
Chapter 1588 It’s definitely enough to beat you

Lin Feng here is also talking politely to several leaders and coaches of Hayami Club:

"Sorry, I just came up with an idea at the last moment, so I'm sorry to trouble you."

When they met someone so polite, several coaches and team leaders of Hayami Club immediately shook their heads like rattles and waved their hands repeatedly: "Hey, little brother Lin Feng, what are you talking about!" "Classmate Xiao Feng is so polite!" "This kind of thing... we should be grateful to you!"

After hearing this, someone paused, looked at the people in front of him, and laughed:

"Oh, everyone knows."

Several Hayami team leaders and coaches also had tacit smiles on their faces:

"Must, must."

"This method... is quite good."

Lin Feng nodded calmly: "Then there's nothing to be polite about. We all benefit from each other."

Several Hayami team leaders and coaches beamed with approval:

"Yes, yes! Mutual benefit, mutual benefit!"

Then the conversation stopped, and the two sides looked at each other again, and burst into tacit laughter. One side laughed brightly, the other side laughed full of sinister...

Tang Bingyao, who was standing nearby, was in a daze:

"What are Fengzi and the others laughing at?"

Zeng Rui looked helpless and shook his head: "Looking at it this way, we feel like the bad guys and villains here."

An Xin stretched out her hand and rubbed her best friend's head affectionately: "Don't study this kind of thing, Tangtang. Anyway, some people have a lot of clever ideas on this kind of thing. Whoever suffers will not suffer in his turn." ”

Li Shiyi nodded in agreement:

"This time... BW is probably going to suffer a big loss anyway."

Although the two days of training matches were mainly for exchanges and confrontations and understanding each other's opponents, each team should have sent their official player lineups to the field for final training before the official game - like Hayami. They should have brought out their five-man main lineup.

In this situation,

Someone's request seemed a little hasty.

But several Hayami team leaders and coaches agreed readily and generously without even thinking about it.

Of course it's not to hurt someone's favor.

At the moment of the finals, all personal relationships and relationships are meaningless. Everything must be considered for the benefit of the finals. Hayami Club’s coaches and team leaders are all great people, and they can agree to someone’s request so readily and even with surprise. The arrangement is naturally due to figuring out the key.

They had clearly seen the opponent's BW team's routine in the last game.

They are specifically collecting information to study the junglers who target Nian Shisan. Perhaps they are even collecting jungle information and intelligence from not just the assassin family, but from every family.

Because the BW team originally had Nate, a seven-level rookie player in the jungle, as its only core, the biggest way for them to win was to find various breakthroughs in the jungle position——

In other words, as soon as Team Hayami comes on the field, BW will most likely study and analyze their jungle routine.

Of course, Hayasui doesn't have Nian Shisan's jungler as the core like the Assassin team, and the impact will naturally not be as big as the Assassin team just now, but after all, if they know that their jungler will be thoroughly studied by the opponent, then they can Being used as a breakthrough point for the future... This feeling makes people feel that something is wrong, which is not a good feeling.

After all, how could such a person take advantage of something in vain?

And there is one more thing——

That is, just watching the Assassin team lose to BW, and then seeing that the whole BW team has the same arrogant and arrogant attitude as Nate, it always makes everyone in the Hayami Club who are bystanders feel quite unhappy.

It’s time to teach these European guys a lesson, otherwise they would really think that they are so awesome?

But Hayami's own strength is not stronger than BW, and they may even only have a 40% chance of winning. At this rate, they probably won't be able to avenge the Assassin team.



It happened that someone stood up at this moment and made such a proposal.

Then all the problems are solved instantly!

By letting someone come on as a substitute jungler, Team Hayami doesn't need to worry about the risk of their jungler position being analyzed by BW Team collecting first-hand information. You can analyze it however you want. In the end, it's doomed to be useless. Lin Fengxiao Brothers are not our official team members at all, okay?

In addition, once someone comes on the field, there is no need to worry about the outcome of the next game.

During the three training camps a while ago, everyone already knew someone's strength.

This can give guidance to Dawn Morning Star!

He is the apprentice selected by their special coaches!

Does your BW team have a seven-king jungler?

Feel sorry……

Our substitute here is as powerful as the Yonko~

When a new training match was about to start, the players from both BW and Hayami team clubs were taking their seats in front of two rows of computer machines - someone as a substitute jungler also mingled in with a confident look.

A coach from the BW club looked at several members of the opposing Hayami team. When he glanced at Lin Feng in the jungle seat, he paused and let out a soft moan, as if he was a little confused and surprised.

The BW leader next to him came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

The coach hesitated and said: "The main jungler of their Hayami team... doesn't seem to be this person." As he said that, he pointed at one of the other members of the Hayami team: "It should be the one named 'Sail' Guy."

The team leader began to frown:

"you sure?"

After the two communicated for a while, just as a training match was about to begin, the BW team leader came out, looked at the team leader and coach of Team Hayami, with a chilled look on his face and asked:

"What does your team mean?"

"In such a training match, why don't you have all your main players? Who is this jungler?"

Hayami Club was clearly prepared for the question from the leader of the BW team. Leader Hayami laughed and said, "Sorry, sorry, we hope to give more players a chance to practice - this is our substitute player Hayami. Ye, it shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

Someone sitting in the jungler's seat had an innocent expression on his face.

It seems as if the matter has nothing to do with me.

The BW leader was choked, and then sneered: "It seems that your team is really confident in its own strength. Even the assassin Nian Shisan was defeated by our Nate. Could it be that one of your substitutes? Is his strength comparable to that of a seven-king jungler?"

The last half of the sentence was deliberately raised in volume and the tone was aggressive.

These are indeed words that people cannot refute.

But for now -

this problem.

It's really subtle.

Next to the crowd, Li Shiyi, Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao all looked at Nian Shisan with strange eyes. The latter couldn't help but roll his eyes: "Why, don't look at me."

Team leader Hayami, who was questioned face to face like this, shrugged: "I think it is more appropriate for our substitute jungler to answer this question himself."

Then everyone's eyes fell on someone who was Hayami's "substitute jungler".

Lin Feng touched his nose:

"Oh, it's hard to say whether it's comparable to a seven-king jungler."

After a pause, someone looked at the BW leader and smiled:

"But beating you will definitely be enough."

The update is here, the third update is done, good night, friends, see you tomorrow.

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