
Chapter 1198 shameless targeting

Xifeng on the commentary seat assured the audience swearingly, while Mo Sheng next to him couldn't help reminding with a smile:

"Okay, okay, let's explain that we still have to maintain a neutral position——"

"Speaking of which, the comprehensive strength of the Shangwai team should also be at the forefront of the high schools in Shanghai. It should not be underestimated. Moreover, as an opponent, compared with Shangwai, they have a better understanding of the Shangcai team than us. For sure A lot of careful preparations have been made in advance, so it is better to be careful when making money."

Speaking of the latter, he involuntarily stood on the position of the Shangcai team to help and kindly remind him.

So to put it bluntly, the two commentators in the commentary booth have not yet started the game, but their attitudes are quite clearly inclined to the side of the Shangcai team.

The audience in the audience was even more curious.

Even the two commentators are so optimistic, and even spare no effort to tout the ADC strength of the great god Lin Feng, so maybe the deeds in the MSI Invitational were true?

In that case——

Is it really difficult to go to the foreign team this time?

Zou Siyuan is still playing ADC against Lin Feng, wouldn't he be beaten even more?

Last time...it was just a verbal dispute, and they all lost face.

If he was really beaten up on the field this time, then Zou Siyuan probably wouldn't be able to get along in the entire high school e-sports circle in Shanghai, right?

"That's a must!~"

In the front row of the spectator seats, Qiu Le, Feng Tao, and Shen Zhuang in dormitory 514, who were sitting with other members of the Shangcai e-sports club, couldn't agree more with this statement. Qiu Leman Face gloating:

"Then Zou Siyuan met our Fengzi and hit the iron wall. He has to learn to be smarter. Today he shouldn't go on the field by himself and just change to a substitute to play ADC. Anyway, he will lose. If he is hanged, he will lose his face. It's so clean."

Feng Tao had a face of agreement, and it was rare for him to stand on the same standpoint as Qiu Le:


"If you play matchups...there's no way to avoid the comparison. Later, Fengzi's ADC will carry the whole game rhythmically, and Zou Siyuan's AD will count down to the bottom of the game in terms of damage output at the end. There is no room for making excuses. look for it.


"That's what it deserves, hahahaha—" Qiu Le was already looking forward to seeing the scene of Zou Siyuan being pounded later.

Only Shen Zhuang was slightly worried:

"Is it really as smooth as we thought?"

"He is not bad at top and outside, and he knows Fengzi's strength, if he tries to target him in the bottom lane... Even Fengzi will have a headache."

Feng Tao and Qiu Le looked at each other, then looked at Shen Zhuang in unison, with contempt on their faces:

"You underestimate Fengzi too much, don't you?"

"Other ADCs are afraid of being targeted. You think Fengzi's ADC can be targeted by a team like Shangwai?"

"Then you've had a positive confrontation with God F, okay? Are you afraid of such petty fights?"

"Have confidence in Fengzi!"


On the side of the Shangwai team on the stage, Zou Siyuan, sitting in front of the computer screen, took a deep breath.

Forcibly adjusted his somewhat ugly and gloomy face back to normal.

In front of so many people on and off the stage, as the captain of the Shangwai team, he still had to show his calm demeanor.

The two commentators clearly leaned towards the attitude of the Shangcai team, and what they said was really harsh.


It doesn't affect his confidence.

Looking towards the direction of the Shangcai team not far away, Zou Siyuan's eyes were cold:

No matter what other people think.

Regardless of the previous rumors.

It doesn't even matter what the attitude of the two commentators on stage is.

Anyway... When he wins the game later, he will use the facts to slap everyone in the face. He wants everyone to know that they are wrong. That mere Lin Feng, under his carefully prepared tactics Under the system, it is destined to fail miserably!

It was at this time.

The first BO3 match between Shangcai and Shanghai Foreign Languages ​​officially entered the ban selection process.

