
Chapter 1503 Here it comes!

Although they were all aware of the difficulty of this qualifying round and gave some warnings, in fact, neither No. 1, No. 5 nor Bullet were too worried about the current situation.

In other words, they still have enough hope and trust in Tang Bingyao, who is sitting in front of the computer screen.

When the level of strength reaches the level of these three people, things like vision... have really surpassed the level of most people.

A person who can make these three people unanimously like and recognize...

No one has ever disappointed.

One after another, they have become well-known top players in the world's professional e-sports circles.

Although today's girls have not entered the profession yet, their talents and potentials have been revealed bit by bit.

The qualifying round on the field was still going on, and the purple side army began to take the initiative in rhythm, and in terms of team economy, it also opened up a gap of nearly 3,000 against the opponent's blue side.

Very reasonable.

Because in the early stage, although the development of the Glory Executioner under the control of Bullet has been the best in the game, after all, only Draven is the most developed position, and the other top, middle and jungle assistants have to be stretched by their opponents, not to mention just now After two waves of small team battles, the purple army, which had won consecutive victories, had regained its morale again.

At this moment, several purple passerby players were in high spirits.

Although it's a bit strange... the ADC Draven on the opposite side seems to still not follow the team even in this passive disadvantageous situation. It seems that he still wants to come up alone to close the line or look for trouble——

But this is definitely good news for their purple side!

If they really go together with a few other people from the blue side and form a group, their purple side may not be able to focus all their firepower on Draven alone, but now that Draven himself is so If you take the initiative to give me a chance...then don't blame them for being rude.

The few passers-by players on the purple square don’t know that a certain girl on the opposite side is actually treating this behavior as a more difficult test for themselves. If they find out, they will probably become angry and angry. Of course, they may also like to see it - —

If you make things difficult for yourself, isn’t this looking for abuse?

One person wants to come up for a duel... It’s okay if you played well in the first two waves.

Do you really think that you are so awesome that you can fight one against five at any time?

This is League of Legends!

This is not a place to promote personal heroism!

She didn't know what the passersby players from the opposite purple side were thinking at this moment. At this time, Tang Bingyao's whole heart was already focused on how to deal with the current battle situation.

Thoughts were racing.

Several purple heroes appeared in the field of vision not far away from the opposite side and flashed past.

Sword Girl, Enchantress, Prince, and Japanese Girl, except for the Piltover Policewoman in the ADC position, these other four points are enough to cause great trouble and threat to her ADC Draven.

Although the senior Bullet had shown her several perfect teaching demonstrations before, such a competition cannot be handled casually by imitating and copying. Instead, it may be copying a cat, taking the form but losing the essence.

It doesn’t mean that Draven’s E skill was previously given to Enchantress, but in every subsequent team battle, the “clearing axe” must be used to interrupt Enchantress’s “Shadow’s Trace”.

It must be adapted to local conditions and changes from time to time.

The girl's eyes swept back and forth over the figures of the purple heroes opposite, and her eyes became brighter and shimmering——

There is only one truly critical core.

That is from among the most complicated and countless factors...

Identify the only deadly threat!

The most powerful means... must only be used on the most critical edge!

Summoner's Rift, middle lane.

ADC Draven, controlled by Tang Bingyao, walked to the line and closed down his troops to finish off the damage.

Although the Infinity Blade had just been sold, plus the assists gained from the previous wave of team battles operated by Bullet, the economy was worth five or six thousand, but at Bullet's request, the money was considered invalid and put in the wallet. It can't be used inside, so girls now have to continue to find ways to "make money" if they want to replenish their equipment.

Of course, this is just one thing.

The current Glory Executioner's equipment is still gorgeous enough compared to other teammates. Even if he faces several heroes from the purple side whose average development is stronger than his own, Draven's two axes can still cause fatal damage. threats.

So at this moment, while Tang Bingyao was retracting her line to make up for the damage, she kept glancing towards not far away from the corner of her eye.

Number 1, who noticed this detail next to him, couldn't help but laugh:

"This girl..."

"I only think about fighting."

No. 5 also smiled and shook his head: "It's really a completely different style from Xiao Mo back then——"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Bullet on the side couldn't help but snorted and answered coldly:

"Of course attacking is a good thing."

"That kid named 'MoYan'... Everything else is good, but his playing style makes people uncomfortable."

Indeed, for Bullet, who advocates the most extreme offensiveness, when he saw Mo Yan's playing style that was almost the same as that of No. 5, he naturally did not find it pleasing to the eye when looking horizontally or vertically.

Of course, then again, the strong dissatisfaction and slight resentment mixed in the tone of this North American legend at this moment actually has some other small reasons that few people know——

In fact, at that time, he developed a love for talents in "Mo Yan" and had the idea of ​​​​accepting a disciple.

If it weren't for the inappropriate style, he would have snatched "Si Yan" from the hands of No. 1 and No. 5 even if he was trying to steal it.

The talent and strength of someone's ADC partner back then are evident.

Otherwise, this North American legend of the previous generation would not have expressed his dissatisfaction with a cold snort, and at the same time, he would have given such a rare comment as "everything else is fine."

No. 1 couldn't help but laugh after hearing this:

"You old guy, are you still thinking about those things back then?"

"It should be enough to compensate you with Tangtang now——"

While he was talking, Number 5 beside him had already let out a soft cry:


On the route in Summoner's Rift.

Suddenly, a wave of war seems to have been set off so unexpectedly.

Originally, it was just Draven on the blue side who was doing last-minute damage online to gain economy. Not far away from the opposite side, the ADC policewoman and auxiliary teammate Leona on the purple side came up and were also withdrawing their troops.

Probably because of the protection of auxiliary teammates around him, and the previous one or two waves to regain the dominant rhythm, the female police player at this time was obviously a lot more courageous. Seeing the blue side on the opposite side, Draven was alone. When the ground is on the line, I can't help but have evil thoughts.

The Piltover policewoman stepped forward and fired a "Peacemaker" anchor bullet from her Q skill.

But he was dodged by Delevingne with an easy move.

The female police player was a little angry.

He immediately continued to move forward relentlessly, raised his gun and took advantage of the range to fire a flat A bullet towards Draven.

The health bar on Draven's head dropped a small level.

And just this moment...

It was as if the barrel was set on fire.

Tang Bingyao's eyes suddenly lit up in front of the computer screen, and the figure of policewoman Caitlin not far away was reflected in her pupils——

For girls.

Caitlin on the opposite side started from the moment she came up to order someone.

He is already a dead person.

The update is here, the third update is finally done. . . Try to continue with three updates tomorrow. . I won't be able to return from this business trip until the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. .

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