
Chapter 1125 Extremely Fast

In fact, there was no need for the warning reminder from Dawn and Morning Star, Huangxue Yege himself knew that the outer tower could not be defended.


The opponent didn't play any tricks at all, and directly pushed forward from the frontal line of troops.

This forced them on the blue side to face each other head-on no matter whether they were in the bottom lane or their teammate Mantis in the jungle.

In this case, it is impossible for the three of them on the blue side to beat their opponents in 3V3.

The prince was alone in the front row.

Verus and the female gun stand back.

Huangxue Yege has no doubt that if his mouse just showed a little bit of hesitation and stayed under the tower for more than a moment, the prince on the opposite side would directly EQ two times and forcefully cut his face to cover it with a big move, and then Verus and the girl The gun is big - one set is to kill in seconds.

And they can't do any counterattacks here. If Mantis wants to go around and cut people... the female gun on the opposite side has a summoner skill [Weakness] to control them in minutes, and if they almost counterattack, they can easily kill them. Grams are dropped in seconds.

But even knowing these principles...

But seeing his own defensive outer tower in the bottom lane was so easily pulled down and demolished by the opponent in less than ten minutes, it still made several blue team members, including Huangxue Yege, feel extremely painful.

Oh shit……

Sincerely, he was directly taken to a blood tower for no reason.

The lineup on the opposite side really didn't make any sense in the early stage, okay?


In contrast, someone on the purple side was in a very happy mood. While controlling his ADC Verus to retreat and choose to return to the city, he gave his top laner teammate Gary a message on the team's voice channel. O gave orders:

"Galio came directly to the bottom lane to eat the lane."


Just when the bot line was pushed in front of the opponent's defensive outer tower, he had even asked his top lane teammates to move towards the bot silently in advance.

As long as there is any intention to start a group on the opposite side just now...

He can ensure that his top laner Galio can enter the arena with his big move in the first time.

Everything is in plan.

And now—

Now that they have taken the bot lane outer tower, their bot lane dual ADC combo has been freed from the lane. Scanning the mini-map, the ADC mouse on the blue side on the opposite side is clearly ready to control the line and fill up the knife. Lin Feng Eyebrows raised:


"Let's hit the road."

The voice of the shadow puppet's response without hesitation came quickly from the team's voice channel.

So when the game time came to the early 10 minutes, the purple team on the field had already made a quick line change adjustment.

The top laner Galio came to the bottom lane to eat the line and develop.

The Verus plus female gun of the double ADC combination is switched to the top lane, aiming at the top laner who suppresses the opponent.

Early laning... The development rhythm of the top laners on both sides of the top lane is quite peaceful, and their last hits and levels are similar. It immediately became difficult and harsh.

It is also unreasonable to directly clear the soldiers and push the line.

Soldiers enter the tower.

Do a good job in the eye position of the river, and the two ADCs will aim at the defensive tower and start to focus fire output quickly.

Big Chongzi's line-clearing ability is not bad, but the problem is that the two ADC heroes on the purple side on the opposite side are not just purely demolishing towers. From time to time, the Q skills "Piercing Arrow" and "Two Eagles with one stone" will be thrown over suddenly——

After a while, the fear of the void Kogas, whose blood volume was consumed to only a little over half a pipe, didn't dare to step forward easily.

Seeing the blood volume of the outer tower on the top lane drop rapidly, the blue team's top laner Big Chongzi couldn't help feeling anxious:

"Come on someone, come on someone!"

"Help me out, I can't hold on to this alone!"


Even if the line clearing speed on the opposite side is fast.

But because two ADCs are pushing the tower, and the auxiliary female gun has a W skill to increase the attack speed, the tower demolition speed is even faster than Verus as the main ADC.

This kind of battle...

Not to mention the fact that he is currently a top laner on the blue side, basically the vast majority of professional top laners have never encountered it—the opponent's two-player lane changes lanes and destroys towers, but how can they dismantle them so quickly? of?

It is completely different from the situation encountered in normal games or passers-by. Almost one or two waves of pawns will be able to break the tower again on the top road.

The pace is so fast that it makes people feel at a loss!

The voice of the jungle mantis player in the voice channel of the blue team also came quickly:

"wait for me!"

"almost there!"

But, can't wait.

Almost when people were caught off guard, on the road, the ADC Verus under the control of someone seized the opportunity of the big insect on the opposite side to make a mistake, and the "corruption chain" of the ultimate move suddenly shot out like lightning!

The thick dark purple vines crashed into the target Kogas!

Imprisonment and control!

In the next second, the auxiliary female gun controlled by the shadow puppet did not hesitate at all, and the big move "Barrage Time" was activated immediately.

A burst of familiar unscrupulous laughter——

The terrifying dense barrage enveloped the road like a storm!

The blood bar on Kogas' head plummeted down like crazy!

Another moment.

Verus's Q skill "Piercing Arrow" is fully charged, and a purple-red energy tail flame is pulled out and shot off-line!

Accurately hit the body of the fear of the void that was too late to get rid of the control.

The blood bar bottomed out.

Clear to zero.

"You-have-been-(You have been killed)!"

The kill announcement by the female voice of the system came relentlessly, and the top laner on the blue side, Big Worm, stared dumbfounded at the game screen on the computer screen in front of him, which turned into a bleak black and white TV. Until this moment, he hadn't even reacted, his mind went blank Just one thought—


This is so dead! ?

In the spectator seats, the whole audience was in an uproar!

At the same time, the jungler Mantis of the blue team finally rushed out from the grass at the top of the river in a panic at this moment. Seeing that the two ADC heroes on the opposite side have no skills, then he should at least be able to rely on a set of explosives. Hurt and forcibly take away one to avenge the teammate Big Bug——

It can be next second.

The warning signals of Huangxue Yege and Dawn Morning Star to retreat were marked on the teammate Jungle Mantis almost at the same time!

Ding ding ding! ! ! ——

The mantis jungler was stunned, subconsciously controlling his own Kazik to stop.

Fortunately, it stopped.

Because soon he saw a golden armor and a golden helmet flashing in the grass behind the two ADC heroes on the opposite side of the road.

Prince Jiawen!

For a moment, the Mantis Kazik team couldn't help their scalps tingling, and they turned around and retreated decisively.


How long has it been squatting on the road! ?

"This is the routine of the purple side."

In the spectator seats, the head coach of the God club looked very serious, and slowly opened his mouth to analyze: "The prince gave up his own jungle development rhythm...following his own duo line as closely as possible to protect, and then at the price of such a sacrifice... In exchange for the rapid tower demolition rhythm of their dual ADC combination."

A coach of the KG club next to him couldn't help but straighten his eyes:


"This is really... the ultimate fast break!"

on stage.

On the side of the purple army, Lin Feng in front of the computer screen glanced at the jungler mantis who evacuated in time, shook his head with a little regret, and then marked his opponent on the outer tower:



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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around eight o'clock, go away and continue to code.

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