
Chapter 1122 Dual ADCs!

Tian Tian and Li Shishi, one of them is the strongest top laner in the national uniform who is currently ranked among the seven kings of the world, and the other is also a strong player who is at the same level as Zeng Jin, so their vision is more than ordinary of professional players are higher.

It is precisely because of this that at the beginning of this round of confrontation, when the adc Verus plus auxiliary female gun combination of someone on the bottom lane and the shadow puppet first showed its edge, the two immediately noticed the importance of this combination. strong.


Very strong!

On the one hand, the combination of two adc heroes can almost crush any pair of conventional adc auxiliary combinations in the ability to clear the pawns and push the line in the early stage; The same is extremely powerful.

Female gun's q skill "kills two birds with one stone".

There is also Verus's q skill "Piercing Arrow".

Basically, the opponent has no way to defend against it. Just like the adc mouse on the blue side of the wild snow night song just now, a little carelessness directly ate two skills, and the blood bar was instantly hit Disabled.

"Online suppression is too powerful."

Looking at the giant LCD spectator screen on the stage, Tian Tian expressed sincere amazement in his tone.

And this is not the offensive and oppressive nature of the bottom lane combination equipped with Thresh and robots. Thresh or robots have only one q skill hook that can bring threats to the opponent. Once the opponent moves better, or Dodging and dodging the skills, Thresh and the robot can only choose a new round of CD cooling for skills such as temporarily retreating.

But this auxiliary female gun is different...

This can be consumed remotely with skills or levels at any time.

And there is also a deceleration control of the e skill.

Can harass opponents all the time.

But soon Li Shiyi who was next to him also put forward his own opinion: "However, the laning error tolerance rate of this combination is also very low. If the opponent catches a loophole and fights back to control it... it is also easy to cause accidents."


After all, the female gun is not a conventional support, has no hard control skills, and is too fragile.

It's like the opponent's blue team's bottom lane combination. Once the Japanese girl's e skill is protruding and then Q is controlled, hang [ignite] to match the mouse's damage output to play a set. It is estimated that the female gun must at least hand over the double call, or even It may also be directly taken away by the burst kill.

Or... the opponent's jungler comes to gank a wave. Once the purple side is caught and killed once, the situation of the double ADC combination in the lane will become extremely difficult immediately.


one way or another.

Taking out such a combination will still make most of the people present in the e-sports hall at the moment feel their eyes brighten.

Because, this is an innovative bot lane play.

It's a brand new routine.

At present, it seems that there is already a practical foundation, and we only need to wait for further actual combat tests. If it is really confirmed that it is feasible, then this can become another hidden kill for the three teams of their national service LPL in the S-League. trick.

It seems that at this time, the coaches and team leaders of several clubs in the spectator seats have gathered together, discussing something in a low voice, and while talking, they glance at the screen of the spectator screen from time to time.

They are also doing analysis and evaluation.

If it were someone else who came up with this brand-new routine... Maybe it would make them a little indifferent or even sneer.


This is a trick created by the little brother Lin Feng.

Then it must be paid attention to.


"That's right, that's it!"

"Clear the pawns to push the line first, and then look for an opportunity to poke—oh, but A Ying, be careful and pay attention to his position."

"As long as you don't get caught by the Japanese girl!"

The voice of Lin Feng commanding orders came from the voice channel in the purple square team.

As the auxiliary female gun, the shadow puppet nodded solemnly, yes, when someone suggested this female gun to him just now, he was also in a daze for a long time,

Some are not sure, so now when laning operations are performed, they are extremely cautious and cautious, not daring to make the slightest mistake.


After playing and playing, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised after he gradually got used to it:

Because this hero seems to be really useful!

Of course it works.

If Lin Feng knew what was going on in the minds of his support companions at this moment, he would definitely pat his chest and promise to guarantee it again, because although this is the first time that the shadow puppet uses a support female gun, this routine... As the founder, he But he is no stranger to him.

At first, he and Zeng Rui figured it out.

Because for Zeng Rui, his biggest problem lies in the speed of operation, which makes the auxiliary heroes he chooses generally biased towards protection, such as Fengnv, Lulu or Bron, and relatively speaking, he also lacks robots, Thresh Such a strong offensive.

But this is a bit too "partial".

So in private, Lin Feng took time to discuss with Zeng Rui, and finally came up with a hero like Female Gun as the result.

this hero...

Even the laning strength in the early stage is only a secondary effect.

The most important power is to wait until level 6 before showing it.

While controlling his adc Verus to continue to make up the knife and clear the soldiers, the light in someone's eyes couldn't help but shine: this is to better show the effect of the female gun support, so he chose Verus, who is also not very good at first hand, played as an adc.

Verus plus female gun.

These two heroes... wait until the 6th level to learn the ultimate move, and then the bo cooperation is the scariest and the most brainless~

As soon as it is shown—

Immediately, the players and coaches of the several clubs in the audience suddenly realized that even if a pair of bot lane combos didn't watch too many operations... purely relying on the characteristics of the combo lineup, they could play a powerful effect against the sky. !


Out of the corner of someone's eye, someone glanced at the supporting female gun teammate beside him.

Just at this moment, the auxiliary bounty hunter under the control of the shadow puppet was stepping forward, raising his gun and hitting the Q skill "Two birds with one stone".

The muzzle flash flashed.

A bullet shot towards a blue long-range soldier in front of him.

And just not far behind this little soldier, the adc mouse under the control of Huangxue Yege was taking a small step forward.

for a moment.

Countless information and data in the brain converged, flashed, converged and collided to reach a conclusion.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up!

The movement and tapping operation of the mouse and keyboard are suddenly done in one go!

q skill charge!

In an instant, the Summoner skill key was tapped and pressed!


A sliver of golden light exploded, almost when everyone in the audience was caught off guard and failed to react, the purple adc Verus moved forward with a [flash]!

After a short charge, the q skill "Piercing Arrow" pulled out a purple-red light and the tail flame pierced through the air until the target mouse Tuqi!

Another moment.

When the bouncing bullet of the female gun's Q skill hits the first target blue long-range minion, it continues to bounce back and plunder——

Hit the mouse.

Just as a "bang" sound exploded and took away a whole bar of blood on Mouse Tucci's head, the piercing arrows of Verus's Q skill that flashed protrudingly swooped almost simultaneously.

Pierces the body of the target Plague Source.


There was a muffled sound.

Mouse Tuqi's blood bar above his head suddenly bottomed out and emptied to zero!


The killing announcement by the female voice of the system suddenly came, accompanied by the shock and exclamation of the audience seats that exploded like boiling water.

Velus, who quickly manipulated himself, drew back and retreated, and at the same time, the expression on someone's face was still not red and heartbeat:



It is also possible to take one or two heads first by operation.

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The update will be delivered, and it will be done at midnight, ah, I'm sleepy, go to sleep, good night, my friends.

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