
Chapter 1544 Rookie

As soon as Nian Shisan came, everyone in the training room greeted the former in a very familiar and familiar manner. They were all old friends and rivals, especially An Xin, who smiled and high-fived the former:

"Thirteen, long time no see."

"It's been a long time, beauty Baozi!" Nian Shisan also beamed with joy: "Hey, how many years has it been? Oh, I miss you so much!"

However, when his eyes turned to Li Shiyi, the expression of the first jungler in the Taiwanese server became a little darker:

"You're back?"

Li Shiyi showed a somewhat complicated expression and nodded:

"came back."

The atmosphere in the training room solidified for a moment.

Everyone was silent, basically knowing that the two had a feud. This seemed to be the reunion of the two top junglers in the S1 season after many years. The relationship between them was almost as old as enemies. Not inferior to someone's relationship with Han Shihao.

The next moment, Nian Shisan suddenly curled his lips:

"It's good to come back. It's made me worry so much all these years that I won't have the chance to fuck you again."

As soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.

Shi Hang, who was standing next to him, teased: "Do it again? You never got any benefit from Eleven back then, right?"

Nian Shisan was immediately furious when he heard this: "Fart! I had a 50-50 fight with him back then! I just didn't get it right once or twice!"

Lin Feng touched his chin:

"Once or twice?"

"I remember there was a five-game losing streak... Fatty?"

Tian Tian, ​​who was questioned by someone, thought about it seriously and answered honestly and honestly: "It's six consecutive defeats."

So Nian Shisan got so angry again that he almost went crazy, but Li Shiyi hurriedly came out to smooth things over...

The training room was filled with relaxed and cheerful laughter.

Here comes such an old friend,

It still did not affect the continued review discussion in the training room. Nian Shisan also pulled up a chair and sat down next to him. He ate the potato chips handed over by Shi Hang and watched the review video with everyone.

After the video was played, Lin Feng turned his head to look at Nian Shisan and raised his eyebrows:

"Give me some advice?"

He threw another red stewed potato chip into his mouth, chewed it up and ate it, and pouted his lips after saying Thirteen:

"This blind man is so stupid, he's so much worse than me -"

As he spoke, he glanced at Li Shiyi with contempt on his face:

"You're in such a bad state. With this little skill left, I can kill you in minutes with just one hand, okay?"

The rough commenting style was completely in line with the character and temperament of the Assassin team captain, but what drew everyone's attention more was the former's sharp eyesight - when the replay of the video was played just now, no one told Nian Shisan who the junglers on the two sides were. Who, but the former simply guessed and judged the controller of the blue jungler Lee Sin.

It was indeed Li Shiyi who beat him.

Of course, it’s not too surprising. Regarding the playing style of his old opponent that he has remembered for so many years, even though Li Shiyi’s strength has declined seriously now, it still does not prevent Nian Shisan from being able to recognize it at a glance. According to his own words He said, "I can recognize this guy's jungler even if it turns to ashes."

Of course, ridicule is ridicule, but Nian Shisan is not empty talk. He opened his mouth and babbled and directly pointed out a lot of specific problems with Li Shiyi's operation of jungle blind monk just now.

Li Shiyi also looked a little ashamed when he heard this:

"Well, there are a lot of questions."

"I'm also trying to correct it."

Nian Shisan, who had a slightly dry mouth as he spoke, took a bottle of mineral water from the side and took a sip. Then he glanced at the video that had just been played to the end on the electronic screen, frowned and added:

"But Zi Fang's jungle excavator has something good."

"The rhythm...is very smooth."

"The offensiveness is a bit lacking, but the thinking is quite clear."

Almost everyone in the industry knows Nian Shisan’s character and temper. He is a master who is both vicious and mean-spirited. You can’t easily hear any good words or comments from this guy. Even the various positions in his own team The team members are subject to various criticisms and lessons from their captain every day, and they tremble in the shadow of the captain every day.

Even Mafa, another jungler of the SSK team who is on the same level as him and one of the two most powerful junglers in the world, was evaluated by Nian Shisan as "not very good" and "only knows how to eat grass".

So it is extremely difficult and extremely rare to hear one or two compliments from him.

Perhaps only Li Shiyi back then had a positive comment on Nian Shisan - after all, he himself was a defeated enemy at that time, and if he didn't brag about it, he couldn't justify it, otherwise he would look even lower - but now Li Shiyi's His strength is not as good as before, and he was also insulted by Nian Shisan just now.

But it was the purple jungle excavator in the replay of this round that actually made Nian Shisan a little impressed.


The rhythm is smooth.

Think clearly.

Three consecutive compliments were given in just a few sentences.

For Nian Shisan, this was definitely the first time in so many years, so after saying this, he felt a little awkward and uncomfortable. He looked at everyone in the training room:

"Hey, who hit me?"

After saying that, he looked directly at Lin Feng and raised his eyebrows: "You?"

It does seem that this is the only guess that is relatively reasonable. Among the people present, people such as Dawn Morning Star, Tian Tian, ​​Huangxue Yege and Shi Hang are all old acquaintances, but their positions are all determined. It is impossible to have anything in the jungle. Special achievements, that is, only someone who is a perverted omnipotent being can achieve this level.

But Lin Feng shrugged:

"I'm the top orderer."

Nian Shisan, who guessed wrong, was stunned when he heard this, and then became even more confused:

"Then who hit him?"

"Fuck, do you still have someone here who can play jungle to this level?"

Everyone looked at each other, and then unanimously turned their attention to An Xin who was standing aside.

Nian Shisan also subconsciously followed everyone's gaze.

Seeing the girl's smiling face, she finally reacted suddenly:

"Damn, it's Baozi who is playing jungle!?"

Immediately, the jungle captain of the Assassin team was shocked: "Oh my God! When will you play jungle again, Baozi? How come you are so 6? I never knew!"

Seeing Nian Shisan's shocked look, Huangxue Yege, Shi Hang, and Dawn Morning Star shadow puppets beside him couldn't help but show some empathetic expressions——

In fact, during the first training game, they had almost the same reaction and mood when they first saw the girl's jungle operations...

No matter the jungler's rhythm or consciousness, including the ability to invade and control the jungle, let alone female players, even professional junglers cannot easily do it so smoothly and freely.

But this level of operation really came from the hands of the girl in front of them.

"Damn, with this level of Bao Bao, why did you coach Maple and others back then? You can even go on the field and play in the game -" Nian Shisan still couldn't help but marvel: "You can send this guy Shi Yi to... It’s on the bench!”

An Xin smiled: "It's not that exaggerated. It's just that there aren't enough people here, so I just happened to help with the counting."

Nian Shisan shook his head repeatedly after hearing this: "You are so humble. I think your level is much better than that of Shishi!"

He would never pass up the opportunity to attack and ridicule his old rival.

Lin Feng squinted at Nian Shisan:

"Anyway, you couldn't even beat Eleven back then. If Baozi is better than Eleven, wouldn't you be a noob?"

Nian Shisan was furious again:

"Damn it, your sister! Who is a noob!?"

An update is here. The next chapter will be in the early morning. I suggest you get up and read it tomorrow morning.

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