
Chapter 1412 Arrived

After taxiing for a distance on the runway, the plane slowly stopped on the tarmac.

The covered bridge is released.

The steward's soft and sweet voice sounded from the public address in the cabin. The passengers on the seats also woke up from the twelve-hour long flight and stood up one after another to get off the plane.

In the business class seat in the front row, Zeng Rui, who was sitting in the aisle seat, took off his sleep-aid eye mask and was about to wake up the girl next to him to get off the plane. When he turned around, he unexpectedly discovered that the girl seemed to have woken up early. He was holding on to the armrest of the seat and looking out the window in a daze through the small window.

"Tangtang?" Zeng Rui called out, and Tang Bingyao seemed to have come back to her senses and turned around to look over: "Oh, A Zeng, you're awake."

Zeng Rui said "hmm" and saw the obvious dark circles on the girl's face. He was a little concerned: "Why, didn't you sleep well?"

The girl hesitated for a moment, then nodded:

"Not too... sleepy."

Zeng Rui showed a clear look on his face: "I've never been on such a long flight before. Twelve hours...it's really hard."

Tang Bingyao nodded again, then pursed his lips hesitantly, but said no more.

But this scene was also seen by Zeng Rui, who sighed softly in his heart and said: "You are still worried about Baozi, right?"


The inconvenience of sleeping on the back of a chair during a twelve-hour flight is naturally only partly an objective factor, but the other, more subjective reason... lies in other things.

There are always things or people worrying about you, so how can you sleep easily?

"It's okay." Zeng Rui reached out and patted Tang Bingyao's shoulder to express comfort: "We are already here, you can see the buns soon -"

Yes, we have already crossed the ocean and arrived in a distant foreign country thousands of miles apart.

Whether it was the distance from that girl or the truth of everything, they were already within easy reach.

But Tang Bingyao looked slightly gloomy when she heard this, and whispered:


"I'm a little scared."

Zeng Rui also listened in silence for a while.

Of course he understands what the girl in front of him is afraid of. Sometimes when you are closer to what you desire and closer to the truth, you will subconsciously start to feel fear and worry.

Because when you really go in front of that person and the truth.

There's really no room for luck.

Everything will be presented directly in front of you completely and without reservation.

For better or worse.

You all have to accept and bear it.

Zeng Rui took a deep breath: "No matter what, we are already here, and there is no room for retreat. This is also your own choice and decision, Tangtang, isn't it?"

As he spoke, he stood up from his seat and looked down at Tang Bingyao with a calm and solemn expression:


"Let's go and see it together."

"No matter what the situation is, at least... this is the only thing we can and must do as partners."

Tang Bingyao lowered her head and remained silent. After a while, she stood up from her seat. When she looked up at Zeng Rui again, a serious and determined look appeared on the girl's face again:


"one way or another!"

Walk down the covered bridge.

After boarding the airport shuttle bus and arriving at the airport arrivals hall, Zeng Rui followed the flow of people to the checked baggage area. While standing in front of the transfer track and waiting for the luggage to be transferred out, Zeng Rui looked up at an electronic display not far away. The time on the screen was already close to eight o'clock in the evening local time in London. Then he looked at Tang Bingyao beside him:

"What are your plans later?"

"How about staying here in London for one night first?"

The two of them had only booked air tickets before setting off, and were not in a hurry to book a hotel immediately because they had two choices in front of them. The first was to go directly from London overnight and take an hour or two train to Manchester City. The second one is to stay in London for one night to rest a little and then set off the next day.

Zeng Rui made such a suggestion at this moment because he saw that Tang Bingyao was a little tired and sleepy, and knew that the girl had not had a good rest during the journey. In addition, she had been thinking about someone here. With the girl, the dual physical and mental pressure has brought her to a critical point where it is difficult to persist.

You should have a good night's rest.

However, Tang Bingyao shook her head persistently: "I'm fine. I just took my luggage... and rushed to the train station."

As she spoke, she paused and looked at Zeng Rui again:

"Azen, can you do that?"

There is a bit of begging.

The girl may not care about her tiredness, but she is equally careful and kind and will subconsciously think about her companions around her. Even though she is extremely eager to get to Manchester City immediately to see someone and the girl, she still doesn't want to be. It’s too much to force the partner and friend in front of you to suffer so much because of you.

She is such a girl who always considers others, and even if she only occasionally wants to make some decisions according to her own wishes, she is careful not to affect others...

Zeng Rui sighed in his heart, unconsciously feeling envious and lamenting someone's good luck. Then he calmed down and smiled slightly:

"Of course I can."

"But why don't you just close your eyes and take a nap on the way there?"

"You can't exhaust yourself first when you haven't seen anyone and things haven't been decided yet."

Tang Bingyao was slightly startled when she heard this, and then she finally nodded slightly:


After picking up their luggage, the two of them walked out of the gate and came to the outside of the airport. They flagged down a taxi and ran directly towards the train station. On the way, Tang Bingyao still couldn't rest peacefully and kept walking towards her side. Zeng Rui repeatedly confirmed whether he had tickets at the train station at this time. Zeng Rui also smiled helplessly and assured the girl again and again.

When he was about to arrive, Zeng Rui remembered something, took out his mobile phone and turned it on, ready to book a hotel. Since he had decided to go directly to Manchester City tonight, accommodation issues had to be settled first:

"St. Edinlan's Hospital...right Tangtang?"

After turning around and asking the girl for confirmation, Zeng Rui nodded and continued to operate his mobile phone screen: "Then it would be more convenient if the hotel is located near the hospital."

Seeing Zeng Rui getting busy with his mobile phone, Tang Bingyao was reminded and took out her mobile phone from her small school bag. It had been turned off on the plane, so she could turn it on.

Press and hold the power button.

The screen lights up.

Jumping to the main interface of the screen, the upper right corner begins to display the signal grid and the transmission connection icon of the data network - before coming out this time, the girl also worked hard to be fully prepared, including the mobile phone card. Call domestic customer service and ask for the corresponding overseas call and Internet traffic packages to ensure that they will not be affected in the UK...

Ding dong——

The signal had just been connected, and information pop-ups began to pop up at the top of the screen along with the system prompts. The sounds of "ding dong ding dong" continued one after another. Many of them were advertisements or text message reminders from the operator, and there were also some The pop-up message on WeChat reminded her that it was from her roommates and best friends in college asking why she didn’t come to school today...

Before Tang Bingyao had time to see it clearly, the next message popped up at the top of the screen and disappeared in a flash.

The girl's movements suddenly froze.

That is……

A WeChat message from Fengzi.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 12 o'clock. Keep typing. The last three updates have become more stable.

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