
Chapter 1123

His own adc, Obama, was forcibly killed by someone's Verus on the opposite side. At this moment, the face of Huangxue Yege in front of the computer screen on the blue side of the stage turned green.

Really are……

He punched the old master to death.

The lineup of the ADC bottom lane on the opposite side seems unreliable at first glance, but as soon as they came up, they directly hoodwinked the two bottom laners on the blue side, and they didn't even have time to react. This inexplicably sent a blood.


Nor is it purely inexplicable.

This wave of operations mainly depends on someone's reaction and hand speed——

Captured the starting action of the q skill of his own auxiliary female gun, judged that the second part of the ejection damage of "two birds with one stone" would fall on the mouse, and calculated the remaining blood volume of the mouse...

Then, directly Q flashed.

A wave of direct burst damage instantly kills and takes away the target's head.

It's true that it's almost impossible for anyone else to react.

Huangxue Yege knew that this wave was not his problem, but that the opponent's operation was too sharp, but what really made him feel bitter and headache... was that after getting the first blood, the opponent's bot lane team really wanted to It started to take off.


This unconventional dual-adc bot lane combination may be less effective if you encounter a disadvantaged situation.

But once it enters the advantageous tailwind rhythm...

The power effect that erupts will only be much stronger than the ordinary bottom lane combination.


Lin Feng was not completely overwhelmed by the good news of such a bloody head, on the contrary, after a wave of troops was pushed, and he chose to return to the city with the shadow puppet's auxiliary female gun, he also quickly returned to the team's voice channel. He made instructions and arrangements for his jungle teammates:


"Get ready to go down the road."

"Help back squat."

As the jungler of the purple side, the princes did not hesitate at all, and responded decisively.

And the members of several clubs in the spectator seats could not help but subconsciously nodded in agreement when they saw the signal of the purple jungler playing the ready mark in the bottom lane.

Very steady.

In the last wave of purple-side ADC Verus surrendered his summoner skill [Flash] in order to get first blood, then the opponent's blue-side jungler hero rescue is likely to make trouble for the bottom lane, making his prince Teammates came to counter-squat in advance, on the one hand, it ensured the safety factor of the bottom lane, and on the other hand, if the counter-squat was successful... maybe they could get another kill or two.

When the game time came to the early 5 minutes, there was a system female voice prompt for a solo kill in the middle.

Dawn Morning Star's blue mid laner Katerina showed her power, and took away the head of the opposite purple square mid laner Morgana in a level 5 online solo kill. Shi Hang, who lost the second blood, was very annoyed:

"Damn... mine!"

This actually caused a commotion in the spectator seats below the stage:


The blue side's mid laner is Katarina.

It was harvested without thinking about cutting the back row.

In the case of a dual-adc bottom lane combination like Purple Fang, an explosive second-man assassin AP like Katerina is almost Tianke, right?

Dragging to the later stage, the purple side is not easy to fight.

However, regarding the bad news from the middle lane, Lin Feng's expression didn't change much, as if he wasn't affected at all, and continued to concentrate on manipulating his adc Verus to make up the lane.

Jungle teammate Prince squatted back for a while to help in the bottom lane. Although he didn't wait for the opposite blue jungler mantis to appear, even if it's just such a peaceful development...someone likes it.

At this time, Verus's supplementary knife has nearly doubled the opponent's mouse.

And that's nothing.

Glancing at the experience bar of his arrow of punishment, someone raised his eyebrows slightly, and after a while, he would be able to start working again.


Compared with other unconventional support heroes such as Anne and Lux, the female gun support has weaker single-point burst seconds because it does not have hard control skills.

But if you cooperate with some heroes with hard control skills——

The powerful effect that can be exerted is also very terrifying.

Before, when Lin Feng helped Zeng Rui figure out the support style of the female gun hero, because the adc teammate with the bottom lane is Tang Bingyao, and girls prefer to use violent adc heroes like Delevingne, in terms of style of play It's also relying on my own operation to go straight forward and kill happily, even making Zeng Rui's auxiliary female gun too late to keep up with the rhythm and can only assist with eyes...

As a result, his female guns had to wait until the middle and late team battles to find their usefulness in several tentative actual battles at that time.

But this one is different.

On the one hand, it was for the first time to try the shadow puppet assisted by the female gun better, and on the other hand, to make up for the lack of control of the female gun, that's why Lin Feng chose Verus to play ADC.


The synergistic power of this combination is demonstrated.

The game time is 7 minutes and 40 seconds.

Just when someone controlled a wave of pawns and stayed in the middle near the river mouth, as a blue side minion was killed and fell down, the purple side's bottom lane double ADC hero was upgraded to six at the same time.

Almost instantly—

Accompanied by a sudden sound of "hit" in the team's voice channel, the adc Verus under the control of Lin Feng made a lightning-fast "** chain" and directly aimed at the blue side's assistant Japanese girl not far away and blasted shoot away.

The mouse was a little farther away, and Huangxue Yege played very cautiously, so he never gave them too many chances on the purple side.


Japanese women are fine too.

Thick dark purple vines shot out and bumped into the goddess of dawn who had no time to dodge, and suddenly wrapped Leona's body to death. The q skill "two birds with one stone" uses the soldier as a springboard to catapult and hit the Japanese girl in two stages...

The bounty hunter's ultimate move is to stand still in place and start with a bang!

In a burst of unscrupulous laughter, starting from the position of the female gun, the muzzles of the double guns suddenly tilted out a huge cone-shaped barrage of terror, covering nearly half of the bottom lane space!

Rows of bullets and fire, wrapped in strong smoke, continuously penetrated the body of the target blue side auxiliary Japanese girl!

The Goddess of Dawn, who was held dead by the Arrow of Punishment ult, was unable to move. She almost ate all the damage from the female gun's ult, and the blood bar on her head plummeted crazily!

At the same moment, Verus stepped forward, aimed at the woman with residual blood, and began to move rapidly and continuously to level the output of A.

The moment she got out of control, the Japanese woman desperately fled and fled.

But the adc Verus controlled by someone has already charged the q skill "Piercing Arrow" whistling like a stalking gun.

call out! ! ! ——

Penetrates the target's body.

The blood bar on the Japanese woman's head suddenly bottomed out and returned to zero.

"you-have--an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)."

The system's female voice sounded the kill notification, and someone in front of the computer screen had a satisfied look on his face:

"That's right, that's the way to fight."

At the same time, the members of several clubs in the spectator seats have suddenly looked straight:

Fuck! ?

This is... just kill it! ?

It's not a mouse, it's a rough-skinned and thick-skinned auxiliary Japanese girl!

This is just relying on control and damage...he was directly smashed to death! ?

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around nine o'clock, get out and continue coding.

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