
Chapter 1557 No. 2

BO3 and BO5 have always been the most direct standards for testing the comprehensive strength of a team.

The victory or defeat of a single game in BO1 still eliminates a lot of testing factors. Unlike BO3 and BO5 games, it also needs to test the players' physical strength, endurance, energy, and even the level of the team leader and coaching staff.

For a single game, everyone may be able to make sufficient preparations before the game, and just use the tactics and routines directly for both sides to fight head-on.

However, a BO3 or BO5 game requires players and coaches to constantly adjust their status and response tactics. After a game is over, they immediately hold an emergency meeting and coordinate, and immediately formulate new strategies based on the opponent's game tactics and performance in the previous game. plan, if you lack the ability in this area, even if your team wins the first two games of BO5, it still cannot avoid the tragic result of being forced to chase three.

In this regard, most teams in the Chinese LPL division are weak.

Of course, in this year's S6 finals, the three clubs and teams have begun to pay attention to this point. Lin Feng knows that although special coaches like Senior No. 1 or Sister Xiaowu cannot personally play with any team in the game. He is responsible for ban/pick, but he also sits in the rear and plays a strategizing role.

However, the Korean LCK division also has legendary existences like Lee Do-jae and M who are no less inferior to No. 1 and No. 5.

Therefore, behind the scenes of this finals, there will be an invisible confrontation between the legendary powerhouses of the previous generation.

These are a bit far-fetched——

Lin Feng shook his head.

Having said that, as far as the two days of training and confrontation are about to begin, the God team and even the other two teams in the LPL division can still have certain advantages in such a BO1 single-game victory or defeat match.

The results will probably not be much worse.

not to mention……

Someone picked up the dental cup, gargled his mouth and spit out the water, then took a towel and wiped his face, feeling refreshed immediately:

In this private training match, a "royal sparring partner" like him is also preparing to play~

Not to mention other teams, the BW-Blue Whale team must not let him meet him anyway, especially the BW second team or the substitute jungler whose name is not yet known...

If you encounter him, kill him!

After washing, Lin Feng walked out of the bathroom,

Seeing that the room was still empty, I scratched my head. If that guy Azeng went to have breakfast, he should be back by now...

So he picked up his phone and sent a WeChat message to Zeng Rui.

After waiting for a while, there was no reply.

Someone curled his lips and decided not to care about his companion. He simply packed up, took the room card and went out. Then he came to the door of another room where two girls An Xin and Tang Bingyao lived next door and pressed the doorbell.

Ding dong ding dong——

I rang the bell twice, but there was no sound at all.

Still sleeping?

Lin Feng wondered, it felt wrong. He didn't know about others, but these two girls had never been in the habit of sleeping in. Could it be that they went to have breakfast together?

"You didn't call me...that's too much!"

Someone was a little dissatisfied, so he picked up his cell phone and immediately sent a righteous message of condemnation and accusation to his childhood sweetheart. However, he didn't have to wait long. Soon, the message prompt on his cell phone rang, and the other party responded with a voice message.

Lin Feng clicked on the voice bar, and the girl's pleasant voice was immediately played clearly:

"You idiot, let's finish eating early, okay?"

"When A Zeng called you earlier, you slept like a pig and couldn't wake up, so you still had the nerve to say it."

"We are in the room of Senior No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu, come here quickly!"

"I communicated with that guy before I came here, and there was basically no problem. It seems that your negotiation went smoothly as well."

"Well, where is the fourth child? How is he doing there?"

"Of course it's going on. You and I don't need to worry about what he's doing. People from the World Electricity Association headquarters arrived in Manchester late last night. I just went to find someone to go through the process early in the morning -"

When he knocked on the door of Senior No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu's room, it was Li Shiyi who came over to help open the door. Lin Feng just walked in and heard such a conversation coming from the back room.

One of the voices easily identified him as Senior No. 1.

And another voice...

Although he didn't recognize it for a while, it made someone subconsciously feel that it was somewhat familiar.


Lin Feng pulled Li Shiyi beside him and asked curiously about the situation.

A rare mysterious smile appeared on Li Shiyi's face: "You will know for yourself when you see it."

After walking through the entrance hall, Lin Feng looked up and looked into the bedroom. The curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows had been opened, and the bright early morning sunshine in Manchester shone in, shining on everyone in the room.

Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui and An Xin were all there, sitting on the edge of the bed or on small chairs, looking well behaved.

Number 5 also sat aside, looking at the two people talking in front of him with a bit of a smile on his face.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, two people were having a conversation.

One of them was No. 1, leaning against the floor-to-ceiling window behind him with his arms folded in front of his chest, his posture looking leisurely and casual.

On the opposite side, the other man was tall and tall. He was facing Lin Feng who walked into the room. He only showed half of his profile and his strong and clear lines. He stood with his hands behind his back and his posture was as proud and straight as a pole. A fierce battle spear.

One is calm and leisurely, the other is sharp and sharp. The two temperaments seem to form a sharp contrast.

Lin Feng was stunned.

Then suddenly someone reacted, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted with joy:

"Senior No. 2!?"

It seems that these legendary predecessors of the previous generation indeed have the demeanor of experts, and their whereabouts are unpredictable and the dragon often disappears without seeing its end.

Even though Lin Feng and others are very familiar with several seniors, if No. 1, No. 5 and No. 3 were invited to return home this time, they would have spent more time with them. It was a honeymoon all over the world, the same as on the 3rd, or occasionally following the couple in front of me like a light bulb...

In comparison, No. 2 and No. 4 made fewer appearances back home.

The two of them seem to be holding some high-level positions in the North American Electronics Association, and they may not come back a few times throughout the year. For Lin Feng, except for the previous nightingale secret war, he had some online conversations with Senior No. 2. , but when it comes to the last meeting... it has really been at least several years.

So seeing No. 2 again in the hotel rooms of No. 1 and No. 5 at this moment is indeed a huge surprise for someone.

However, compared to someone who was overjoyed, No. 2, who turned around when he heard the voice, only frowned slightly. He did not show the same surprise or joy as someone expected, but spoke directly without even a polite word. Suddenly he raised his hand and threw something over:


Lin Feng subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch the object.

Then he looked down.

Gopher machine.

Someone was confused for a moment, with questions all over his face. What does this mean? Is it a special way of greeting in the United States these days...

Just as he was looking at the senior he hadn't seen for a long time in confusion, No. 2 had already said something coldly:

"Play a game and show me."


Someone was dumbfounded again.

This... seems to be different from the expected warm scene of reunion after a long separation.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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