
Chapter 1683 God’s Double Wall

This wave of team battles broke out on the river in front of the Dalong Fjord. First, the God team of the blue side used their vision to make a perfect seesaw.

Taking advantage of the opponent's lack of vision of the baron, he pretended to retreat and attracted the follow-up of the purple side's troops. At the same time, he created an excellent way for his jungler widow to ambush and crouch in the grass at the river mouth on the left side of the middle road. Group conditions.

The Widow did live up to expectations and started a team fight.

He swept out of the grass like lightning and cut into the back row of the opponent's formation. His ultimate move "Painful Embrace" suddenly detonated and controlled the three purple party members.

At the same time, the Eye of Twilight opens up to teleport to support protection.

The three heroes on the frontal battlefield, Varus, the policewoman, and Lulu, quickly pursued and pressed in, forming a wave of double-teams from the front and rear.

However, what people didn't expect was that the purple Minx team, which was suddenly forced by its opponent, actually made an extremely powerful counterattack in such a critical situation.

The Widow was immediately controlled by the chains of [Weakness] and Fanma's W skill.

He was immediately hit by concentrated fire and almost killed instantly.

But what is really fatal is this moment. The purple side jungler Zac and the mid laner Snake, who originally seemed to be focusing their firepower on the second half of the HP Widow, caught the three blue side heroes and chased them from the front battlefield. Opportunity to step forward...

Surprisingly give up the widow, turn around instantly!

It seemed that he had been prepared for it.

The snake girl Cassiopeia raised her right hand with her ultimate move "Petrified Gaze", and the cold and miserable blue light swayed out almost instantly and synchronized with the summoner's skill [Flash], and headed towards her in a burst of fine golden light. The three blue heroes who are catching up head-on rush forward!

At the same time, what can be seen is that the jungler Zach of the Minx team also completed the one-second charge of the E skill "Elastic Slingshot" in a flash and flew directly towards the front row of the blue party!

The change happened in this flash of lightning.

Players and players from various clubs and teams watching the game on the field, those who reacted faster, suddenly changed their expressions at this moment!

Because at this moment they could already think of the Minx team's tactical ideas.

You can also guess the next result.

It seems that people started to focus on the widow,

In fact, the purpose is not to focus on this jungler at all, it is to lure the blue God team's large forces to catch up and then turn around to counterattack——

At this moment, three heroes from the blue square chased after him.

It was like running head-on into the trap set by the opponent.

Snake Girl's strike and her previous R-flash operation are almost certain to perfectly counter-control the blue square's three heroes in the front row.

Then came Zach's E skill, which made a perfect flying dive, followed by a burst of AOE damage and control.

Even at the same moment, through the OB picture from the God's perspective, you can already see that below the battle circle, at the fork in the wild area near the river mouth, a magnificent teleportation beam is rising into the sky.

That was the teleport from The-Sword's top laner Ekko.

This landing location...

It is also just behind and to the side of where the three people in the front row of Team God are!

The mantis stalks the cicada but the oriole follows behind?

But in this wave, everyone originally thought that the God team was about to complete a wave of double-teams, but now it seems that the team that has truly achieved the double-team of the opponent... turns out to be the Minx team from the purple side!

(It exploded.)

In an instant, almost countless people in the field had the same thought in their minds.

Snake Girl's R strike was unavoidable.

Even more deadly and unsolvable than the previous wave of attacks by Fly in the middle.

As long as Snake Girl completes the control of her ultimate move, and Zach's control connection continues, when The-Sword's top laner Ekko teleports into the field, what will greet God's team will be an extremely bloody and cruel harvest massacre. !

On the purple side of the field, the Minx team, in front of the computer screen in the mid laner's seat, an extremely cruel smile appeared on Fly's face:

"Go to hell!!——"

However, this afternoon's match is destined to be full of ups and downs and ever-changing storylines.

For example, in the top lane, Dawnstar's mid laner Varus arrived in time to end The-Sword's top laner Ekko's killing streak.

Another example is another wave of team battles in the middle. The-Sword's Ekko entered the field at the end and shattered the blue God team's hopes of finally turning defeat into victory in an instant.

this time.

It seems that it is Team God's turn to stage such a reversal again.

Snake Girl's R flash was still smooth and sharp under Fly's control. It reached its extreme speed. The lightning flash was accompanied by a bright golden light and the shape of the biochemical demon flying in mid-air. Cassiopeia raised her hand. The pale green petrified light quickly spread towards the three blue heroes.

But it was also the same moment.

The three blue heroes, who were about to become petrified prey in the next second, seemed to react at the same time in no particular order.


It was a scene that shocked almost everyone in the training room.

Two tiny golden glows exploded simultaneously!

The figures of the two heroes, the blue side ADC Policewoman and the mid laner Varus, were almost synchronized and forced to move to both sides to dodge at the moment of handing over [Flash]!

Almost by a hair's breadth.

Dodge the petrifying light from Snake Girl R's hand!

The auxiliary fairy witch Lulu did not dodge, but because her body position was already lagging behind her teammates, she immediately moved sideways to dodge. Although she could not completely avoid the range of the snake girl's ultimate move, she still It also avoided the frontal petrochemical hard control and was only slowed down and controlled by the light -

On the purple side of the field, the expression on Fly's face in front of the computer screen suddenly became dull at this moment.

The original sinister smile on his lips disappeared.


The whole audience was shocked!

A wave of exclamations shook the ceiling of the first training room and made it buzz!

Many members of various clubs and teams who were watching the game widened their eyes and said almost as if *:

"So, so strong——"


After all, someone guessed that the Minx team on the purple side would have such a comeback.

But absolutely no one could have expected that under Fly's snake girl Cassiopeia's almost invincible counterattack, God's team on the blue side would be among the three in front of the battle circle. A hero can actually make such an extreme and perfect response.

Even though the auxiliary Lulu's operation was slightly inferior, she still relied on her positioning to make timely evasive and dodging actions, avoiding the end of being hard-controlled by Petrochemical.

Not to mention...

Mid laner Varus and ADC Policewoman are the two core output points of the God team.

It is actually possible to synchronously flash left and right and pull away instantly!

In the blink of an eye, he easily dodged the opponent's almost fatal counterattack!

Snake girl R flashes.

In exchange, the opponent's two C-position heroes flashed and dodged even more brilliantly.

If this scene is frozen at this moment, it will almost have an epic and ritual feeling that makes people want to worship it. It is full of the most exaggerated and visually shocking meaning.

"God's double wall is well-deserved -"

This was what a coach from the Assassin team murmured subconsciously, with an indescribable and complicated emotion in his tone.

It is about the Night Song of Wild Snow and the Morning Star at Dawn.

God is recognized as the two core aces of the Hand of God team.

Such a scene, it is true that only two top-level ADC and mid laner can coordinate and operate seamlessly and simultaneously.


Outside the crowd, Lin Feng suddenly narrowed his eyes:

"It's just the beginning."

After the update was delivered, I went away to sleep, then woke up and prepared to get up early in the morning to continue coding.

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