
Chapter 1620 Amazing

Any Seven Kings-level warrior has his own pride.

Especially as the No. 1 seed team in the European LCS this year, all members of MLG, including Spoon, the core mid laner, are in extremely good condition. They even defeated their old rival Legend team. It can be said that they are ambitiously preparing to attack a higher ranking in this year's finals.

But now...

Not to mention that they lost to a Korean rookie team for no reason.

They were even mocked by a rookie mid laner in person.

Spoon's temper was not very good to begin with, but he has slowly developed a little temperament in the past two years. After all, he is also an old senior in the circle. His qualifications are there, and he is willing to give some guidance or support when he meets a newcomer.

But the words Fly just said to him in person were enough to completely ignite his anger in an instant.

Damn it!

It's just winning a competition...

And the mid lane didn't really let you play with much significant advantage, so you dare to be so arrogant! ?

But in the end, Spoon still suppressed his anger.

On the one hand, after all, in the training room in front of so many people, if he really quarreled with others, it would be too troublesome and lose his demeanor as a senior in the circle and a veteran Seven Kings-level strongman, which would be too cheap.

On the other hand——

The fact is that MLG did lose this training match.

There is nothing to say about the loss.

Even if he felt extremely disgusted and dissatisfied with the attitude of others, the strength of the opponent could only make him extremely frustrated and annoyed to admit it.

Just the mid-lane named Fly was enough to tie up all his energy, not to mention that the opponent also had a top-lane whose strength was no less than that of the mid-lane——When did the damn Korean division have a new master of this level, what The-Sword... This operation is almost better than Seven.

Perhaps only YGG from the Chinese KG team can compete with him.

Thinking over,

Spoon walked back to the crowd of his own club off the field with a gloomy face. The leader of MLG came up to him and patted him on the shoulder with a complicated expression:

"Are you okay?"

"Don't be discouraged. The problem this time is with us, not with you guys."

"We were negligent. We should have paid more attention to collecting some intelligence information about this Korean team."

In fact, the coaching staff and several leaders of the MLG club are indeed regretting it at this moment. Like most other teams, they only focus on studying SSK and Fate in their attitude towards the Korean LCK division.

They really ignored the Minx team that suddenly emerged this year.

After all, who would have thought?

The Korean LCK division has SSK and Fate, both of which are strong enough to impact the top four this year or even defend the championship level. Who knew that another team in their division...actually has such a terrifying lineup strength?

However, in addition to regret, the coaching staff and several team leaders of MLG are also thankful that it is not too late to make up for the loss. Although the previous preparations were not sufficient, at least through today's training match, they have discovered the strength of this Korean rookie team.

In this way... Next, they can also hurry up to collect intelligence information.

Losing a game in the training match is harmless, which is much better than waiting for the start of the finals to suffer a big loss.

Of course, after losing this competition, they still have to take care of the morale and confidence of their own players, so the team leader is going to comfort the mentality of their core ace mid-lane player first.

As for the team leader's concern, condolences and counseling, Spoon just shook his head:

"I'm fine."

A win or loss is not something he should take too seriously, and the team leader and others in front of him did not hear the provocative and sarcastic words that the opponent Minx's mid-lane said to him just now, but he was too lazy to mention it to others, and there was no need to make others feel bad with him.


It's still suffocating.

"I'll go out for a walk and come back for the next game."

Spoon said to his team leader, who nodded in understanding: "Well, let's go out for some fresh air and adjust our condition. The morning confrontation is almost over. Let's go downstairs to have lunch together later-"


Then he walked out of the sixth training room. As soon as Spoon pushed the door and walked out to the corridor, he saw Phoenix and Lin Feng standing against the wall not far away and chatting.

Lin Feng and others in the corridor were about to finish their conversation with Phoenix. They noticed that the door of the sixth training room was opened from the inside, and subconsciously looked over. They happened to see Spoon walking out of the door at the first time.

Phoenix immediately waved to his old rival in the same division, and the latter also walked towards this side quickly. The former smiled and said: "Just now I was talking about you MLG, are you done?"

Walking close to everyone, Spoon just glanced at Phoenix:

"You are well-informed."

"Just now there were also your players watching in our training room."

As he spoke, his eyes quickly glanced at Lin Feng and the others beside Phoenix. When his eyes fell on someone, the eyes of the MLG seventh-level mid laner suddenly focused, and then relaxed again, just nodding at someone calmly. Head greeting.

They were old acquaintances back then, so there was no reason why they couldn't recognize him. Moreover, he had already heard from Phoenix about someone coming to Manchester City before today, so it was not surprising to see him here now. Feel surprised.

Lin Feng was not polite to Spoon and asked straight to the point:


"Twenty-eight minutes?"

Being exposed to another wave of scars in front of him made Spoon's face darken, but he still nodded solemnly. After receiving such personal confirmation from the person involved, Zeng Rui and Li Shiyi could not help but take a deep breath - —

Actually...it's true!

"Having defeated Season and your MLG one after another...this Minx is really amazing." Phoenix said with emotion.

Although dark horses have often appeared in the previous finals, they have never been as exaggerated as Minx.

Season and MLG.

The two teams are currently the No. 1 seeds in the European and North American LCS divisions respectively.

They are all truly top teams that have the strength to compete in the semi-finals or even the finals in this year's finals.

To be defeated by Minx one after another like this was something that no one would have dared to imagine before.

Lin Feng frowned:

"Did you lose a little too quickly?"

"You couldn't hold it in the middle?"

The tone was a little suspicious.

He and Spoon were also old rivals back then, and they had had several confrontations before in the Nightingale Secret Battle, in the Champions League of Europe, and even in the MSI Mid-Season Invitational. They clearly knew that the current strength and status of the MLG mid laner might have been It is close to even reaching the rank of Seven Kings.

It would be really shocking if even a mid laner of this level could not withstand Fly's attack.

Spoon looked over coldly, his tone a bit annoyed:

"of course not."

"There is only one mid laner on the opposite side...how can it cause so much trouble to us MLG?"

Then he briefly recounted the general situation of the previous match to Lin Feng and others. At the same time, he naturally selectively ignored the first wave of mistakes in the middle and was single-killed.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 9 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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