
Chapter 1619 The angry Spoon

The atmosphere in the sixth training room was now divided into two completely different areas.

On one side is the European MLG team. There is almost complete silence. Several club coaches and team leaders have livid faces and cannot speak at all. The team members next to them, whether they have just come on the field or are watching the game off the field, are at this moment. All of them were equally downcast and drooped, unable to lift up any energy.

As the core ace mid laner of the team, and also recognized as the king of France after Phoenix in Europe, the look on Spoon's face is definitely not good-looking right now.

He stared gloomily at the opposite side, not far away, where was the crowd of the Korean Minx team club, his opponent just now. The atmosphere was completely relaxed and lively compared to his own, and all the Minx players were smiling and high-fiving each other.



Although I already had some expectations and preparations for the strength of the second seeded Korean team when I learned the results of the match between Team Minx and Team Season, the actual fight... was completely different. Feel.

At this moment, Spoon really felt like there was a fire burning restlessly in his heart.

Nowhere to vent.

As the number one seed in this year's European LCS division, their MLG strength is definitely qualified to compete with any top team in any division. So even though they heard about Minx defeating Season before, they didn't feel that they would definitely lose this time. .

After all, the opponent is just a rookie team.

What I didn't expect was...

In Spoon's middle lane alone, he almost encountered a critical situation at the beginning that would rank among the top three in his career.

He selected a single-handed Snake on the blue side.

The purple square opposite...

It is directly locked and confirmed by Ryze in one hand.

It stands to reason that in the current version, the two mid lane heroes are not considered to be strong at the T1 level. In terms of laning, they also focus more on developing and finishing. Maybe Snake Girl should be slightly more proactive in the early stage than Ryze -

Spoon thought so before the game started.

As a veteran seven-king mid laner,

Moreover, it is close to the level of Seven Kings, and it has several more seasons of competition experience than its opponents. No matter from which point of view, Spoon does not think that he will suffer any disadvantage in the lane.

His Snake Girl should be able to overwhelm the opponent Ryze in the early stage.

But the result...

But it completely exceeded his original expectations.

Almost from the moment they entered the laning phase, their Rune Mage showed a strong offensive style that stunned everyone in the training room.

Since Snake Girl is not very strong at level 1, she goes directly to level A and then the "overload" orb consumption duel with her Q skill.

After reaching level 2, he showed no intention of retreating and continued to fight for blood online!

Level 3.

Still fighting!

No one expected that two heroes like this in the middle would suddenly enter such an intense and hot bayonet red stage in the first two minutes of the game!

Various moves to dodge, and various skills to throw backhand.

The movement between the lines of soldiers shuttles back and forth.

Precise casting of non-directional skills.

A heart-stopping exchange.

At that moment, Spoon was also aroused. His own strength as a top-level Seven Kings powerhouse was enough for him to fully control the positioning and skill casting of the snake girl Cassiopeia under his control.

But his opponent, Ryze, really didn't show any signs of weakness or retreat.

Moreover, in terms of positioning and control of consumption...

Not even half inferior to him!

It is completely the most fierce operational confrontation between two truly top-level mid laners, like a dangerous dance on the tip of a knife.

But later in the battle, when his health dropped to the dangerous line, he hesitated at first because he was not sure about the opponent's playing style when he first came into contact with him, and he was worried that the opponent's jungler was ambushing a routine, which led to a little distraction in his operation. and mistakes.

Then he was immediately caught by the opponent's Ryze.

Directly flash and take a set of skill damage to [Ignite] - yes, damn, the Ryze mid laner on the opposite side actually has [Ignite] instead of [Teleport]. I have never seen such a person who only cares about blood. The mid laner!

As a result, his snake girl Cassiopeia lost her head and blood in great shame.

A well-established mid laner at the Seven King level.

He was killed alone.

But after calming down, Spoon was also able to realize that the new Korean mid laner of the Minx team did have extremely terrifying laning skills. Although he would inevitably fall into the rhythm of being suppressed by the opponent's violent offensive, But at least it can barely hold on and not collapse.


Recalling some scenes from the previous game, MLG's ace mid laner couldn't help but feel a little chilly in his heart.

But unfortunately, there is more than one mid laner on the opposite side who is so powerful.

As a seven-king mid laner, he can withstand the pressure at least in the middle, but when a top laner appears on the opposite side who is not inferior to the mid laner in terms of strength and whose playing style is equally powerful and brutally offensive... ... MLG really can't handle it.

Got a solo kill in 4 minutes on the road.

Six minutes later there was another wave of solo kills.

In 10 minutes, the single line on the top lane was directly broken through the tower, declaring a collapse.

The entire top lane collapsed, and the rhythm and situation of the other side lanes on MLG's side, including the jungle, collapsed in an instant like an avalanche.

Even though his mid laner Snake Girl was still struggling to hold on, she still couldn't withstand the two core points of the opposing top laner and mid laner's aggressive attack like hungry wolves.


He didn't even last for thirty minutes, and was crushed by his opponent Minx to win.

Even this is because he, the mid laner, is struggling to support him. In the middle and later stages of the team battle, his snake girl's ultimate was perfect for team control and he forcibly replaced other people's ADC and jungler. The pace of the game dragged back.


This match may end as early as 20 minutes ago.

And such a fast-paced and fierce attack, which collapsed like an avalanche, completely confused the other main players on their MLG side and even the club's coaches and leaders.

Even if they met other top old teams before, even if they met SSK and Season, they had never been defeated so completely.




However, if it is only to this extent, Spoon can at least keep his composure. After all, if his skills are inferior to others, then he must admit that e-sports is inherently about respecting the strong.

But what really made him couldn't help but feel so angry that he could barely control his temper...

Just after the match ended, several members of the Minx team stood up to shake hands with their MLG team. When the guy named Fly walked up to him, he said this sentence in a frivolous and playful tone in jerky and non-standard English - —

"Old and strong team..."

"It turns out that's all it is."

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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