
Chapter 1502 It can be done!

Several passer-by players in the Purple Legion felt that the rankings in this round were like a roller coaster of emotions.

The bottom lane ahead collapsed.

Then they began to prepare to limit the development of the opposite ADC Draven, but they were defeated by someone single-handedly.

No, they were stunned, completely stunned, five people were fighting each other, and they were still a lineup that was close to all-attack, all-assassin style. All the skills were thrown at them like a storm, and the result was that even the opponent's Glory Executioner's Not even the corners of my clothes were stained. It was like someone was chopping melons and vegetables and knocking them all over.

I met a pervert-level master.

This is the thought that several purple passerby players had in despair.

Even some of the top professional players they had occasionally encountered before seemed to have not reached this abnormal level of cheating. Who had ever seen an ADC chasing five of them?

After the wave in Xiaolong Gorge in the river in front, several purple passerby players were already disheartened and prepared to surrender and give up the game in 20 minutes, but who knew when they suddenly saw Draven appear on the opposite side...

Damn this great god, suddenly there is an endless piece missing from the equipment column?

Several purple side players were a little confused.

What's going on?

Did your hand slip the wrong way? But that’s not right. If you clicked the wrong button, can you still restore it in the equipment store?——

Or is it that the current masters have such great personalities and feel that the game is too easy, so they simply take the initiative to add some extra difficulty factors?

Regardless of whether this is true or not, but after the two people on the opposite side were captured and killed in the Dalong Gorge in front of the river, the minds of several passerby players from the purple side army finally couldn't help but start to become active again.

If the opponent's master really plays like this... plus the other positions on the blue side are all bad.

This round, it seems like we can still save something, right?

This thought soon continued into the next wave of team battles, and the result was a 2 for 3. The purple side made a small profit, which surprised several passerby players even more -

Small profits are secondary.

The point is that in this wave of team battles, they actually killed their ADC Draven!

The end!

And compared with the previous wave of team battles, the strength and operational level displayed by the Glory Executioner on the opposite blue side in this wave of team battles... have clearly declined a lot!

It’s not just the lack of one piece of [Infinity Blade].

It is true that the operational level is obviously inferior compared to before!

"Did you change people to play with?"

Several passerby players and teammates in the purple side team's chat column were discussing nervously and excitedly. Although no specific results could be obtained, this situation is definitely a good thing for their purple side.

There was no hope of a comeback at all, and they were thinking of surrendering.

but now……

The balance of victory is tilting towards their purple side again little by little!

"There are still two waves of opportunities."

In the corner of the Great Wall Internet Cafe, No. 1, who was standing leisurely watching the game, made this comment lightly.

Number Five nodded slightly.

Indeed, in the last wave, due to Tang Bingyao's performance problems, the opponent had to catch up with the rhythm. The overall situation of the blue and purple sides was almost even. If this rhythm continues, if the blue side loses another wave, the blue side will lose. To fall into a complete passive disadvantage, and if you lose two waves in a row...

In this game, the opponent will truly turn defeat into victory.

In contrast, Bullet, who as the girl's new master should have the most say and the most responsible guidance, was silent at the moment, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Because this is exactly his coaching style.

He will not teach his disciples all the steps step by step.

The previous demonstration has been done twice, and the rest should be left to the girls to practice and experience.

Having said that, if you can't understand and grasp the essence of it after watching the demonstration, then the level of talent itself is not enough, and you are not qualified to be the successor of his inheritance.


The difficulty is indeed here.

Bullet's eyes were deep and twinkling.

As the same number said, the only time left in this passer qualifying round is two waves of team battles. The girl failed to grasp the key in the previous wave of team battles, so the last one left Two waves of team battles... we really need to hurry up.

Stress is a double-edged sword.

It may push people to a point of no return and then completely fall off a cliff.


It can also enable people to unleash their greatest potential and make breakthroughs in desperate situations.

His eyes fell on the girl, and Bullet's eyes became slightly sharp and sharp:

The successor he valued.

Naturally, people can only and must belong to the latter category.

In fact, to be honest, the current situation in this qualifying round is not really that difficult.

If you want to find your rhythm and come back to win, there is a way.

After all, Tang Bingyao's ADC Delevingne is not the only one. Even if the other teammates on the blue side are not well developed and slightly weaker than their opponents, after all, the four of them can perform well in a team battle. Make some difference.

Even if they go up to sell a wave and all four people are killed and taken away, as long as the opponent's most powerful skills are consumed and the rest is left to Tang Bingyao's ADC Draven to enter the field, the difficulty of harvesting will be reduced by one. Big cut.

After all, this is just a diamond segment ranking. As long as the team battle breaks out, it is impossible for the five people on the opposite side to rush forward easily and focus all their firepower on Draven alone.

But this "solution" was not mentioned at all by No. 1 and No. 5, as if they had never considered it.

Bullet naturally had no other opinion.

And even Tang Bingyao herself...

Faced with the current situation, it seems that there is no attempt to solve the problem in that way.

Because the girl knew very well that even if she could win a comeback, she would lose the significance of this qualifying trial.

Although the opponent in this round is only in the Diamond Division, we can deal with it through that method, but after that, if we stand in the professional arena, or even in the top competitions, any opponent we encounter will definitely The strength far exceeds that of Diamond Master, and it cannot be solved by simply asking teammates to sell it.

Another more important point is——

Tang Bingyao herself was unwilling to do that.

Because from her master Bullet's operation just now, she had already seen the violent and killing offensive style, which made her dazzled and fascinated.

That's the style she's after.

Keep moving forward.

Only advance and never retreat.

Be unrestrained and face all challenges head-on with the most violent and courageous attitude.

The fire in the girl's eyes burned and danced again——

This kind of thing...

She can do it too!

Here's the update, let's see if I can get the third update out after I finish my work tonight. . . I have to work overtime now. .

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