
Chapter 1425 Realm crushing

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For Tang Bingyao, it seemed that everything that happened recently was beyond her plans and expectations. . :.

Just like this time, she would travel thousands of miles to come to Manchester, England. Before making the decision, she had never imagined that her first trip abroad would be so simple and hasty, without any preparation.

Another example is that she had already made many worst expectations and preparations on the way here, but when she arrived in London, she unexpectedly received the best news that she had never expected. Baozi was fine for the time being, and her relationship with Fengzi The conflict and deadlock was also successfully resolved.

Of course, the above mentioned are all good things.

But now.


The situation she was going through could not be said to be good or bad. To be more precise... it just made the girl feel more and more confused and confused.

First, two seniors called her to the hotel room temporarily.

Then she was asked to play a round and was ranked in the European server pub round for no apparent reason.


Still no further comments or explanations were given.

But Sister Xiaowu has actually transformed a laptop from the side. Do you want to start playing solo with her again?

At this moment, the only thought in Tang Bingyao's little mind was, must these things be done tonight?

No matter ranked or solo.

It can be done at any other time...and wouldn't it be more suitable after she has had a good rest and sleep?

It's just that the girl remembered what Senior No. 1 just said, and this matter seemed a bit "urgent".

It's so urgent...it needs to be done tonight.

But why on earth did she need to play ranked and solo here tonight?

If it had been anyone else, or even if it had been Lin Feng, he would have been shouting and protesting just now, or he would have been asking for the root of the matter and would not give up until he got an answer - —It is not impossible to even lie about the strike on the spot and demand that the truth be known before cooperating.

But sitting here right now is Tang Bingyao.

With the obedient character of a girl, even if she has doubts, she will still obey the instructions of the two seniors in front of her and do things obediently, so now Tangtang has started to move again. 'Click the mouse to open a custom room and prepare to attract people.

Number 1 on the side could also guess that the girl was definitely full of confusion and questions at this moment, so she smiled and said:

"Girl, just calm down."

"I'll finish this solo first. I'll tell you the specific reasons later."

Tang Bingyao nodded obediently and said "Yeah".

At this time, No. 5 also opened another account and was invited into the custom room by Tang Bingyao. A solo game was quickly prepared to start. When preparing to choose a hero, No. 5 did not forget to face this side of the seat. Tang Bingyao reminded with a smile:

"Tangtang, I won't keep this one."

"You have to be more serious."

Such a reminder...

In fact, there is no need to do it. Tang Bingyao himself would not be lax at all.

On the one hand, it's because her own personality is like this. No matter when she enters a battle, there is absolutely no possibility of letting go or slacking off. She has the same mind for any opponent she encounters. Go all out.

on the other hand--

Now her solo opponent is Sister Xiaowu.

Facing such a legend who can stand shoulder to shoulder with some of the top beings of the year, no one would dare to be careless in the slightest.

Because even if it’s just a little bit of relaxation,

They are all doomed to die instantly in a duel.

So a solo game soon began. Tang Bingyao is on the blue side, and the hero she chooses to play this time is Holy Lance Ranger Lucian.

An adc hero who is also very good at keyboard and mouse operations and also possesses strong offensive qualities.

On the purple side, Number 5 randomly selected the female police officer.

The progress bar ends.

Solo start.

Ten minutes later, the game ended.

There was no head on the field, and the data was still 0-0. However, Tang Bingyao, who was in front of the laptop screen, still put down the operation in her hands and looked at the data display of the enemy and ourselves on the tab panel with some confusion——

Lucian, 63 last hits.

‘Female’ police officer, 100 knives.

According to the solo winning and losing standards of one tower, one blood and 100 CS, the winner is determined by meeting any one of the three conditions. However, the frequency of meeting the last CS condition in solo games is often not the same. is the lowest.


It is also the most powerless one.

Tang Bingyao lost.

However, the defeat in this round cannot be attributed to the fact that the girl had not rested all day and had not recovered to her best condition, because in fact, for Tang Bingyao, as long as she entered the game, , at least in a short period of time, she can definitely maintain her 100% concentration without causing an obvious decline in her level.

What's more, after the last passerby qualifying game, her hand is actually getting hotter.

It can be said that in this solo match against No. 5, she was at her most perfect level.


The defeat in this round was entirely a matter of strength, and there were no other reasons or excuses.

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips hard. Even before the solo started, she had already guessed that it would end like this. In fact, losing to Sister Xiaowu was definitely not a shame, but... with her competitiveness Heart, if you lose a game, you will never feel good.

Seeing the change in the girl's mood, No. 5 laughed and asked:

"One more round?"

Almost without hesitation, Tang Bingyao nodded vigorously.

Even when facing Sister Xiaowu...

At this time, her fighting spirit to refuse to admit defeat was still mobilized.

The faces of No. 1 and No. 5 showed a look of appreciation at the same time, and No. 1 clapped his hands: "Okay, there is plenty of time. Let's try this again with your best Draven."

This suggestion was quickly adopted by Tang Bingyao.

So the second solo game began.

On the purple side, Number 5 still used the Piltover policewoman Caitlin, while Tang Bingyao once again used her native glory executioner to fight.


Another ten minutes later.

Once again, the female policeman won with a steady 100 CS.

Still no first blood or one tower.

That's 100 CS.

However, this is the result, which makes people feel a suffocating feeling of depression and powerlessness.

Tang Bingyao was a little confused.

Because no matter how slow her reaction was, after two solo games, she could easily and effortlessly feel that the opposite Xiao Wu sister was actually in complete control of the entire scene from beginning to end.

Because in fact, even if you get one blood or one tower, it is simpler and easier.

But every time, he managed to achieve a solo victory with a steady 100 CS, as if without a single blow, and with ease.

The strength shown here quietly...

It is almost completely something that can only be accomplished by being at least two levels beyond the opponent.

An update is here. The next chapter will be after 12 o'clock. I suggest you read it tomorrow morning.

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