
Chapter 1424 Try solo again

A person can only really do something well when he is focused and focused.

And if this person's character is not simple and pure, then when he seriously devotes himself to what he wants to do, the achievements he can achieve will definitely shock everyone.

For Tang Bingyao, she has been exposed to the League of Legends game since she was in high school. Until now, she has always been devoted to it, working hard to improve her laning skills, immersed in her own playing style and Along the way, I never looked to the left or right even once or a half.

There are certainly pros and cons to this.

Because she only focuses on improving her personal operation ability and is obsessed with her own style of play that is full of absolutely pure offensiveness, she will miss out on many other training and development of more comprehensive abilities.

Such as looking at the overall situation.

Like the rhythm of advance and retreat.

Like many others, it may be a psychological battle with the opponent.

These are the weaknesses and problems that girls have as an adc player.

At this moment, No. 1 and No. 5, who were standing behind the girl, were watching the passerby qualifying match. They could easily see these shortcomings from the ADC Drai under the control of the girl.

For example, if there was just a wave of laning, if Delai could be a little more steady and wait until his single teleport CD is cooled down before forcing the bottom lane, the opponent jungler would not be able to arrive in time to form a 2v3 confrontation situation with a numerical disadvantage. No need He relied on his own hard work to replace two people, but both himself and his auxiliary teammates in the bottom lane were also killed.

It can definitely be played more steadily.

It's also safer.

But it seems that neither No. 1 nor No. 5 care much about such problems at the moment.


In fact, what they value the most in the girl in front of them is precisely the pure quality of the girl, because only such pure jade can become a pure jade after being carved by some top "skilled craftsmen" or "masters". A truly dazzling treasure.

An ADC with no obvious shortcomings in overall abilities.

In fact, it is destined to have mediocre data in all aspects.

And there are too many such "affordable" ADC players, whether in the national server or in other competition regions, and there is nothing really worthy of people's attention.

Actually, on the way back to the hotel, No. 1, who was sitting in the car, talked to No. 5 about his views on this aspect:

"What we want is not a well-behaved adc."


"It's a spear."

"A spear sharp enough to penetrate any and all shields."

"It just needs offense."

"As for defense or other matters, just leave it to others to handle."

And at this point.

At this moment, Tang Bingyao, who was sitting in front of the laptop screen in the hotel room and concentrating on controlling the ADC Delai and continuing the battle, was getting closer and closer to perfectly meeting the requirements of No. 1.


It's offense.

Don't care about anything else and devote yourself wholeheartedly to the attack.

It seems that beneath the innocent and harmless appearance of the girl, what is hidden in her body is the blood that belongs to a warrior and can boil at any time, full of countless warlike factors.

Especially when the mental state is slightly lower than usual after traveling and tiring, girls who enter a match are even more lazy to consider other details, and they fight entirely with their most subconscious instincts and thoughts. .

And when this situation is reflected in the specific reality and Tang Bingyao's control at the moment, there is only one word -


The crisp tapping sound of the keyboard and mouse keys almost echoed in the hotel room in a continuous line without any pause, like a sharp and rapid murderous movement that can't help but invigorate people after hearing it.

He stared intently at the game screen on the computer screen in front of him.

The girl's hands controlling the mouse and keyboard also moved almost too fast for people to catch the changes.

Number 1 and Number 5, who were standing behind Tang Bingyao and watching the battle, saw the same eyes flashing brightly, with unconcealed admiration and appreciation. With the eyesight of the two of them, they can easily see that such a huge hand speed operation is actually not very high in actual effective hand speed, especially if compared with professional ADC players, the girl's effective hand speed accounts for all the operation hands. The speed is so heavy that it can only be described as unqualified.

But that's not important at all.


Such a huge amount of hand speed operations is already a level that few people in almost the entire professional e-sports circle can achieve.

Is the effective hand speed too low?

This can be brought about through acquired training.

But such a hand speed limit that can only be described as astonishing is destined to be possessed by only a very small number of people with the most top talents.

Just imagine.

If all these hand speeds can be converted into effective hand speeds.


What kind of horrific scene should this be?

For No. 1 and No. 5, they had seen and experienced this scene with their own eyes as early as their generation.

This kind of picture, this kind of realm, had a very simple and direct code name in that generation -

It's called a bullet.

Number 1 and Number 5 exchanged glances with each other again, and each could see what the other was thinking at the moment.

The perfect master.

and the ideal candidate for apprenticeship.

It's just that although they have basically finalized the matter on the "master" side this afternoon, now... the remaining problems still have to be solved on the "apprentice" side.

A passerby qualifying match in the Diamond Division of the European server came to an end in just over 20 minutes.

In fact, based on the habits of European server players, players in the Chinese server have a better mentality. They will not have a mental explosion when they encounter a slight disadvantage and directly ask teammates to criticize each other and then give up the game and surrender.

But this game...

On the opponent side of the Purple Army, several passerby players in the European server still want to try harder and don't want to give up, but the problem is that the actual situation no longer gives them the time and opportunity to fight hard.

In the bottom lane, Tang Bingyao's adc Delai directly penetrated the bulldozing heights in fifteen minutes.

Detour in 17 minutes.

Break all the way again.

At 20 minutes, the girl's Delai, with a superb record and a frighteningly gorgeous pure output outfit, rushed in front alone with four teammates behind him, and easily flattened the opponent Purple. Fang Legion's two incisor towers successfully demolished the opponent's base crystal into ruins after scoring a wave of three kills.

The "Victory" emblem slowly appeared in the center of the laptop screen.


Tang Bingyao let go of the mouse and turned to look at the two seniors.

At first glance, I was dumbfounded to find that at some point, the two seniors had magically conjured another laptop and placed it in front of another table next to it, and No. 5 was already preparing to sit down. , Number 1 here patted the girl on the shoulder and praised:

"Well played."

He paused and added as if nothing happened:

"Next, let's try another solo game with your little dance sister."


The girl was dumbfounded again.

I continue to find that my brain seems to be in a continuing state of insufficiency.

The update will be sent. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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