
Chapter 1543 Overtime Training

After paying the bill, everyone left the hot pot restaurant. When they walked out of the store, they looked up at the sky full of stars. After a busy day, it was almost time to go back and have a good rest.

So everyone took three taxis back to the Hilton Hotel, went to the lobby, took the elevator together to the 16th floor, and prepared to say goodbye in front of the elevator door.

"Go back and rest."

Number 1 raised his eyebrows, looked at everyone in front of him, and said this casually.

Naturally, everyone nodded in agreement.

Immediately, No. 1 and No. 5 walked back to their room first, swiped the key card to open the door and went in. It was not until the door was closed that No. 5 looked at his fiancé and said with a smile:

"It feels like Xiaofeng and the others have other plans."

In fact, the two of them had noticed some secret eye exchanges among their juniors early on, but they never took the initiative to point it out.

The corner of No. 1's mouth curled up:

"It's normal..."

"After being disturbed by the boy named Han, if these brats can sit still tonight, there will be trouble."

No. 5 nodded, a little worried: "However, it won't work if it's too late and you don't have a good rest."

No. 1 laughed: "Don't worry about it, just let them do whatever they want - in the current competition, there is never too much energy and fighting spirit."

In the corridor outside the room, as soon as they watched the two seniors disappear, Huangxue Yege and Shi Hang suddenly became energetic:

"Go, go, go!"

"Go to the 7th floor, go to the 7th floor!"

Only then did Lin Feng react belatedly: "Ah, what you said earlier was not to eat the second wave..."

In exchange for a look from Shi Hang, he said, "What the hell, the second wave. Are you still full of hot pot?"

Lin Feng wondered: "Then why are you going to the seventh floor?"

The League of Legends S6 World Finals is coming soon.

This time, almost half of the floors and rooms of the Hilton Hotel, located next to Milton Stadium, were contracted and booked by staff from professional team clubs in various competition regions and various official electronics associations.

Basically each competition area occupies an entire floor.

On the 7th floor, there are five separate conference rooms, which are used for exchanges and training matches between various clubs and teams in each competition area in the next few days.

Just before, Dawn Morning Star borrowed the key to the training room from the team leader of his club. At this moment, everyone came to the seventh floor and found the corresponding room number. The former swiped the key card and pushed the door open first, putting his hand on the wall. Turn on the light——

The originally dark training room suddenly turned on the lights one by one, creating a spacious and bright space with two rows of battle computers and seats neatly arranged. There was also an LCD electronic display hanging on the wall directly opposite. Observe games in tactical meetings and training sessions.


Huangxue Yege clapped her hands:

"Let's start practicing!"

At the same time, the other Tian Tian, ​​Shi Hang and Shadow Puppet were also gearing up, and the flames of fighting spirit in their eyes had begun to burn.

Yes, everyone had already made such a tacit decision when they were paying the bill at the hot pot restaurant and preparing to leave——


Are you kidding me? Who can sleep easily after hearing such news about F-Han Shihao tonight? How big of a heart can you not mind?

Of course, one night of training cannot help them easily catch up with the world's number one mid laner. They all know this truth, but knowing the truth is one thing. If they don't do something at night, then it is true. No one can get over that hurdle in their heart.


Everyone is holding back their anger.

Why can people play Mole Machine Nightmare difficulty for 10 minutes, but you and I can only struggle for six or seven minutes?

Others can do it...why can't you and me?

But when it comes to professional players at their level, no one can lag behind.

"This is what you are planning," Lin Feng finally realized, and then glanced sideways at Shi Hang and the others: "Then you brought me together?"

Shi Hang shrugged: "You are our official sparring partner. How can it be justified if you don't accompany us when we start training?"

Huangxue Yege was even more straightforward: "In one sentence, do you want to fight or not?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard:


"Why don't you fight!"

To put it bluntly, even Shi Hang, Huang Xue Ye Ge and the others would have a competitive mood that refused to admit defeat, and someone would certainly not be an exception.

He had been holding a fire in his heart for a long time.

The remaining Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui and Li Shiyi also agreed readily without any objection. However, Zeng Rui glanced at An Xin next to him with some concern, worried about the latter's physical condition, while the girl was worried. He smiled and waved his hands to show his companions that it was okay.

Then there are just ten people in the training room, enough to train the two teams.

Even the lineup is basically complete from top laner, jungler, ADC support to mid laner. It is just an extra mid laner, but Lin Feng can fill in at any time and go to the top lane to play against Tian Tian.

Turn on the computer and log in to the game.

Soon the first training match kicked off.

The first battle ended 30 minutes later. Everyone didn't care about the outcome. They pulled out the video they had just recorded and put it on the electronic screen hanging on the wall to start a round of review analysis and discussion.

"This opening eleven was well done."

"But Baozi is also very good at dealing with it. If the weak jungle hero in the early stage sets a route like this, his development will not be affected much."

"This is a completely balanced lineup in the bottom lane, so the disadvantage on the blue side is really a matter of operational ability - Azeng's support Zyra is fine, but Tangtang, your lane handling details are a bit poor, look. 4 minutes here…”

"Axing's matchup is perfect. I can't find any faults."

"Old Shi, you are so stupid this time because your reaction speed is too slow, okay?"

Half of the analysis and discussion of the review focused on the overall tactics, while the other half was consciously focused on the ability to operate hand speed.

While the meeting was being reviewed, Tang Bingyao's Gopher game console in front of him was also taking turns in everyone's hands. Everyone took the time to challenge a game to continue adapting to the game and hone their hand speed.

After the review is over, the second game continues.

After the battle, review.

The lights in the corridor on the seventh floor of the Hilton Hotel are soft and dim. The door of the training room is ajar, but there is still bright light coming from inside. Mixed with it is the sound of pressing keys and various heated arguments and discussions from time to time.

It was almost around 11 o'clock in the evening, as the door of the training room was pushed open with a creak, and everyone who was continuing to discuss the review of the third game welcomed their first guest.

Nian Shisan poked his head in and looked at the people sitting in front of the electronic screen, with stunned expressions on their faces:

"Did I rely on you to work so hard!"

"Are you still training and having a meeting right now?"

Lin Feng greeted: "Hey, Thirteenth is here. Come sit down and have a meeting together."

Read Thirteen: "...I haven't had dinner yet!"

Next to him, Shi Hang kindly handed over a bag of potato chips:

"Let's just pad my stomach."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 8 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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