
Chapter 1652 Victory is in sight?

Seeing the sharp head count contrast between the blue and purple teams on the field, it was not until this moment that many players from various clubs who supported the God team suddenly came back to their senses, and then couldn't help but be overjoyed!

This rhythm...

In the early stage, the God team on the blue side actually had the advantage!

Originally, in this match, everyone thought that the biggest difficulty for the God team to win was how to survive the early stage and how to persevere under the fierce offensive rhythm of the opposing team Minx's mid laner and top laner.

And now——

Although the opponent's top laner The-Sword's Time Assassin is still developing unstoppably, the top laner Ekko with two heads in hand can not only easily crush the Eye of Twilight in the top lane during this time period, but also can easily crush the Eye of Twilight in a casual attack. Waves of wandering may pose a fatal threat to the blue side God team's wing.

But similarly, Huangxue Yege's ADC Policewoman on the bottom lane is also developing extremely smoothly. She has two kills in hand and is far ahead of her opponent's ADC Explorer in terms of CS data.

more importantly……

Dawnstar in the middle used the Punishment Arrow, Varus, to perfectly suppress Fly's Snake Girl!

This is the biggest surprise!

Two waves of solo kills.

In terms of laning at this time, Varus can even beat the snake girl to the point where she doesn't dare to leave the tower!

You must know the two core points of the Minx team. Only when they exert their offensive advantage in the top and middle lanes can they be truly unstoppable. The reason why the Season and MLG teams lost in the two matches in the morning was also due to the pressure from the opponent's two lanes. Hard to support.

But now the Minx team is only on the top lane.

Middle lane, bottom lane...

They are all at an obvious disadvantage!

Even in the jungle, although it seems that the junglers of the blue and purple sides did not make much noise in this match, and they did not even see a successful wave of roaming ganks, but even so, the blue side God team The jungler Widow next to her has been focusing on development and stealing jungle. She also relied on her personal strength to counter the three or four groups of jungle monster resources of Minx team's jungler Zach.

As a result, Widow Evelin's level development was also ahead of her opponent Zach's at this time.

Following this trend——

Not to mention anything else, but as long as the situation can be maintained, the blue God team can at least maintain a balance or even a small advantage in the early stage. Then in the mid-to-late stage, they will be best at teamfighting and coordination. It will become more apparent!

This one...

Victory is in sight!

So at this moment, many players and players from various clubs who support the God team can't help but be a little excited. Just a Minx team... This kind of arrogant rookie team is finally going to learn a lesson.

However, the atmosphere on the blue side of the field, Team God, did not necessarily become so relaxed.

Dawnstar's expression was still calm. He even pressed the Tab key to bring up the battle data panel. When he glanced at the equipment data column of the opponent's top laner Ekko, he still looked a little solemn:

"Don't be careless."

"Play more steadily."

Huangxue Yege nodded slightly, also solemnly:


It was extremely rare to start the game in such a disadvantageous situation in the early stages, which also made the morale of several members of the Minx team on the purple side of the field a bit low.

The jungler Zach was preparing step by step to go to the upper half of his jungle area to farm some wild monsters to replenish his economy and level. However, when he came to the F6 jungle area, he was shocked to find that his F6 jungle area was completely empty.


Team Zach couldn't help shouting, his tone was a little aggrieved.

Fly, who was sitting in the mid lane seat, came out with an angry rebuke:

"What's the noise about?"

"You can't control the wild area well, why are you still shouting so loudly?"

"The level of Evelin opposite you is almost one level higher than yours. What have you, Zach, done so far?"

Although this is true, if you think about it from another angle, Zach F6's jungle area is countered. Of course, he has his own problems as a jungler, but the same...if it weren't for the snake girl in the middle who was single-killed in two waves and was killed. Varus was pinned under the tower and was unable to do anything, and the jungler Widow on the opposite side would not dare to be so bold as to invade the counter jungle.

However, even with such vague resentment in his heart, Minx's jungler Zach still dared not refute and could only listen to the instructions and endure it.

As for the two ADC auxiliary players in the bottom lane, they were even more afraid to speak out at the moment.

Their bottom lane has been beaten to the point where they are almost unable to take care of themselves. They dare not leave the tower without saying a word. Even the policewoman on the opposite side cooperates with Lulu to suppress wave after wave of soldiers, and they are almost overcoming their bottom lane outer tower. It was demolished by a flat push.

As a result, the team's voice channel unexpectedly sounded again with Fly's furious scolding of the bottom lane:

"One EZ, one Fan Mom, a combination with such a strong poke in the early stage, how can you deal with it like this?"

"I haven't even been in the jungle before, but you were killed twice in the bottom lane?"

"Don't you know about obscene development?"

"How do you understand EZ's last strike!?"

After being scolded like this, the two bottom lane members of the Minx team were also scolded so hard that they could not hold their heads up. However, although they did not dare to talk back, they secretly had other unconvincing thoughts in their hearts.

Speaking of pressing the knife...aren't you also being pressed in the middle?

And when it comes to being single-killed by the opponent, didn’t Varus also single-kill you Cassiopeia twice?

The atmosphere within the entire Minx team had become quite impetuous at this moment, but at this moment, a calm and almost indifferent voice sounded:


"Mind yourselves."

Just these two sentences suddenly silenced the atmosphere in the entire team's voice channel.

Because it was The-Sword who spoke.

It is one of the two cores of the Minx team, and it is also the only way they gained an advantage in this match.

After saying this, The-Sword still spoke calmly and without emotion:

"Fly, get ready."

"Wait while I go and help you catch a rhythm."

Hearing the commanding words from his top laner teammate, Fly, who was furious just now, suddenly turned angry into joy: "Okay! Come on! This Varus is too arrogant, you can kill him directly if you come here!" "

He didn't care at all about the former's vaguely condescending attitude.

First, in the Minx team, their top laner and mid laner are the same core, and there is no difference in status between them. Moreover, most of the time, The-Sword is responsible for directing and arranging the rhythm of the game.

The second reason is that Fly also has great faith in his top laner teammate.

In his opinion, as long as his top laner companion helps, the rhythm will be restored immediately.

And the facts prove——

Fly's trust is correct.

The game time came to the ninth minute.

In the middle of Summoner's Rift, a wave of fighting suddenly resumed. It was the purple jungler Zach who wandered the middle and prepared to catch people.

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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