
Chapter 1650: Middle, kill again!

In today's world professional e-sports circle, it is not impossible to find a few teams whose playing style is biased towards strong offense in the early stage. It is also like professional players who can play an advantageous offensive rhythm in the laning phase by relying on their personal operation skills. There are always some.

But compared to the Minx team, almost any other team or even those professional players with outstanding personal abilities are nothing.

Because this year’s second seed in the Korean LCK division...

It takes this early offensive style and the player's personal operational strength to the extreme.

In the professional arena, even if there is a gap in the strength of the professional players on both sides, there are still strong and weak points, but after all, it is rare to see a direct single kill without the help of the jungler in the early stage.

But in this round, The-Sword, the top laner of the Minx team, did it.

4 minutes.

Ekko single-handedly kills the Eye of Twilight.

Of course, there are not completely no cases of such solo kills in the professional arena, but often even after being killed once, the advantageous side can only slowly snowball, while the disadvantaged side will not collapse. If it collapses, I will be more cautious next or my jungle partners will come to help.

Even if the dominant side wants to further expand its results, it will still take some time to slowly pass away.

But The-Sword is not like this.

After the first wave of first-blood single kills in four minutes, when the game time was less than seven minutes, Ekko hit the road for another single kill!

And this is the most terrifying and terrifying thing about Minx, the dark horse team of Korean rookies.

How quickly they snowballed…

too fast!

Yes, the jungler and bot lane of this team may only be mediocre in strength. Even when they encounter most of the established teams in this finals, they will be outclassed. As soon as the Lu duo came up to face off, they had to resist the pressure and it was impossible to achieve any advantageous results on their own.

But the problem is that people don't need to consider the jungle and bottom lane at all.

When the opponents are increasing their efforts to gradually suppress their junglers and ADC assists...their top laner and mid laner have been able to directly kill their opponents at a faster speed and with higher efficiency. .

This was how Autumn's Season team lost the training match against Minx in the morning.

The majestic god of support in the world didn't even have time to drag the battle into the middle and late stages, and before he could start commanding and dispatching, a confrontation was forced to end in the middle by his opponent with an extremely arrogant attitude.

And when the system's female voice prompt sounded for Ekko's another solo kill on the road, almost everyone in the audience had this idea again -

This round.


Team God will once again follow in Season's footsteps.

If we see the God team heading into a disadvantageous defeat step by step, most of the team members from various clubs off the field will definitely feel regretful in their hearts.

After all, they had already seen hope in the God team at the beginning of this game.

Although they were single-killed in the top lane, God's team from the blue side in the middle and bottom lanes counterattacked equally quickly and got two kills in succession.

This rhythm was something that Season and MLG failed to achieve in the other two games this morning.

If Team God can continue to do so, they may really have hope of winning.

But now I look at it again...

Seeing that The-Sword's Ekko has once again played a rhythm that can be called crushing dominance in the top lane, it seems that all the hopes he had against the God team will be dashed again.


Such regretful thoughts did not last long.

Because soon, they heard the system’s female voice’s kill announcement suddenly coming from the bottom lane again:

"An-enemy-has-been-(an enemy hero has been killed)!"

The camera angle quickly switches away.

Where it enters the eye.

In front of the outer defensive tower of the purple side on the bottom lane, there is the jungler Zac who rushes over and the ADC explorer who retreats in a panic with the remaining health above his head.

And...the cold corpse of the auxiliary fan mother had been left alone not far outside the tower.

The performance data of the blue side ADC policewoman came to 2/0/0.

Another wave of kills!

Even the head grab was done brazenly in front of the opponent’s jungler Zach!

The first training room is boiling like a frying pan again!

Many players from various teams and clubs who were familiar with Huangxue Yege, the ADC player in the LPL region, were stunned and almost had uncontrollable looks of shock on their faces——

Killed again! ?

Thinking about this wave of purple-side Minx team's bot lane combination, they should have learned the previous lessons. No matter what, they can't easily give the blue side bot lane a chance, but they are faced with the situation of their opponents being insignificant and resisting pressure... Female The police actually captured another head! ?

The Huangxue Yege that everyone is familiar with has always had a strong offensive style of play.

But like now...

Not only twice as fierce and twice as violent as before?

This is almost like making the most unabashed declaration of war towards Minx team's top laner The-Sword.

You, Ike, can kill.

I can also kill in the bottom lane.

You kill once.

I'll follow you once!

Everyone on the top and bottom lanes are snowballing on their own advantages, just to see who can kill faster.


Who is afraid of whom! ?

You are savage and I am savage. If you are unreasonable, I will not be unreasonable. If you take a head, I will beat him back on the spot. But it is this kind of rhythm that makes people unable to stop their emotions and even makes them feel excited. A hot thought arises in people’s minds——

Although the God team on the blue side on the top lane is at a disadvantage, Shen, the hero, can still play a role in the mid-to-late stage.

Now in the bottom lane, Huangxue Yege controlled the ADC Policewoman and actually played such a fast advantageous rhythm and scored two kills in a row. This ADC has also developed in an extremely strong manner, no less than Ike.

Moreover, Varus of Morning Star in the middle lane also completed a wave of solo kills. Then, even if the middle lane is peaceful and stable, the situation will be stabilized... If the game is delayed, no matter how fat The-Sword's Ekko is, , it seems that Team God still has the strength to fight!


Such thoughts seemed to not last too long.

Because it was almost no more than five seconds after the bottom lane policewoman completed the kill.

Summoner's Rift, middle lane.

Another system female voice's kill prompt resounded clearly throughout the training room.

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

The game screen on the computer screen in front of me suddenly turned black and white.

And Fly's face and expression suddenly lost all color, and became almost distorted to the point of being ugly!

On the other side, in the mid-single seat of the God team, Dawn Morning Star in front of the computer had just breathed a sigh of relief. The eyes in his eyes flickered deeply, and there was a faint but shocking flame rising slowly.

Middle road.

Another solo kill.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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