West Wind on the commentary booth announced:

"Okay, in the first round, Shangwai will ban first on the blue side."

"Then... let's see if this foreign team has made advance arrangements for the ban selection!"


For example, in the two games between Fudan and Tongji that ended earlier, the Fudan team was the opponent, while the Tongji team was the initiative. He also played out the effect of his lineup and tactical system beautifully.

And as for the round that is about to start now——

Undoubtedly, there are two concerns.

One is that someone who is the ADC of the Shangcai team will choose which hero to play.


It just depends on what kind of lineup the foreign team will come up with to deal with someone's ADC.

The former's ADC should not be selected immediately in the first few hands, but the team's lineup and tactical system can already give people a glimpse or two clues from the successively confirmed locked heroes.

After completing 6 bans alternately with the opponent, the first-hand hero of the blue team Shangwai team selected a wild boar girl.

Winter's Wrath Sejuani.

The audience in the audience seats nodded subconsciously.

Pig girl playing wild...

Relatively speaking, it is relatively well-regulated and stable. It can be used as a front row tank, and at the same time has good control and team battle capabilities. There is nothing wrong with being a first-hand hero.

Then came the first and second floors of the purple Fangshangcai team.

Jungle Lee Sin and support Braum confirmed.

It's also a choice that doesn't see much praiseworthy. It's quite satisfactory and lacks a little innovation.

Then go to the blue side and go to the foreign team——

On the second floor, the fairy witch Lulu, the assistant.

On the third floor, Frost Witch Lissandra, should be a mid laner...

"However, the hero Ice Maiden can pose a relatively large threat and limit to the opponent's ADC—" Xifeng in the commentary commented on Lissandra's move from the Shangwai team.

This is an evaluation given from the standpoint of the opponent's ADC position.


As a mage with a certain poke ability, Lissandra is actually an AP assassin. The E skill is used as a displacement rush to cooperate with the W skill's ice ring and the ultimate move of the frozen tomb. A combo combo of various controls can almost be used. Limit the opponent's crispy C-position heroes to death.

Because they are all hard-controlled and unreasonable, it is difficult for the opponent to have much room for manipulation.

"Speaking of which, Lulu's transformation into a sheep is also hard control—"

While analyzing, Xifeng suddenly came to his senses:

"There is also the big move of the pig girl."

"It's also a hard control."

Then it was Zifang Shangcai's turn to choose heroes on the third and fourth floors. The top laner locked Gnar, and the mid laner hesitated a little before finalizing the fan mom Karma, so that the audience in the audience seats could see Finally, there was a little commotion.

"Fan mother mid laner."

Mo Sheng's eyes lit up slightly in the commentary seat:

"It's a good choice."

"The ability to consume poke is very strong, and the laning is not weak—"

Meanwhile, West Wind shook his head:

"But looking at it this way, the lineup of the purple Fang Shangcai team seems to be a little bit lacking in damage. After all, Fanzi doesn't have a set of explosives like other AP heroes."

Before the words fell, there was another exclamation from the spectators below the stage.

On the big screen watching the battle, it can be seen that the blue Fang Shangwai team has quickly completed the last two hero selections.

The Lord of Shadow Stream, Jie.

Piltover policewoman Caitlyn.

The first-hand ADC female policeman is not too surprising a choice, the focus is on Zed.

"Wait a moment--"

Xifeng on the commentary seat couldn't help but widen his eyes:

"So...Jie Zhonglan, Ice Girl top lane!?"

Just now, most people subconsciously thought that Lissandra was played by the single hero in the team, but now... when the five-man lineup of the blue team is confirmed and locked, everyone can see it immediately There are clues.

One top laner is AP Assassin.

One mid laner is an AD assassin.

This is so...

It's obvious that they are all rushing to the opponent's back row!

The expression on Mo Sheng's face became slightly serious: "Shangwai's lineup... the opponent's back row heroes are really in a difficult situation."

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The update is here, the third is to strive for eleven o'clock, get out and come on!

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