
Chapter 1411 Unreality

It's always a really bad feeling to have an outgoing call that goes unanswered.

Lin Feng has experienced this feeling twice in the past few days.

But at this time, he was not angry at the girl who never answered the phone. On the contrary, after being unable to connect to the phone one after another, he began to feel vaguely anxious and worried.

Just like what he said to the childhood sweetheart next to him, under normal circumstances, Tangtang would not turn off her phone easily.

If the phone ran out of battery, it was unlikely to happen, because he knew very well that Tang Bingyao always carried a power bank with him in his small schoolbag, at least it would not be like this for half a day. Always shut down.


It seems that there are only a few more disturbing possibilities left.

For Lin Feng, this feeling was actually the same as when he couldn't get through to An Xin. At that time, he didn't know the specific situation of the girl in Manchester at home, and he was worried about all the unknown information. The anxiety became more and more intense, so much so that I almost collapsed and went crazy, and my mind was filled with uncontrollable speculations in all the worst directions.

And now——

He came to Manchester City, but he happened to be in a different country from Tang Bingyao, who was in China. He was completely unable to obtain the girl's specific information, and he didn't know why the other party's mobile phone was turned off for a long time.

The more important difference is.

This time, he actually vaguely felt that he might be responsible for this matter.

Because just before going abroad this time, because his mind was completely occupied by worries and random thoughts about his childhood sweetheart girl on the other side of the ocean, he couldn't control his emotions and anger at all, and even gave a warning to Tangtang. He had a bad look on his face and harsh and harsh words.

Thinking about it now, there was no reason for him to lose his temper with Tangtang.

Because the girl was originally entrusted by Baozi, she had been enduring and trying hard to keep the secret.

But what he did before was to blame the girl for his mistakes without any reason, and to use the girl as his punching bag. This was what was truly excessive.

In the morning, he was already planning to call the girl to apologize.

But now.

The phone call that was never answered began to make Lin Feng's mood sink little by little.


If it was really his fault that led to such a situation, then no matter what kind of impact and harm Tangtang suffered, he would be completely unable to forgive himself.

But more importantly, this actually has nothing to do with whether he forgives himself or not.

The important thing is that the girl he is extremely familiar with, close to and even likes, such a clean, pure and kind girl, has no reason to be harmed even a little bit.

He dialed the phone number several times in succession, but over and over again he heard the system service's mechanical "power off" prompt from the phone receiver. Lin Feng's face became increasingly ugly, and the fingers that clenched the phone tightly tightened due to force. Slightly whitish.

An Xin on the side had no time to comfort Lin Feng beside her at this time, and was also busy taking out her mobile phone to dial other numbers——

But soon she put down the phone in disappointment:

"Senior and Sister Xiaowu seem to have poor signal over there."

"I haven't been able to get through several times."

Then she looked at Lin Feng and held the latter's hand: "Don't worry, Tangtang will be fine."

Lin Feng nodded absently. He understood that An Xin was comforting him, but at this time, as long as he could not confirm and learn about Tangtang's situation, he would never be able to calm down.


Suddenly Lin Feng raised his head and looked at An Xin:

"Let me call Sister Xue, maybe she knows--" An Xin was startled, and then nodded quickly:


In fact, neither of them had high hopes.

Because in fact, both Su Xue and Numbers 1 and 5, whom they had just called, were normally very busy these days. Tang Bingyao, who was in China, probably didn't understand what was going on.

It's just that... at this time, they have no other better way or more suitable person to ask for help.

We can only place slim hopes on this.


The call went through.

Lin Feng held the phone to his ear, while An Xin stood beside Lin Feng, both of them waiting anxiously.


Su Xue's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone:


"Hey Xiaofeng?"

You can hear that the background environment on the other side of the phone seems to be a bit lively and noisy, and Su Xue's voice is not very clear among the mix. The other end said "Hey, hello" for a long time before the two sides could barely hear each other and communicate:

"What are you doing? Are you and Baozi still together?"

Lin Feng said "hmm" and quickly asked hurriedly:

"Sister Xue, do you have any news about Tangtang?"

"My phone has been turned off since I called her in the morning, and I still can't contact her—"

Before she finished speaking, she heard Su Xue's suddenly enlightened voice coming from the other end of the phone:

"Oh, Tangtang."

"I know!"

This sentence directly stunned Lin Feng on the other end of the phone:

"you know?"

This was really a huge surprise that he didn't expect at all. He didn't have any hope at all, but who knew that the last call to Su Xue... actually paid off.


Even though Su Xue's voice on the other end of the phone was loud, it was still mixed in the noisy background of the crowd, but the content of the words spoken below were still clearly heard by Lin Feng and An Xin on the other side of the phone:

"She and Xiao Zeng left for Manchester City this afternoon domestic time!"

"Probably still on the plane!"

"Oh, didn't I tell you about this? Hahaha, maybe you forgot. I only heard about it yesterday from your sister Xiao Wu."

"Hey, there's nothing to worry about! She and Xiao Zeng will arrive in the UK almost tonight. Let's meet and chat then! Okay, let's not talk anymore. Ashen and I are still shopping. I rely on the bags from the luxury store here. The bag is so beautiful. There are not so many styles in China - Hey, Ah Sheng, can you help me ask how much this bag costs?"

Then the phone was hung up.

Lin Feng was the only one left on the other end of the phone, still holding his cell phone, and looking at each other with An Xin.

Lin Feng was a little dazed:

"Sister Xue said...Tangtang also left today?"

There was still a sense of confusion in his tone.

An Xin also tried hard to calm down, recalling what she just heard with her ear on someone's mobile phone: "Hmm... It seems that A Zeng is here too?"

Then the atmosphere was silent for a moment.

The two looked at each other again.

You Zi had a sense of unreality and trance, as if you were in a dream.

at the same time.

London, England.

At Heathrow International Airport, there was a roar in the sky. A flight from Pudong Airport broke through the clouds in the night and landed slowly.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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