
Chapter 1248 Carry Out to the End

The game time slowly came to fourteen or fifteen minutes.

It also means that this game has officially entered the mid-term stage from the early-stage laning transition.

It is also the stage when the purple team's Shangwai team is beginning to exert their strength.

However, it was a little unexpected that after destroying the last defensive tower in the opponent's middle lane and taking down the first earth dragon in the small dragon fjord in the river, several players from the foreign team on the side of the purple army on the field The hero seemed to slow down the rhythm suddenly.

He did not quickly and decisively continue to hold a group to find a way to advance.

No more roaming ganks or head-to-head wars.

The entire game seems to have suddenly eased up a lot.

"There is no way to continue pushing for the time being."

At the commentary table, Xifeng nodded slightly and gave his own comments: "After all, the opponent's three defensive towers have been dismantled, and the earth dragon has also been taken. If they want to continue to fight together, they will push the second tower. "

The second tower is not so easy to push.

After all, the ADC on the purple side is a mouse figure, not a hero with long hands. If you really want to come up to hold a group to point the tower, on the one hand, you can easily enter the opponent's skill casting range and get caught. , On the other hand... the power of the purple team's lineup itself should not be reflected in the tower push.

"Whether it's a mouse or a praying mantis, they both belong to the hero who wants to attack secretly."

Mo Sheng took the words and added this sentence, and then his eyes fell on the OB screen on the big screen watching the battle:

"So now for the purple side, either it is to wait for the next little dragon to spawn, or to collect a canyon herald before advancing, or to wait patiently to see if the praying mantis or the mouse can find an opportunity to kill one on the other side. Two people to open the situation."

In fact, the two are not contradictory.

At this moment, the choice made by the Shangwai team of the purple army on the field is a unified fusion of the two methods. While preparing to wait for the second dragon to refresh, the heroes on several lines continue to push the line to suppress the opponent. The jungle mantis wandered through the rivers in the jungle looking for the next opportunity to gank.


The next road is temporarily unable to go.

As the captain of the team, Zou Siyuan had already said in a cold voice with a sullen face just now: "Don't come to the jungler, we will push the lane on the bottom lane, and leave after pushing. You spend more time helping the middle lane."

After all... Wei En, the ADC who caught someone before, caught another wave of double kills by surprise, and almost failed to bring back the psychological shadow that Zou Siyuan had finally eliminated. Although he could still control his emotions, the strong A sense of vigilance and alertness has arisen.

The current pace of this hand almost made him see the hope of winning.


Nothing else can go wrong!

No matter how securely the opposite Wayne controls the line and develops under the tower, let him do it, at least he must not let that guy take another kill!

And as long as this can be guaranteed, in the next team battle in the mid-term, his ADC mouse will explode the output to harvest the carry, and there will be no other problems.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a chance now, and there is no need to worry.

Anyway, it only takes one wave for their purple team to play a team.


It can make the opponent collapse instantly!


It has to be said that Zou Siyuan, as the core ace captain of the Shanghai team, made the right decision while maintaining a stable and calm state—aside from the faint fear and fear of someone in his heart— At least, such a choice did succeed in limiting the developmental pace of the opponent's ADC Vayne to the greatest extent.

At least at the moment, Lin Feng, who is controlling his ADC Vayne on the bottom lane and continues to slowly make up his swords, looks at Mouse Tuqi in the distance opposite him, and after making calculations, he can only shake his head regretfully.

The one on the opposite side has indeed learned a lot.

If you push the line and leave...

Have no idea.

"Forcibly open?"

Jingu Sakura next to her couldn't help but suggest that this is the first time that she, as a support Japanese girl, will be a little bit impatient. She has partnered with someone so many times in the bot lane. Being so passively suppressed by the opponent in the early stage, especially the opponent's ADC mouse developed so smoothly.

Lin Feng shook his head:

"Don't worry."

If he is absolutely sure, there is no need for Jingu Sakura's suggestion, and his own ADC Vayne has already taken the initiative to use Daqiang at this time.

But after all, firstly, the opposing jungler Mantis has not yet shown up on the side lanes, and secondly, the opposing top laner Twilight Eye is always holding a big move in hand. Once the bottom lane is strong, the best result will be them To play 2 on 3, there is always a risk.

In other words, if Lin Feng is playing in the mid laner position, there is no need to worry about these trivial issues at all.

But now he's an ADC.

Then...it is the most reasonable to implement Miss Xiao Wu's style of play to the end.

The opponent is not in a hurry, because it has just entered the strong period of the purple side at this time. As long as they open a random wave and let the mouse complete the output harvest, they can instantly seal the victory.

And he wasn't in a hurry either.

It's because the current passive disadvantage doesn't really matter, even if he is beaten by the opponent for a few more waves, as long as his ADC Vayne can always stabilize his level and development, the economy will always be far ahead of everyone. ,So--

He also only needs a wave of opportunities.


All these advantages that the opponent has cultivated slowly and carefully will be shattered in an instant.


Someone narrowed their eyes slightly.

At this moment, he had unwittingly and slowly entered into the state of Miss Xiao Wu in the training match against No. 5 in the God Club.

The sharp edge that was originally unique and exclusive seemed to slowly converge silently.

Instead, there was a calm and unhurried silence.


After all, it seems that the purple team's foreign team has seized a wave of opportunities.

When the game time was approaching the 16th minute, in the middle of Summoner Canyon, when the single fan in the purple team fired a psionic ball with one RQ and two consecutive blasts, it hit the target and the card master in the blue team accurately hit the target. Live at the same moment——

The figure of the purple jungler mantis suddenly appeared from the air obliquely behind the left side of the card's figure like a ghost!

The E skill "Leap Strike" flaps its wings like lightning and rushes towards the target!

There was an exclamation from the audience watching the battle.

next second.

Not far from the ruins of the outer tower on the middle road of the blue side, the jungler prince of the blue side quickly supported and caught up with him, and directly launched a second round of EQ!

The "German Army Flag" receives the "Dragon Impact" and instantly moves forward!

It turns out that in this wave, not only the jungler Mantis on the purple side was thinking about the middle lane, but the prince Jiawen on the blue side also came to support after he calculated the opponent's possible intentions towards the middle lane.

"Let's go!"

Dou Zi's anxious roar sounded in the voice channel of the blue Fangshangcai team on the stage.

And the card master who ate a set of explosive damage from the opponent's jungle mantis in the blink of an eye. At this time, the blood bar on the top of his head plummeted and suddenly bottomed out. Sun Ming was already there when his captain issued a warning call. Desperately manipulating himself, Drizzt handed over a 【Flash】!

Remaining Blood Limit Escape!

The prince's big move "Heaven and Earth Crack" aimed at the mantis in front of him and slammed it down!

The rugged and towering ring-shaped rock wall protrudes between the booms and traps the target Void Predator in it, but the next moment the purple jungler mantis almost simultaneously handed over a [flash] to directly move through the wall, and the target is still directed at the card master to chase and kill Forcibly follow up!

At the same time, a group of purple energy rays lit up from Mantis' body.

Eye of Twilight's full map support big move——

Mercy saves souls!

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The update is here, the next chapter is around eleven o'clock, sorry that there are only two updates today.

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