
Chapter 1556 Prediction of the training match

Guessing whether A Zeng went downstairs to have breakfast, Lin Feng got up and walked into the bathroom to wash up.

While brushing his teeth, someone was holding a toothbrush in one hand, and with the other hand, he was very skillful and dexterous in using his mobile phone to scroll through the Internet. If he clicked on Weibo, he could see the news information pushed to the official League of Legends homepage of the national server.

What I’m talking about is that teams and clubs from the LPL division and other major divisions around the world have arrived in Manchester yesterday. Soon the first round of the group stage of the World Finals will officially begin, and the next two days will be the final adaptation before the game. According to adjustments, teams in each major competition area may also conduct some private exchanges and training confrontations.

At the end of the news, the official homepage of the national server did not forget to add:

"Come on LPL!"

In the message box below, the homepages of various LPL teams and clubs, as well as well-known commentators, hosts, many anchors and even retired professional players all left messages to express their encouragement and support for their LPL teams.

Just such a Weibo post has almost tens of thousands of retweets, tens of thousands of comments, and countless likes.

Lin Feng smiled and felt a little relieved.

Chinese e-sports has indeed gotten better and better in recent years.

Moreover, the enthusiasm of players in the national server is getting stronger and stronger, especially for the S-series league, the biggest event every year, the desire and expectation cannot be described in words.

"The veterans God and KG, and the rookie dark horse Hayami, this year is really the best year in the LPL region to compete in the S series!"

There is such a popular comment in the message board that has received very high likes.

It was just posted by an ordinary trumpet without V or certification, but it represents the common thoughts and aspirations of countless Chinese server players.

I closed Weibo and clicked on the post bar to enter the official discussion forum of League of Legends. I could also see various posts discussing the finals.

The posts in the Tieba are also quite in line with the trend. Most of the posts this morning are centered around the possible communication competition in the past two days.

Most players and water friends are enthusiastically speculating and analyzing various situations in this exchange match.

Although compared with the formal group stage that follows, a private exchange match between a team and a club is nothing,

But in fact it also has considerable weight.

Because this represents the preliminary confrontation between the teams from each major region in this World Finals.

The first confrontation and testing between each other.

Of course, each team will undoubtedly hide its real trump card at the bottom of the box, and it is impossible to show it to others casually. Even if you win the training match, it does not mean that you will be able to crush all opponents smoothly in the group stage, but after all, from this starting point Through the exchanges and confrontations, you can detect the freshest first-hand information about opponents in other divisions.

At least it can confirm and find out the opponent's current overall status, and at the same time continue to help the own team find out and fill in the gaps during training and confrontation.

And having said that——

Even if the victory in the training match has no substantive significance, if you defeat your opponents one after another in the exchange training confrontation, it will definitely be an invisible improvement to the confidence and morale of your team members.

Similarly, if your opponent has been defeated by you during this exchange and training process, when the actual finals group stage begins and the two sides meet on the field, it may also have some psychological shadow on the opponent.

In fact, they are all very small details, as if they are insignificant.

But in e-sports, details also affect success or failure.

For any team club that is extremely eager to win the World Championship trophy, even if it can only gain one more point for their team in the next finals, it is worth their full preparation.

Lin Feng swiped the screen of his phone twice more with his finger. When he scrolled down the Tieba page, he saw a popular post with a very interesting title——

"predict! Training match confrontation strength ranking! 》.

On the eve of every past World Finals, there will also be teams from various major competition areas competing against each other for training. However, the results and results will not be officially announced, but they will not be deliberately concealed. With.

Naturally, there will always be all-pervasive game and e-sports media to conduct inspections and interviews to obtain information, and then report on various public platforms.

This is also a gossip topic that is of great interest to the majority of players in the national server. After all, the finals are still too nerve-wracking and have no time to think and guess. But if it is just a private training exchange match, it would be It can put everyone in the mood to participate in a discussion and gossip.

Lin Feng also opened this post with great interest.

What I saw was that the poster with the ID name "Thinking about Life" didn't make a long speech. Instead, he concisely and concisely made an intuitive TOP-10 ranking of the training match performance predictions of the well-known strong teams in each major competition area.

The tenth from the bottom is the Thunder team from the Taiwan server LMS division.

It is also the only team in the LMS division, other than the Assassin team, to represent the region and enter the S6 finals.

It is not very strong, but it is also a veteran. In the previous S4 and S5 seasons, it also entered the World Finals, but always failed in the group stage - but one thing about this team is that it often performs well in training matches. It is better than the official competition, ranking tenth is objective.

The ninth is the Cog team in the North American division.

Although this team has the veteran top laner Seven, its overall strength has two shortcomings in the bottom lane and the jungle. In previous finals, whether it made it to the quarterfinals or not was entirely down to luck. bad.

Moving forward, the next rankings are basically the first and second seeded teams in each major competition area, and their strength is already within the top eight. It's just that the order is slightly different.

Lin Feng was also surprised to see three teams from the LPL division among the top eight.

Hayami is ranked eighth, one place higher than the Cog team. It can be seen that this poster called "Thinking Life" has given Hayami Club a lot of face.

KG was ranked fourth.

Team God was surprisingly ranked first.

Even the North American Season team and SSK team only ranked second and third.

However, scrolling down the post, I saw that other water friends who responded have no opinions on this ranking and quite agree with it. It is not because of their stance that they have no brains to support the best team in their national server, but because of any training in previous years. In the competition, Team God’s results were indeed either first or second.

It’s also reasonable, because the competition in exchange training matches is usually only a single game of BO1, and there will be no BO3 and BO5. The God team is indeed quite strong in terms of this BO1 game ability. When encountering teams like SSK and Season Strong opponents can be defeated.

But this situation doesn't really make people happy.

Lin Feng shook his head.

After all, it's just a training confrontation, just BO1.

At best, this kind of strength or ability can only help the God team to advance steadily in the group stage, but in the quarter-finals and even the final... the BO5 game, it loses the strong competitiveness it had in the BO1.

In this regard, the European Legend team, which is currently only ranked fifth in the training competition, may be much stronger and more stable than the God team.

The update is here, the third update is done. See you tomorrow, friends~

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