
Chapter 1365 The movement behind you

When they were still in the hot pot restaurant next year, Lin Feng and An Xin had already communicated and discussed it.

Regarding the lineup routine of Icebird assisting with adc Vayne, although it has considerable effect and power in theory, in actual operation, it places extremely high requirements on the controller, both in terms of personal strength and tacit cooperation between them.

Because only when these two requirements meet sufficient standards at the same time, can this combination routine be enough to truly play its role in the world's top-level confrontational events. Otherwise, it will easily be seized on by equally top-notch opponents to defeat them.


If the opponent is not that strong.

Then these two requirements can lower the standards slightly.

For example, it does not require a strong tacit understanding, as long as one person can keep up with the rhythm of the other; another example is that it does not require the bottom lane adc to assist the two controllers to reach a strong enough level, only one of them needs to have a diamond. For segmentation, the other one... is suffice it to be Lin Feng.

In the bottom lane of Summoner's Rift, the purple side defends in front of the outer tower.

The auxiliary fairy witch player who had just been resurrected from the spring and returned to the lower route watched his policewoman teammate being raped. He already had a psychological shadow and did not dare to go to the tower. He was extremely cautious and wanted to stay behind the tower. Eat the experience of eating troops.

But he still didn't expect that even though he had shown weakness and gave in, the opponent's bottom duo on the blue side still had no intention of letting him go.

Vayne flashed.

Icebird flashes.

The ADC on the bottom lane of the blue side assists the two heroes to flash forward at the same time. One E skill "Devil's Judgment" starts and the other skill "Ice Barrier" comes first.

Complete a wave of god-level combo that can be said to be unbelievable in the blink of an eye.

Be the first to jump over the tower and force the stunned person.

So what follows...

Basically there will be no difference from the previous two waves of kills.

Ice Bird supplemented the Q to connect with the stun control, and cooperated with the output of teammate ADC Vayne. The last E skill was swung with an ice pick, fanned with dual hands, and slapped out, directly collecting and taking away Lulu's head.

"you-have-s1ained-an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)."

The system's female voice announced the kill.

Lulu still couldn't hand over her flash until her death.

Both times.

Seeing his performance data go from o/o/2 to 1/o/2, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction in front of the computer screen. Even if he is an assistant, he can't always give the adc trouble. He also has to have some economy after all. Ice Bird's auxiliary, if it takes the heads and breeds it faster, its effect is much stronger than that of the regular auxiliary hero.

Later on, even one of his assistants, Ice Bird, was able to knock someone down head-on against someone else's mid laner.

At this time, An Xin on the side couldn't help but glance at Lin Feng, raised his eyebrows slightly and gave a rare compliment:

"Ice Bird's proficiency is pretty good~"


This wave looks light.

In fact, in the eyes of the girl who was watching the battle, she could see at a glance how valuable Ice Bird's operation was.

To put it bluntly.

The difficulty level of this wave of operations... starts directly at the Seventh King level.

Perhaps even a seven-king level expert who was not familiar with the skills of the hero Ice Bird would not be able to perform such a neat and beautiful operation just now.

Because normally, the combo routine of this lineup is that Ice Bird first uses the Ice Wall skill to create conditions for teammate Vayne, and then Vayne should react in the shortest time and use her e-skill to knock the target back. Fainted on the ice wall.

But it was not Icebird who took the lead just now.

Lin Feng knew that if he had taken the lead just now, his teammate Wei En would have been just a beat slower to catch up, and the opponent Lulu would have definitely dodged and escaped immediately.

So he chose to let Vayne take the lead.

Let Vayne flash e first.


The moment Vayne's e skill is released, it flashes to the wall to complete the connection.

This really requires improving the reaction operator to the extreme. Even a few tenths of a second difference will cause the ice bird's ice wall and Vayne's E skill crossbow to be misaligned, resulting in failure of coordination.

But it worked out in the end.

Complete the kill.

Not to mention that the auxiliary Lulu just opposite was just an ordinary diamond-level player in the European server. Even if he were a top-level professional player in the world, facing the kind of operation cooperation just now... there would be almost no way to escape.

It’s really a sure-fire wave.

It was rare to hear compliments from the childhood sweetheart girl around him, so Lin Feng scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Oh, it's okay~"

"If it were Senior No. 1, he would probably be stronger than me."

It was only after he faced off against the No. 1 mid laner Bingniao that he began to realize how terrifying this unpopular mid laner hero was when he was pushed to the extreme, so he devoted a lot of time to pondering and studying it.

Now it looks like...

The effect is really good.

This combination has basically been proven to be usable in actual combat. Of course, it has only verified its ability in the early laning stage. Next, we have to look at its subsequent role in team battles in the mid-to-late stage.

And just as Lin Feng was controlling his auxiliary Ice Bird, preparing to press the B button to return to the city, and chatting with An Xin beside him, another burst of commotion and exclamations came from behind the two of them, and Lin Feng subconsciously turned around. Looking over with confused head:

"What's going on——"

An Xin also cast his gaze, and what he saw was that not far away, in the direction of one or two rows of machines in the center of the hall, many people had been standing and seemed to be watching something:

"I don't know...but it seems to be where the people at the table next to us in the hot pot restaurant were."

Someone curled his lips and said: "It can be so lively even if you go online..."

After making a casual comment, he looked away and continued to concentrate on his qualifying game.

The rhythm just picked up.

Next, his auxiliary Ice Bird will really start to show off.

In fact, after killing the opponent's ADC support three times in a row in the bottom lane, basically the rhythm of the purple team's bottom lane combination completely collapsed.

And even though the policewoman and Lulu were absolutely vigilant and on guard against someone's assistant Ice Bird, it was still useless.

Because the gap in strength is too big.

Also because the Ice Bird support fell into someone's hands, paired with a diamond-level adc Vayne, it is indeed so strong that it is almost unstoppable.

Seven minutes.

Vayne in the bottom lane once again scored a double kill.

In eight minutes, the outer tower on Purple Fangxia Road was bulldozed and demolished into ruins.

At the beginning of the ninth minute, Lin Feng's auxiliary Ice Bird on the blue side took his adc Vayne teammate to switch lanes to the top lane, and repeatedly ravaged the opponent's Noshou several times.

Vayne is close to God.

The performance data of someone assisting Ice Bird is simply better than that of the mid lane heroes on both sides of the field.

When the game time came to fourteen or five minutes, when the two armies finally started to contact each other as a team, several European server passers-by on the purple side suddenly discovered in shock that a mere auxiliary Ice Bird on the opposite side was in the team battle. The effect it played and the damage it caused were actually more terrifying than the mid laner.

But now it's too late.

A wave of team battles, Bingniao three kills.

Another wave of team fights.

Another three kills, and he cooperated with his teammates to complete the team elimination.

At the beginning of 20 minutes, the completely defeated purple army simply surrendered and an experimental qualifying match ended easily.

At this moment, an even more eye-catching commotion and exclamation came from the direction behind Lin Feng and An Xin.

Mixed with it were some sounds of regret and self-blame.

as well as……

Others were full of arrogant and triumphant sarcasm.

An update is coming, this chapter is from yesterday. . . I forgot about it when I fell asleep. Now I have to go out to attend the annual meeting. Good morning, friends. ...

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