
Chapter 1126 Chasing and Fighting

In the early 12th minute of the game, the blue side's top defense outer tower was bulldozed and demolished into ruins by the purple side's Verus, female gun and prince.

At this time, only three minutes had passed since the blood tower on the blue side's bottom lane was broken.

The dual-ADC bot lane lineup used by the purple team in this round...has begun to show amazing and moving effects.

It's fast break.

Now, no matter on stage or off stage, almost everyone has figured out the purpose of the purple army's routine.

The tempo is very aggressive and fast.

In fact, the current number of kills on the field is not too much, but the purple team has achieved a tower pushing progress far beyond the ordinary professional game by relying on the combination of dual ADC heroes.


For a while, the blue side really had nothing to do.

"I can't make it through."

On the side of the blue team on the stage, Dawn Morning Star in front of the computer screen frowned, and his eyes fell on the purple team mid laner Morgana not far from her own Katerina on the center route.

Although he single-handedly killed the opponent's mid laner once before, but as time passed and Morgana's level gradually developed...it is not so easy for him to suppress others.

After all, the opponent is Shi Hang.

Also not an easy top-level mid laner to deal with.

People don't want to fight him head-on, they just need to hold back his mid laner Carter so that he can't easily go to the side lanes to support.

But this way...

The opposite double ADC hero is under the constant protection of the jungle prince, so he can bring the rhythm more unscrupulously.


"It's reasonable. In fact, if the blue team's lineup is delayed until the later stage... it will be very easy to fight the opponent."

Members of several clubs in the spectator seats were discussing and exchanging in low voices:

"That's right, the output of the purple side is only supported by the bottom lane ADC.


"Morgana's mid laner is only an auxiliary function."

"The big worm on the blue side has grown up, and the Japanese girl and the two of them can take the damage in the front row without any pressure--and Carter and Mantis, after the damage, cut to the opposite back row and say that the second person will be the second person."

"The mouse is also a late hero..."


Judging from the lineups of the blue and purple armies on the field, not to mention the late stage, even if it only enters the middle and late stage of the 20 or even 25-minute game, the blue team's chances of winning can be steadily more than seven. become.

So this is also the weakness of the lineup selected by the purple side——

"It's a pure early-game lineup."

"If you can't get up the tempo in the early stage...or even if you just get up a little slower, you will be weak in the mid-term."

Li Shiyi gave an objective evaluation.

On the side, Tian Tian looked at the OB screen on the giant LCD spectator screen on the stage:

"This... Fuko is also very clear."


I knew the problem of my lineup early in the morning, so from the very beginning, someone with a shadow puppet's auxiliary female gun has been doing rhythm driving and quickly destroying towers without sparing any effort.

For now, progress is good.

The opponent's upper and lower outer towers were demolished within the expected time frame.

Then next -

The next task became extremely clear.


A signal mark was directly placed on the opponent's blue team's central defense tower, and Lin Feng's voice sounded quickly in the voice channel of the purple team:


"A wave in the middle!"


As the actual commander of the purple army in this confrontation, Lin Feng's decisions in this wave of decisions are extremely wise and correct.

Because at this time...

It is to chase after and fight hard.

After their purple side broke down the opponent's upper and lower defensive towers, the two lines of soldiers have already pushed past. Using the line of soldiers can effectively contain the opponent. .

Although there are some small problems, the current health bar of the defensive tower in the opponent's middle lane is basically full——

"Hey, I can't help it, I'm not very good at laning in the early stage..."

Shi Hang was a little embarrassed.

But in fact, it's nothing. After all, the opponent is Katerina of Dawn Morning Star. It is not easy to rely on one mid laner Morgana to hold the No. 1 mid laner in the national server.

Lin Feng didn't take it to heart either:

"It's okay."

"Push a few more waves, and the tower will be broken."

Yes, there is nothing else to worry about on their side now. Both ADCs and junglers have come to the middle lane to meet Shi Hang's mid laner Morgana. The four of them have only one purpose to advance in a group - to dismantle Let's talk about the last defensive tower on the opposite side.

A wave of blue minions was quickly cleared.

The pawn line was quickly pushed to the opponent's defense tower by several heroes on the purple side.

In front of the tower, several people from the side lanes of the blue side also came back to defend. They clearly knew how important the strategic significance of this last tower in the middle lane is. If the outer tower in the middle lane is destroyed again, it means that they The field of vision and development space of the blue army on the map are suddenly compressed by more than one-third.

Not to mention wild monster resources such as dragons and canyon heralds.


Although it is said to guard the tower, in fact, the heroes on the blue side who are guarding under the tower don't have many good solutions.

On the side of the Purple Army not far away, the jungler Prince and the mid laner Morgana stood in the front row, and the ADC Verus and the shadow puppet's auxiliary female gun under someone's control stood in the formation without any anxiety Wait for the opportunity in the back row.

After the pawn line was pushed over, I took advantage of the situation and went up to touch the blood volume of the tower twice.

As soon as the opponent made a move to come up, the female gun and Verus immediately retreated.

Backhand did not forget to use Q skills for long-range consumption.

At this time, the poke ability of the purple team's lineup is also reflected. Not only the two ADC heroes, but even Morgana, who had a mediocre performance in the early stage, is also useful in the hands of Shi Hang. The land of martial arts——

Nothing else.

It's similar to Thresh and robots, relying on the "Dark Prison" of the Q skill to draw prizes.

When Q arrives, you earn money. As long as Morgana controls one, the two teammates behind him, the ADC Verus and the auxiliary female gun, will immediately catch up with the skills, and hit a target with a few pokes, even if it is the blue side. Even the big bugs in the front row couldn't bear this kind of damage.

One wave can be knocked out of nearly half of the blood volume of the tube.

Not to mention that if it is a crispy hero like Mouse or Carter in the back row, basically as long as it is Q, it will end up being almost instantly killed by a long-range.

The coaches and team leaders of several clubs in the spectator seats couldn't help getting together to discuss and study:

Morgana is also a good choice in this one...

It is more reliable than Jess's serious mid-lane poke hero.

This system is really getting stricter the more you look at it!

On the other side, Tian Tian, ​​who was also sitting in the spectator seats, had already looked at the small map:

"Galio can come over too."

As the recognized No. 1 top laner on the national server, Tian Tian is naturally no stranger to heroes like Galio, and knows exactly how he would choose to deal with such a situation.

At this time, more than half of the blood volume of the outer tower in the middle of the blue square has been consumed.

Several blue heroes under the tower were also poked by the opponent, and their blood volume was a bit crippled.


Dawn Chenxing glanced across the small map, and when he noticed that the top laner on the opposite side had disappeared from his field of vision, his eyelids twitched, and he quickly issued a warning on the team's voice channel:

"Back off!"

Almost at the same time as the voice fell.

Only a few heroes from the purple side not far away have begun to actively press forward.

same moment.

A huge and majestic magic circle suddenly appeared in the middle and rear of the outer tower on the blue square middle road.

The burly and majestic body of the Colossus of Justice Galio.

It slammed down from the sky like a cannonball.

Big move.

"A Hero Appears"!

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The update is here, the next chapter is around eleven o'clock, ah, the update has become stable recently, happy!

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