
Chapter 1653 Ike’s double kill from behind

In the training match in the afternoon, in less than ten minutes, as the mid laner of the blue God team, Varus, Dawn Morning Star showed almost everything in terms of playing style and personal laning ability. It completely refreshed the common sense of everyone present.

The number one mid laner in the LPL division that they were originally familiar with is now completely different from what it was before!

At the beginning, this veteran top mid laner who was ranked among the Seven Kings was best at mid-to-late teamfights and command. In terms of hero pool, he also focused more on cards, roaming types like Kassadin, or Clockwork Victor. Such a late-stage teamfight-powerful hero.

but now.

But it was Varus' mid laner, who had a head-to-head confrontation with Minx team's mid laner Fly in the early stages.

From the very beginning, it went directly into the fierce fighting stage.

Not falling behind at all.


Completed two solo kills!

This kind of operation was enough to shock and move the members of almost all the club teams present. A wave of single kills can be said to be luck, and two waves of single kills are really a result of strength.

And even this was not the end. When the game time came to the ninth minute, Zach, the jungler of the purple side Minx team, wandered to the middle for gank. With an E skill, the rubber slingshot in the grass stretched his body and suddenly shot towards him like a cannonball. Varus, the target on the center line, swooped over——

Varus, who did not have this field of vision in the grass, responded instantly.

A quick retreat to open the distance.

Avoid the impact range of Zach's E skill flying attack.

The lightning-fast right-angle dance move avoids Zac's Q skill "Extended Strike" from behind. At the same time, the ultimate move "Corruption Chain" shoots at the opponent's mid laner Snake Girl who is approaching quickly not far away. And go.

Cassiopeia's body was suddenly hit and imprisoned, and she died on the spot.


After moving, he retreated to tie A Zach.

Order again.

The level A followed by the Q followed by a "rain of evil arrows" from the E skill. In an instant, the situation was 1V2. Not only did he retreat calmly, but he also reduced the opponent's wild demon to a residual health in seconds.

He forced Zach, who had escaped from control, to retreat and escape in embarrassment.

Easily defused a wave of gank dangers.

Although there were no casualties, Varus's operation still made many mid-lane players from various clubs on the field couldn't help but stare straight--

This operation...

Simply don’t be too delicate!

It was really calm and unhurried, and every step was handled calmly and wisely. This showed an indescribable calm and confident temperament, and the operation was smooth and seamless.

Off the court, players like Hayami, KG, and even the players from the Taiwanese LMS division all cheered loudly.

Especially the players from the teams in the LPL division feel as if their faces are bright.

Take a look.

This is the number one mid laner in their national server LPL division!

Compared to the Four Emperors... they are no less impressive!

However, this joy did not last long, because just five seconds after Zack's gank failed and the blue mid laner Varus retreated under the tower——

The kill announcement from the system's female voice sounded suddenly and unpreparedly in the middle of Summoner's Rift:

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

The whole place fell silent.

The blue side of the field is here.

Sitting in the mid lane seat, Dawn Morning Star in front of the computer screen looked at the game screen that had turned into a black and white TV in front of him, silent.

Of course, his Varus relied on his positioning to defuse a wave of gank attacks by the opponent's jungler Zac.


But he was unable to prevent the opponent's top laner Ekko from wandering around and icy surprise.

The wave of troops on the road is pushed to the end.

Silently invade the upper half of the blue jungle area.

Go around and around.

At the same moment when his own jungler Zach and his teammate failed to gank, and the opponent's mid laner Varus retreated to the tower.

Ghostly lightning flashed out from behind the opponent's tower.

E skill is started, and "Phase Dive" is used to move forward through the wall and then suddenly face the face.

Flat A then Q.

Detonating the passive three-ring damage, the second stage of the Q skill "Time Curler" was rolled back and combined with the last flat A, the head of Varus with half of the remaining health was instantly harvested and taken away.

Instant kill.

Even the top laner Twilight Eyes of the blue side God team had immediately activated his ultimate move to prepare to support the middle, but the shield he put on could not help the crispy Varus withstand Ekko's wave. The burst of damage occurred in seconds, and Shen himself could not successfully teleport to the ground with his ultimate move.

However, a wave of strong kills over the tower took away Varus's head. After taking a few hits from the defense tower, the assassin's health bar on his head also dropped a bit. At this time, the jungler Widow from the God team quickly Drive out of the middle high ground and rush toward the outer tower.

Can it be killed?

The crowd watching the game couldn't help but feel slightly refreshed.

If Ekko's finishing head can be won, then a generous finishing bounty will be obtained. 1 head for 1 is not a loss for the God team.

The Widow Maker's figure was like a ghost, sneaking towards the target Ike as quickly as possible.

shorten the distance.

However, almost at the moment when the Widow approached the edge of the stealth range, a warning exclamation mark appeared above Ike's head, and the Widow's Q skill was eliminated, the Time Assassin controlled by The-Sword on the purple side did not even hesitate for half a second - —

The summoner skill [Flash] is handed over in a flash!

Accompanied by a burst of bright golden light.

Ike's figure suddenly flashed across the wall and escaped into the upper half of the blue area.

So fast.

Even the jungler Widow from the God team on the blue side didn't catch the inertia and used a big move to miss!

It seemed that such a sneak attack was going to end in regret, but at this moment, he suddenly heard some strange soft sounds, which made Dawn Morning Star, whose computer screen was still showing the game screen on the black and white TV, suddenly change his expression:


The warning signal to retreat was suddenly marked on the body of his teammate, the widow Evelin.

The junglers of Team God were still a little confused and stunned.


Before he could react.

next moment.

Through the OB picture from God's perspective, the players of various clubs and teams off the field were suddenly shocked to see——

The purple top laner Ekko, who had just flashed across the wall and seemed to be escaping, hit the "Time and Space Break" with his ultimate move and came back again like lightning!

Right at the feet of the widow Evelyn.

A magnificent blue space-time formation suddenly rose and exploded!

Ike's back position perfectly enveloped the target Widowmaker in the center!

The damage suddenly exploded!

The blood bar above Evelin's head plummeted crazily!

And before the Widow could even make an escape move, suddenly a huge semi-circular arc of space-time field quietly fell. The moment it settled, it was triggered by Ike and perfectly connected to the confinement control.

Time Assassin's W skill, "Time and Space Intersection"!

Flat A.

Answer Q.

Three rings detonated.

As if there was no way to fight back, a nearly full Widow Maker was taken away by Ekko's second burst of damage in just a second, emptying his health bar.


The kill announcement from the system's female voice came, and the next prompt was even more shocking:

"Rampage (a hero has gone on a rampage)!"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 9 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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