
Chapter 1589 What is missing?

Someone's words didn't cause much reaction or commotion on the BW team.

After all, the portion sizes are different.

Nate just made such arrogant and provocative words after defeating Nian Shisan, so it caused shock and anger in the Assassin team. However, this person at this moment is just a Hayashi in the eyes of the BW team. The team's little-known substitute jungler.

The strength is probably almost negligible.

If you still dare to make such a provocation, you are completely overestimating your capabilities, and there is no need to vent your anger on low-end players of this level. On the contrary, it lowers your own status.

So you can see that Nate, who had already sat in front of the computer at this time, stood up again, glanced condescendingly at everyone on Team Hayami's side, paused for a moment on someone, and then turned to look at the few people in his BW. coaches and leaders:

"Then I won't do it this time."

"Means nothing."

Several team leaders and coaches from BW immediately nodded in approval without hesitation:


"No problem, Nate, come down."

After saying this, several of them looked at everyone on Hayami's side with sarcastic expressions: "Since your team's attitude toward training matches is so casual, we don't need to take it too seriously. Let's just play casually."

"That's right. If you plan to come on the bench, we can too."

Although it seems to be a grudge match, in fact some problems can still be seen at a glance.

"Quite shrewd."

Zeng Rui glanced at the leaders and coaches of the BW team, then looked at Nate who had already stood up and left the field, and sneered.

Li Shi nodded:

"This is the kind of trick people are playing. Of course they are not willing to suffer losses in vain."


It seemed that Nate couldn't stand being looked down upon and left the table angrily, but actually he had other considerations on his mind. After all, if Hayami sent their entire main lineup,

Then at least for the BW team, they can collect intelligence information about Hayami's junglers.

But if only a "substitute" jungler is sent, then letting Nate play will not only be a waste of talent, but also Nate will play such a "crushing game" on the field, not to mention that his side will not make anything. , on the contrary, it may be that his own jungle style routines are seized by opponents to study and analyze.

Their BW team does this kind of thing themselves, and in turn they naturally pay more attention to their own protection and precautions.

Seeing Nate exiting the game, someone who was already sitting in the jungle seat on the purple side touched his nose:

"Hey, are you going down now?"

Then he turned around and looked at Shi Hang beside him:

"It will probably take two rounds."

Shi Hang understood in an instant, and a look of gloating appeared on his face: "You guy... you really plan to kill this guy."


Nate can just do it, it won't be a problem.

Someone really didn't worry about this problem at all, because the European rookie's seventh-level jungler would have to come up again later.

Also planning to send a substitute jungler to play?

Then I will torture you for a game first. When you are completely beaten by BW in the first game, it will be seen whether you, the core ace jungler of BW, can still sit still.

At this time, the team leader of the BW club had also found one of his substitute junglers and gave the order:

"Wood, you go up."

"Here you go."

Then I saw the substitute jungler named Wood walking out as ordered and sitting down on the jungler's seat on the blue side when he arrived at the court. However, when he walked over, the player's state seemed a little confused. Absently, after sitting down, he couldn't help but look towards the purple side of Team Hayami.

Just then Lin Feng raised his head.

I saw the new BW substitute jungler on the opposite side.

Looking at this old acquaintance whom he had just met in the elevator yesterday, a bright smile suddenly appeared on someone's face:

"Oh, so your name is Wood?"

Wood, who had just had a conflict with Lin Feng and others in the hotel elevator yesterday, looked a little dazed at the moment, as if he didn't expect that someone was Hayami's substitute jungler, and he happened to be in such a training match. They met, but after reacting, Wood's expression darkened again. He looked at someone and said with a sneer:

"What, do you want to get close?"

"It's too late, be prepared to regret it next."

This sentence is meant to get the upper hand. Wood made a good calculation and decided to take the lead in suppressing the opponent with such momentum. When the game officially starts later... maybe the opponent's state will also be affected, which will make it easier for him to match up. Crush.

However, someone didn't seem to have any reaction at all.

Even after saying the previous sentence, he turned directly to talk to Shi Hang next to him.

"Hey, wait, so this guy is the one you met in the elevator yesterday..."

"Haha, yes, what a coincidence."

"...Why do I think you just provoked Nate on purpose, just to wait for this product to come up?"

"No, no, no, it's just a coincidence!"

Seeing someone's righteous denial, Shi Hang twitched his lips, and then turned to look at the substitute jungler from the BW team opposite who seemed to be turning pale again because he was ignored. He couldn't help but feel a few emotions in his heart. Sympathetic meaning——

This thing...

Are you dead?

"Dead, absolutely dead!"

After learning from Li Shiyi and Zeng Rui that the BW substitute jungler who was replaced at the moment was the one they met in the elevator room yesterday, Nian Shisan immediately shook his head:

"Maple's temper... nothing good can happen if you offend him."

"Fuck! Who of you will make a bet with me? I bet that Maple will definitely choose the most violent jungler!"

Li Shiyi, Zeng Rui, An Xin and Tang Bingyao looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time:

"No gambling."

They also don't know too much about someone's personality and temperament.

So naturally we also know that Nian Shisan’s guess is absolutely accurate.

In contrast, the members of the Assassin team in the training room are standing together with the other second teams and substitute players of Hayami Club, looking at someone sitting in front of the jungler's seat on the field. , couldn't help being curious and worried, and asked Hayami's team members about the situation:

"Hey, who is that..."

"From the front, he looks very familiar to our captain."

"Is he really your Hayami's replacement?"

"Is strength enough?"

In this regard, all the team members on Hayami's side kept silent with a tacit understanding, but with mysterious smiles on their faces:

"Don't worry, you will know later when you see it."

Although they tried hard to hide their expressions, the Hayami team members could not help but feel a bit of joy and gloating in their voices. When they looked at each other, they could even see the dangerous and happy sparks flickering in each other's eyes——


There’s a lot of fun going on here!

At the same time, on the opposite side of the BW team, several team leaders and coaches couldn't help but frown when they saw the relaxed and happy atmosphere of everyone in Hayami Club not far away:

What's the meaning?

It's them...Did they miss something?

The update is here. The next chapter will be around eight o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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