
Chapter 1649 2 Thoughts

"Be steady."

"The opponent's mid laner...is not as weak as you think."

A plain voice that seemed to have no emotion at all came to his ears, which finally brought Fly back to his senses from the memories just now.

Fly knew it was the voice of his fellow top laner.

It was rare that The-Sword would give him such a warning.

From this, we can actually feel that the opponents in this game, even The-Sword, take it seriously.

But for Fly at this moment, such warnings and reminders from his companions were like adding salt to his wounds again, exacerbating the feeling of shame in his heart.

"It's none of your business."

Fly replied bluntly with a livid look on his face. Fly's eyes once again fell on the middle lane of his Summoner's Rift. The opposite blue side's mid laner Varus had also updated a round of equipment and returned to the line.

It seemed as calm as before.

And the more this happened, the evil fire in Fly's heart burned hotter and hotter.

damn it……

In the last wave of fighting, in the end, he was completely plotted by the guy opposite!

I originally thought that it was just Varus who wanted to take advantage of his health, but who knew that the other party was so lucky, and his Q skill had just finished cooling down and he immediately fired AQ twice in a row, and he really hurt him just right. The snake girl was killed and taken away.

Fly, who has a proud personality, naturally cannot admit that this is a problem of his own strength.


It can only be the luck of the opponent!

Under the control of the snake girl Cassiopeia, she walked out of the defense tower and came to the line again. Looking at the punishment arrow not far away, the eyes of the Minx team mid laner gradually became fierce and ferocious:


You won't have such good luck again!

The game time passed quietly.

6 minutes.

The experience levels of the single-line heroes on both sides of the blue and purple sides have basically reached level 6. Seeing this scene, many club team members who supported the God team off the court breathed a sigh of relief.


Shen is also going to level six.

It can be said that the God team of the blue side chose a hero like Eye of Twilight on the road. Although the main intention is to cooperate with Lulu in the mid-to-late stage to form a rigorous and solid protective lineup system, after the hero Shen reaches level six, It has truly begun to have its own role and power point.

Although in the early laning, he was suppressed and even killed by the top laner Ekko of the purple side Minx team.

But after learning the ultimate move at level six, Eyes of Twilight has been greatly improved in terms of its ability to cooperate with the jungler and roam, and to support and protect teammates on the sidelines at any time.

It can be said--

From this moment on, the God team on the blue side has entered their first opportunity to exert force!

Many members of the team and club who are familiar with Team God's style and routines are showing some anticipation and joy. If Team God can achieve their past level and status during this period of strength, then in the next few minutes, Shen's ultimate move will help them win. It can establish certain advantages.

And as long as there is a slight advantage in this early stage, most of the biggest threat that the opponent Minx team can bring to people will be eliminated.

Once the game is smoothly dragged into the mid-to-late stage, it will really be the rhythm of the God team.

Even in this match, victory is in sight!


But everything is not as simple as everyone in the audience thought.

Game time is 6 minutes and 45 seconds.

The system's female voice suddenly sounded the kill announcement on the upper road of Summoner's Rift, suddenly breaking the calm atmosphere that had been calm for a long time again:

"An-enemy-has-been-(an enemy hero has been killed)."

Hit the road.

Under the blue square defense tower, the body of Twilight Eye Shen slumped to the ground.

Not far away, there was the figure of top laner Ekko on the purple side who used a big move to escape from the distance with his ultimate remaining health.

Jump over the tower and kill by force.


Suddenly, the entire first training room erupted in shock!

Many players from various teams and clubs who saw this Minx top laner perform for the first time this afternoon suddenly took a deep breath. Even when they were off the court, they still felt a faint chill running down their backs. Scalp tingles as it climbs.

Several people from the SSK team looked at Wolf again.

But Wolf didn't speak this time.

It's just that compared to before, at this moment, the SSK main top laner's eyes looked at The-Sword on the court with something as sharp as a blade.

Less than 7 minutes into the game.

Without the help of the jungler, it is a 1V1 regular solo matchup on the top lane.

Ike had two solo kills!

Jump over the tower twice!

If the first wave of kills can be said to be due to some mistakes and omissions by the top laner Twilight Eyes on the blue side, then this wave is really the result of Ekko's command under The-Sword's operation. The top professional players in all major competition areas are shocked by the strength and style!

So powerful.

The aggression is fierce...like the sharpest sword!

Ekko's top laner has been improved to a certain extent in the game version at the end of this year's season, but he has not yet been able to enter the T1 echelon.

Because this hero is flexible and has the ability to cut into the back row as an assassin hero, but after all, it is still not as powerful as Rumble Kennen or Gnar, the most popular players in the current version, in mid-to-late team battles. In terms of laning, it is not as good as Jayce. That can consume poke.

Often the opponent's top laner uses a hero like Shen to avoid a head-on confrontation with you, and because of his wretched development, there is always nothing you can do about Ekko.

But this game...

The situation seems completely beyond common sense.

It also exceeded almost all expectations present.

Ekko hits the road with two waves of solo kills!

In less than 7 minutes, the record data has reached 2/0/0.

And you must know that this is just the beginning. After these two waves of solo kills, the next thing that can be foreseen is that the top laner Eye of Twilight on the blue side will completely enter a collapse situation, and the head-on line will not be Ekko at all. opponent.

problem occurs.

This is the thought that flashed through the minds of almost everyone in the training room and off the field at this moment.

This one from Team God... is going to be dark.

Anyone who watched Minx's performance in the two games this morning knows very well what kind of terrifying aggressive threat Minx's top laner The-Sword can bring to his opponents once he establishes such a dominant rhythm in the early stage.

But now, this rhythm seems to be unstoppable for Ike!

Perhaps Varus, who was the Dawn Star in the middle, just completed a wave of extreme single kills that shocked the audience, but this gain seems to be a drop in the bucket compared with the advantage established by The-Sword's top laner Ekko at this moment...


It wasn't long after such an idea emerged from my mind.

Immediately afterwards, the second thought suddenly appeared in the minds of almost everyone in the audience.

This time, there are only two words in my thought -

Damn it! ! ?

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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