God's side, relied on one-handed reaction operations to avoid the frontal control of Snake Girl's ultimate move, and the mid laner and ADC heroes controlled by Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege respectively were even better. The two of them dodge almost simultaneously, perfectly dodging the petrifying light of Snake Girl's ultimate move!

Chic to the extreme.

Also stunning to the extreme!

Even this is not the end. When the two core aces of the God team dodge simultaneously, one to the left and one to the right to avoid the Snake Girl's ultimate move to widen the distance, at the same time, the two blue C-position heroes also perfectly avoided the opponent's attack. Wild Zach's E skill "Elastic Slingshot" is a wave of flying control!

The body of the biochemical demon roared and fell to the ground.

next moment.

But only a crisp "click" sound was heard.

The eyes of the players from various clubs watching the game suddenly widened again!

Policewoman W metal clip!

"Oh my God!!"

Off the court, ADC player Konjac from the KG club couldn't help but let out a shocked exclamation!

A tidal wave of shock surged through the crowd again!

The moment the purple side jungler Zach's E skill landed, the ADC policewoman controlled by Huang Xue Yege on the blue side God team unexpectedly received the W skill at the same moment as she dodged the Snake Girl's ultimate move." Yodel Trap”.

A metal clip was placed in advance after predicting Zach's landing point with extreme precision.

The opponent's jungler Zach, who had no time to stop, sat down directly on the metal clip!

The trap was suddenly clamped shut!

Control the target prey!

next moment,

The output firepower from the three blue heroes, Policewoman, Varus and Lulu, poured on Zach like a torrential rain!

Varus's flat A followed by Q skill "Piercing Arrow".

The policewoman triggered her W skill and hit a passive headshot to tie A, then Q and another shot to tie A!

Lulu’s AQ 2nd Company!

In the blink of an eye, the health bar above the head of a half-tank purple jungle jungler Zach suddenly plummeted!

At the same time, in the back row of the battle circle, God's jungler Widow Evelin used a wave of single cuts to cripple the opponent's purple ADC explorer's health, forcing Ezreal's double call, and opened a large teleport. The landing top laner Twilight Eyes immediately received the E skill to taunt——

Rush in front of the remaining health EZ like lightning and control the target with taunting!

Tie A!

Widow Evelin quickly followed up with a kill, drawing A to Q.

Directly take away the remaining blood EZ heads!

The first kill of this wave of team battles before Dalongfjord occurred, and at the same time, the mid laner Varus, controlled by Dawn Morning Star in the front row of the battlefield, scored another flat A and cooperated with Huangxue Yege's ADC policewoman to raise her gun. Another headshot fired from the bullet had already knocked Zach's health bar back to zero!

Off the court, the players from KG and Hayashi, the two teams in the LPL division, could not stop their eyes from shining and almost cheered with excitement——

This wave...

It seems there is!

Beautiful opener.

Shen enters the field early with his ultimate move.

In addition, the two C positions of the policewoman and Varus dodge in perfect synchronization to avoid the most deadly counterattack by the opponent's purple army.

Now the ADC explorer on the opposite side has been killed and taken away. Zach was passive and looked very cool. After Fly's mid laner Snake Girl R failed to flash, she was instantly put on by the God team's assistant Lulu. The change sheep control also failed to deal the full amount of damage that should be done later...

This wave of team battles seems to be in sight for the blue God team!

If it had been before, the members of various clubs and teams watching the game might have already recognized this.

But at this moment...

Such a scene does not seem to make people truly feel at ease.


It gives people an uneasy feeling of familiarity that seems vaguely familiar.

Because it seems that the team battle in the middle not long ago was also a wave that the blue side God team was about to win. In the end, the battle situation was instantly reversed because of the entry of a certain hero from the purple side.

That's when.

A professional player in the crowd suddenly exclaimed:

"Ike is here!"

Also the movement is faster than the sound.

Almost a moment before someone in the audience uttered this exclamation, on the outside of the chaotic and fierce battle circle, when the magnificent teleportation beam rising into the sky dissipated, a figure cut into the battlefield like a ghost like lightning.

Cutting in from the flank.

When Lulu, the assistant of the God team on the blue side, used a W skill to transform into a sheep and controlled the mid laner Snake on the purple side, she turned around and prepared to cooperate with her other two teammates to focus their fire to clean up several balls of Zach's passive ooze.

It caught people completely off guard.

A figure has already passed in front of the fairy witch.

E skills.

"Phase dive".

A period of displacement.

Dawn Morningstar, who reacted extremely quickly, was the first to catch the strange figure that suddenly entered the battlefield. The mid laner Varus under the control almost instantly used the ultimate move "Corruption Chain" in his hand and raised his crossbow towards it. Shoot the target!

Extremely fast and extremely decisive.

Because his ultimate move was specially reserved for the core and most threatening hero on the opposite side.

But it's still this moment.

When the thick dark purple vines pounced on the target figure like a raptor.

However, the figure disappeared out of thin air with a flash of golden light in the flash of lightning. The corrupt chain that passed Varus's ultimate move in front of him then reappeared like a ghost and had already cut to the target not far in front of Lulu. .

The second stage of E skill successfully broke out!

Answer Q!

Flat A.

The rocket belts detonated simultaneously.

All the damage was done in an instant, and the health bar on the head of a crispy full-blooded Lulu instantly became empty as if by magic, and the system's female voice announced the kill:

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)!"

Instant kill!

The entire training room was buzzing with excitement again!

It's Ike again!

Sure enough, it's The-Sword's top laner Ekko again!

This scene is so familiar, but it’s completely unsurprising, only overwhelming emotions of shock and amazement. It seems that no matter what the situation is, as long as The-Sword’s time assassin enters the scene, it will inevitably set off an endless wave of chaos. The rhythm of killing and harvesting that no one can stop!

The first time you enter the venue.

He directly thrust out his face and killed Lulu, the nearest opponent's assistant!

Although there was a shortcoming in the distance just now and we were not able to kill one of the two C-position heroes on the blue side first, taking away Lulu's head basically cut off the protective power of the God team's back row. And because this wave of kills came so fast, even God’s team’s auxiliary Lulu didn’t even have time to put a [Weakness] on Ike.

The next moment, the time assassin who killed Lulu and took away Lulu's head and triggered the passive three-ring acceleration effect was already under the control of The-Sword and rushing toward the target Verus diagonally above at a faster speed!

At the same time, Fly's mid laner Snake Girl suddenly perked up after her top laner companion arrived, and immediately targeted Varus to launch a counterattack.

A W skill poison barrier is thrown forward to slow down and control the punishment arrow!

Step forward!

Flat A then E!

A shot of "Twin Fangs" stung Verus fiercely, causing a shocking amount of damage in an instant!

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 8 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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