
Chapter 1197 Wait and see

A person's anger often comes from the fact that his words have not attracted enough attention in the hearts of others.

It was as if I had carefully prepared a punch with all my strength, and it hit the cotton lightly without any effort.

It was a feeling of aggrieved to angry.

And that's exactly what it is right now.

Lin Feng, who doesn't care about the insignificant people, although he has no intention of having more nonsense disputes with Zou Siyuan, but such an attitude has made the president of the Shanghai International E-sports club even more suffocated. .

In a hurry.

It means I really don't care about you.

Delaying and wasting time seems to be more of a concern to someone than you are to the "revenge" connotation that this group of semi-finalists represents.


This is also true.

Compared with catching up with three training camps for the players of the three LPL teams on the national server to prepare for the last important training before the S6 finals, a mere semi-final of the Jin Ge Cup...or a mere foreign team really seems to be insignificant. Insignificant.

Even if Zou Siyuan knew the truth, he would definitely be choked again, speechless and unable to find any faults.

But at the moment he doesn't know this.

Therefore, in his opinion, this is clearly someone's contempt and provocation against him in another way.

This also made the resentment and anger in his heart smolder deeper, even when he looked at the back of someone and other members of the Shangcai team and turned away, the vicious light in the eyes of the president of the Shangwai E-sports club became more intense:

Look down on people, right?

Pretentious, right?

Later, when he brings out the targeted tactical system that he has carefully practiced recently, he wants to see if this Lin Feng can continue to pretend to be so calm and disgusting!


On the stage, the ten members of the two teams from Shangcai Shangwai have already taken their seats.

It is about to enter the ban selection stage of the first game of the BO3 game.

Xifeng in front of the commentator was holding the rosters of the two teams in his hands, and was about to start his comments and analysis before the match, but when his gaze inadvertently scanned the rosters of the Shangcai team and saw a certain When the name of the team member was quite familiar, he suddenly couldn't help being stunned.

Then he almost hastily raised his head and looked in the direction of Shangcai team's battle seats.

Then a familiar figure of someone came into view.

Finally, the experienced professional commentator of Shanghai City widened his eyes for a moment:

"My God!"

"Who did I see!?"

"Isn't this... isn't that little brother!!"

His tone suddenly became excited, and just as Xifeng couldn't wait to turn around and wanted to share this unexpected discovery with his partner beside him, "Mo Sheng, don't you think this is—" Before he finished speaking, he was stunned to see his beautiful partner female commentator He was looking at himself with a smile on his face, without any surprise.

West Wind suddenly came to his senses:

"Ah—you know?"

Mo Sheng couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing, and answered in a low voice before turning on the microphone: "Yes, I just saw it backstage."

"Oh, no wonder—" Xifeng suddenly said, "I said, why did you stay in the background for so long before..."

The mood of surprise was slightly reduced, but Xifeng still couldn't help being excited and joyful. He turned on the microphone and was ready to speak to the audience in the audience seats with a smile on his face:

"Oh, you may be wondering why I was so surprised."

"I'm going to bring you some good news here, because I saw a very familiar face on the side of the Shangcai team."

"Student Lin Feng!"

"It's the ADC position of the Shangcai team this time. Maybe you are not very familiar with it, but when it comes to this little brother Lin Feng, he has already been well-known in the e-sports circle of our magic capital—"

As soon as the conversation started, Xifeng opened his mouth and was ready to start eloquently telling the audience about a certain person's brilliant achievements in the past.

However, as soon as the conversation started, the audience in the spectator seats under the stage had already shouted:

"we know!"


Xifeng couldn't help being stunned when he heard it, and continued involuntarily:

"You know that sixteen..."

The voice did not fall.

They were interrupted by the audience in unison:

"Sixteen Schools League!"

Xi Feng was stunned again: "Then there's still—"

The responses from the spectators were still uniform:

"National College League!"

"Then... and..."

Almost all the audience said in unison: "The All-Star Game of the MSI Mid-Season Invitational! Play the bottom lane against God F!"

Xifeng couldn't help but was in a daze: "You, how do you all know?"

The audience roared with laughter, and the well-meaning audience answered loudly:

"I heard it all last time!"

Another audience member chimed in to add:

"Just wait for today!"

Immediately there was another neat echo, and it could be seen that almost all the audience couldn't wait, there were so many records about someone in front...The next group of semi-finals has corresponding Shangcai and Shangwai The "contradictory" gimmick between them has long raised everyone's expectations.

"Well, since we all know, then I won't say any more—" Xifeng still felt a little regretful, but then he couldn't help cheering up: "However, to be reasonable, seeing Lin Feng playing the ADC position today, it's still It's very exciting."

"In the past, what we saw more should be his wonderful performance in the mid laner position, but you must know that Lin Feng's ADC level is also very strong!"

The audience in the audience seats can almost understand it.

This should be referring to the rumor that someone played against F in the all-star interactive exhibition game of the MSI Mid-Season Invitational.


Is it really rumored so evil?

At this time, the vast majority of the audience in the spectator seats did not personally experience the MSI scene at that time, did not see the confrontation scenes of the All-Star gods in actual combat, and more were just hearing about it.

And this will inevitably make people suspicious.

Doubt is also justified.

after all……

It's a 50-50 matchup with Han Shihao, and the first reaction of anyone who hears it is definitely "a bunch of nonsense" and "dreams and foolishness".

However, Xifeng on the commentary seat was very determined to give his answer at this time:


"Facts speak louder than words. You will see it later. Let's keep a little expectation and get ready to enjoy the wonderful performance of our classmate Lin Feng's bot lane ADC—I can guarantee that it will definitely not be as good as the Fudan team in the last round. The operation of the small cannon is a little bit inferior!"

No one else has seen it, but he was sitting in the audience at the MSI Invitational and saw it clearly.

That's a genuine counterpoint to F!

Operate the fight show until the hype falls!

I simply don't know how many top professional gods, how many seven kings and four emperors have been alarmed!

Perhaps such remarks now are a bit inappropriate for a live commentary that should have a neutral attitude, but at this moment, Xifeng doesn't care at all—

What he said was the truth.

Anyway, regardless of the strength of his opponent's foreign team and his careful preparations, the side where little brother Lin Feng is on will definitely win!

Do not believe?

Wait and see later!

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around nine o'clock, get out and continue coding.

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