
Chapter 1247 Critical Strike

Due to their respective lineups, the output environment conditions of the ADC players on the two sides will also be quite different in the next team battle. It is difficult for the ADC Vayne on the blue side to output comfortably under the protection of his teammates like the opposite Mouse Tuqi. harvest.

In addition, the mouse originally relies on bursting out a wave of AOE seconds, but Wei En can't do it. Wei En needs to have teammates standing in the front row to carry the damage to him before he can continue to deal damage-but this is the blue one. In this lineup of Fang Legion, there are actually no real heroes in the front row.

So no matter who looks at it, even though Wayne achieved a pretty good economy and development in the early stage relying on his personal operation ability, he is still in a difficult situation in the mid-term.

However, at this moment, Tang Bingyao, who was sitting next to a few roommates and girlfriends in the back row of the spectator seats, didn't seem to be worried at all.


The girl really didn't think there was anything worth worrying about.

Maybe she was a little worried in the early stage of this game, just because the opponent has been choosing to avoid the battle, and the purple team's two-man lane has never been head-to-head with the blue team's Wei En, but each of them has grown steadily and peacefully. It's hard to find opportunities to grow up quickly.

But it's different now.

Someone's ADC Vayne just got a wave of double kills in the bottom lane.

Just a wave of fat.

And that's enough.

When someone's ADC hero has got enough development to be able to make ready-made equipment quickly in the early stage, then everything else is for Tang Bingyao. No need to worry about the slightest layout, because it is a really difficult problem for everyone else For example, the output environment, such as team battles, you can only rely on yourself...

When you get to someone, it's not a problem.

No comfortable environment for team battles?

ADC can only fight alone?

this kind of thing.

Someone has already done it more than once or twice, and maybe even fighting in such a situation... is precisely what he is best at.


Of course there is a saying.

That is, now is not the right time for Wei En to show off his power.

"Just wait a little longer."

Someone glanced at the game time in the upper right corner of the game screen, then looked at his equipment bar and summoner skill bar, and said this to several other teammates of the team in his team's voice channel.

His Wei En's equipment is still a little bit worse.

And just after the wave of double kills in the bottom lane, he himself also surrendered the summoner skill [Flash]. It is not easy to force open.

Jingu Sakura nodded, but couldn't help frowning again when her eyes swept over the small map:

"However, the middle tower and the little dragon are going to be lost."

That's right.

Even in the bottom lane, Fengnv and Mantis were double-killed by someone's ADC, but after all, in the middle lane, Zou Siyuan's ADC mouse also took away their mid lane assist kill, and no one in the middle tower had time to return. Defense, this will be broken directly.

Once the outer tower in the middle lane is broken, then their blue team will lose all three defensive towers and one tower, and the vision space and development space will be instantly compressed to one-third.

The fight for the first little dragon... also became quite difficult.

"Do you want to grab it?"

Dou Zi, who is the prince of the wild, couldn't help but suggest, after all, the first one is an earth dragon, so it's a pity to let it go so easily:

"Rambo from the old road is also coming down. If this wave of Xiaolongfjord starts a group, we still have a chance to fight."

Indeed, the development of the prince is not bad now. Although Rambo was overwhelmed in the early stage, at least after level 6, the role of the big move in team battles during this time period should not be underestimated. Bo Xiaolong fights together...they also have a slight chance of winning.

But Lin Feng shook his head:

"Need not."

"Give it up, don't fight."

Indeed, as Dou Zi said, if they want to try to fight for this earth dragon in this wave, and fight a wave of frontal team battles with the opponent's purple army around the small dragon fjord in the river, it is not completely impossible Chance.

Even, if it was based on Lin Feng's previous personality and temper, he should have been the one who made this suggestion at this moment.


This time he made a different choice.

Do not hit.

Take no chances.

In fact, this is also the experience he learned from the other side when he played against Li Xiao Chen Xing and played against No. 5 last time.

Miss Xiao Wu at that time... was like this.

From the beginning to the end, they never left even the slightest chance to take advantage of it. Every step was extremely calm and stable, harmonious and impeccable. In the end, they were completely powerless as opponents and naturally collapsed and surrendered. .

And the situation in this round was similar to that of the training match back then.

So someone had the same idea.

That is to imitate Miss Xiaowu's practice at that time, never give the opponent the slightest chance, even if there is a slight chance of winning, as long as there is a risk of risk, she will never mess with it.

Make sure nothing goes wrong at any step.

Only when you are truly 100% sure do you make a decisive move.

at last.

One move wins the game.


After the Shangcai team of the blue team on the field chose to give up and retreat temporarily, the defensive outer tower in the middle and an earth dragon fell into the pocket of the opponent purple team Shangwai team without any suspense.

The notification announcement sound of the female voice of the system echoed in the Summoner Canyon one after another.

The members of the SISU e-sports club in the back row of the spectator seats under the stage cheered endlessly, and even the purple team on the stage, several members of the SISU team, including Zou Siyuan, felt a little incredible—


It's too smooth.

Did the opponent really easily give up both the outer tower and the earth dragon in the middle?

I always vaguely feel that there seems to be something strange and wrong, but when I think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing, because after such a wave of rhythm, the snowball of their purple side's advantage has indeed been further enlarged .

"The economic gap has widened by four thousand."

Xifeng on the commentary seat frowned and looked at the comparison statistics of the blue and purple two sides at the top of the OB screen on the large spectator screen:

"It's only a little over ten minutes, so is the Shangcai team really planning to delay to the late game—"

It seems that this is the only possibility.

The truth is correct, such a choice is also understandable, but the problem is that for a long period of time from the next few minutes, it is destined to enter the strongest stage of the lineup of the purple Fang Shangcai team.

The blue side... can it withstand the pressure of the opponent's attack that will definitely be more fierce and powerful?

Even Mo Sheng couldn't help shaking her head:

"At this time, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Wei En to play the role of carry."

"We can only see how the prince and Rambo's ult combo cooperates in the team battle, and whether the card master's ult can find a chance to steal one first."

off stage.

On the front row of the spectator seats, based on an unconditional and unreasonable premise that there can be no surprises in the outcome of the game, the captains of Tongji and Fudan don't care about anything else at all, and their minds and attention are still focused on someone On the ADC Vayne, whispering and discussing:

"Vayne's economy seems to have caught up with the mouse."

"Tsk... This is still behind the team economy of the three defense towers. The ability of 'that' to steal development is really terrible."

"Well, did you directly make the crit cloak? After the first electric knife, the second one is endless—is this crit Liu Weien?"

"It seems to be, then this Wei En is not only continuously outputting and harvesting... it can kill people in seconds."

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The update is sent, and there are only two updates today, and we will see if we can strive for three updates tomorrow.

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