
Chapter 1366 Dispute at Internet Cafe

Lin Feng and An Xin looked at each other.

"Go take a look?" the girl suggested.

Someone nodded decisively: "Okay, okay, let's see the fun."

Originally, I went to the Internet cafe in the afternoon just to have some fun. I just got a little addicted after playing a few qualifying games, and there happened to be other excitement to watch, so naturally why not do it.

So Lin Feng paused his machine for a moment, then stood up with An Xin and walked towards the direction where the noise just came from.

When I came to the center of the Internet cafe hall, I tried my best to squeeze into the surrounding crowd of onlookers. There were still many people in front of me. Someone tried his best to look inside and saw two rows of computers facing each other. It seemed that they were The team battle seats specially set up in this Internet cafe are like a small mini arena.

On this side of the battle arena, the people sitting on the seats were the few Manchester City college students at the next table when Lin Feng and An Xin were eating in the hot pot restaurant. Behind the five boys were two women, who were now on the stage. The several boys in the room were all working hard on their mouse and keyboard in front of the computer screen, with nervous and anxious expressions on their faces, and a slight sweat on their foreheads.

On the other side opposite them, what can be seen behind the computer screen are several Internet cafe customers who also appear to be from another team, but they are several British faces. They also look young and should be no more than two years old. Around 13 or 14 years old, the expressions on the faces of these British young people are extremely relaxed and casual compared to the several Manchester City students here, which is in sharp contrast.

Lin Feng pulled over a Chinese-faced Internet cafe customer next to him and asked curiously:

"Hey, may I ask, what are you doing here?"

"It's quite noisy——"

The guest who was held back didn’t care, and kindly answered and explained:

"It's nothing,

There just happened to be a verbal conflict between two groups here. Some British guys saw that our two girls were pretty and wanted to strike up a conversation. However, some of the girl's friends were not happy and started to fight. "

"They all happen to play League of Legends, so let's make an appointment to play. We've already played a game before and this is already the second game."

As the guest paused, he added with some regret:

"But our students here lost miserably in the last round."

"This second one seems to be more difficult."

Lin Feng understood: "That's it..."

After understanding the situation, he thanked the kind guest and moved towards An Xin. He also explained to An Xin in a low voice.

The girl nodded after hearing this, but her brows furrowed slightly:

"This one, it looks like we are going to lose again."

Someone followed the girl's gaze.

From the perspective of several Chinese students from Manchester City, what they saw was the familiar Summoner's Rift game map screen. The game time seemed to have reached just over 20 minutes. The Chinese students were on the blue square, and looking at the mini map ...The visual space has been completely compressed and pressed forward by the opponent.

The head count of the blue and purple sides is 5 to 16.

The blue side is almost collapsing.

Of the three defense towers, the middle and lower lanes, and the four outer towers, have all been destroyed. The enemy's line of defense has been pushed up to the high ground. Not long ago, it seemed that the opponent's purple army had also captured the big dragon. At this time, it brought the big dragon buff. There was another wave of grouping in the middle, leaving a top laner, Sword Girl, to distribute the pressure on the top lane.

There was a burst of whispers from the surrounding audience:

"This sword girl is so amazing..."

"Hey, the difference in strength between the two sides is really big, and the top laner is not on the same level."

At this time, Lin Feng, who was standing in the front row of the crowd with An Xin, also shook his head:

"It's quite a big difference."

Even though he didn't see the team fight between the two sides earlier, he just saw a Chinese boy studying in the jungle on the blue side in front of him. He pressed the tab key to bring up the battle panel. The last hits of the heroes on both sides were displayed. A very sharp contrast has been formed.

Basically, the heroes in the five positions of the Blue Army are all outscored by at least thirty or forty points on average by their opponents, and the level difference is also an average of one or even two levels.

The latter is understandable, after all, the gap between the advantages and disadvantages of the two sides on the court is already too obvious.

But in terms of last hit...

Looking at the purple side on the opposite side, basically the hero's CS in each position is following the timeline. At most, it is 20 to 30 knives behind the time. The top laner and mid laner adc are all within knives, which is quite stable.

To make a simple judgment, this basic skill is almost at least above the diamond level. The top lane swordswoman on the purple side has 198 knives and 7 kills. The data is very gorgeous in hand. I guess I can just put the one on the blue side online. The opponent in the top lane was defeated.

And at this time, as a wave of troops was pushed up to the high ground in the middle of the blue side, the heroes on the blue side's side could not find a chance to fight back and almost had no choice but to fight for the final counterattack. They struggled to support themselves under the tower, barely clearing the troops and stalling for time.

Not long after.

Seeing that most of the health of the defense tower on the high ground in the middle of the blue side had been wiped out after one or two waves of troops, suddenly Thresh, the auxiliary on the purple side, shot a chilling Q skill "Death Sentence" from the bottom of the high ground.

The sickle chain shot straight up to the high ground.

Hit the blue side jungle prince!

The next second.

Thresh's second stage Q rushes forward!

Immediately stronger!

The surrounding audience suddenly burst into exclamations, and a wave of team battles exploded in front of the blue army's middle high ground. However, it seemed that this was also the last chance for the blue army. After all, the opponent's support Thresh did not find their most core output mid laner or adc, and such a strong team jumping over the tower will undoubtedly require a huge risk for the team initiating team.

So several Chinese students on the blue side gritted their teeth and immediately launched a brazen counterattack.

Meet the team!

The little murloc in the mid lane used his ultimate move to throw the auxiliary Thresh who rushed up from the opposite side, and killed him with a Q skill like lightning.

Adc Jinks stood in the back row and worked hard to output under the protection of his auxiliary teammate Bronn.

The formation worked hard to keep it tight under the tower without causing any confusion.

The damage is dealt out nicely.

For a moment, various damage values ​​​​floated from the heads of the blue and purple heroes under the tower, and the health bars were falling rapidly, but at least at this time, it seemed that they had fought hard and were inseparable.


Just the next moment.

There was another burst of exclamations from the crowd:

"Sword Princess!"

"Sword Lady is here!!"

Lin Feng and An Xin's eyes turned to the top road faster than everyone else.

Just before the team battle begins.

Sword Girl, who was originally on the top lane on the purple side, has quietly reached the front of the high ground. As the team battle near the high ground tower in the middle lane detonated, Sword Girl directly sneaked in from the top tower in front of the opponent's top high ground tower. During the team battle In the midst of intense chaos, Fiona had already circled to the side and rear of the battle circle.

Approaching not far behind the target blue side adc Jinx.

While the adc Jinx player on the blue side was still concentrating on pouring out firepower forward, a chill suddenly rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

The corner of his eye glanced.

A flash of snowy cold light suddenly exploded!

The Sword Lady rushed in like a lightning strike!

The update is here. The next chapter is around eleven o'clock. I have just finished eating with a group of great masters.

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