
Chapter 1114 Oxenmore

"Doctor Phil, I would venture to ask—"

Walking side by side with the tall and thin middle-aged male doctor on the way to the main building of St. Edinson's Hospital, Zhou Wei finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, and his eyes fell on the former's face:

"You are that girl's..."

Doctor Phil smiled, as if guessing the doubts in Zhou Wei's mind, he shook his head:


"Actually speaking... Cassie is not my patient."

"I'm mainly responsible for the management of patients' conditions in the intensive care ward in area A of the inpatient department, but the ward in area B on the second floor is not under my jurisdiction."

"As for the chief physician...it's not me either."

The answer was very detailed, but the more it was like this, the more doubts in Zhou Wei's mind could not be dissipated:

"Then it seems to me that you—"

Before he finished speaking, Dr. Phil took over the words with a smile:

"It seems that I know and care about Cassie very much. Is this what you want to say?"

Immediately before Zhou Wei nodded subconsciously, Dr. Phil turned his eyes away, looking at the scattered and cold scene on both sides of the garden path in the wind and rain, and said with emotion:


"It's really not something I need to worry about."


"That girl seems to have a magical power from the East, so that anyone who sees her can't help feeling caring and pity."

The words were a bit mysterious and obscure, but Zhou Wei vaguely realized something, and looked up at Dr. Phil again:

"Like that nurse Jessica at the information desk just now?"

"Yes, just like Jessica just now." Doctor Phil nodded affirmatively and smiled: "Jessica is also one of the nurses who have taken care of Cassie since she first came to our hospital in St. Edinlon. I almost treat Cassie as my own daughter—that's why I was so wary of Mr. Zhou, and I hope you don't mind."

Zhou Wei shook his head:

"Of course, such a mood is understandable, it's just a misunderstanding."

At this time, he really no longer cared about the previous little misunderstanding and conflict, because through the answer and explanation of Dr. Phil in front of him, he was more deeply and intuitively understanding the girl he had never masked. There is a special charm that children seem to possess.

A girl from the far east.

After coming to a foreign country, in a completely unfamiliar environment, even in a hospital that should only be shrouded in a cold and inhuman atmosphere like medical alcohol and disinfectant, I was able to get so many strangers to express their feelings freely. care and love.

Just this...

That's enough.

Even though he had never seen the girl named "anxin" with his own eyes, at this moment Zhou Wei couldn't help trying to subconsciously try to outline the image of the other party——

That should be a girl full of sunshine and always smiling.

Has black hair that belongs to the oriental people.

A slender and fine body.

There is no doubt that there is a beautiful and pitiful face.

Maybe cute.

Perhaps clever and cunning.

But no matter what kind of temperament it is...should have the same inexplicable unique charm, people can't help but want to get close to her, and make people around her feel happy and sunny .

"She is really a good girl—" As if to support Zhou Wei's conjecture, Dr. Phil sighed sincerely again: "There is a warm atmosphere surrounded by sunshine, so bright and dazzling that all boys of the same age may be surprised. Heartbroken for it..."

As he spoke, he suddenly paused, and then let out a long sigh:


Just a pity is enough for Zhou Wei to guess and comprehend some hidden meanings from it.

So when the conversation comes here, it finally turns to the topic.

Taking a deep breath to adjust his mood, Zhou Wei looked at Dr. Phil seriously and raised the doubts that had been buried in his heart for a long time:

"So, I haven't asked for advice—"

"That girl...what's wrong with her?"

As if he had anticipated Zhou Wei's question, Dr. Phil didn't show any surprise on his face. He just sighed again, stopped and looked at Zhou Wei, and said quietly:

"Als, I don't know if Mr. Zhou has heard of it?"


Zhou Wei was slightly stunned when he heard the unfamiliar English words.

It seemed that he was vaguely familiar with this professional term, but for a while...but he couldn't really recall it.



"The full name... should be called amyotrophic-lateral-sclerosis."

Doctor Phil's tone seemed to be calm and he explained to Zhou Wei again in more detail.

And this time...

The latter finally understood.

Then the expression on Zhou Wei's face suddenly changed:

"Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?"

Dr. Phil nodded slowly: "Yes, it seems that you are no stranger to this disease - but in our UK, this disease should be called mnd, which is motor neuron disease." He smiled He smiled: "The French also call this disease Charcot's disease, but it actually means the same thing."

At this moment, Dr. Phil's words were completely unable to concentrate and listen carefully, because at this time Zhou Wei himself was completely shocked by the truth answer.

in the head...

It seemed to be buzzing!


Yes, even an ordinary person like him whose work has nothing to do with the medical field is vaguely familiar with the abbreviation of this word, because although the three simple English letters may not be familiar to most people , but if it is a Chinese translation... it will definitely not make people feel strange.


"After the patient's upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron are injured, it leads to gradual weakness and atrophy of the muscles of the limbs, trunk, chest and abdomen."

"Slowly loses his mobility until he develops difficulty swallowing, speaking, and respiratory failure."

With an almost flat tone and without the slightest fluctuation, he slowly expounded such a rigorous and cold medical professional explanation from his mouth. At this moment, the expression on Dr. Phil's face was a little indifferent, but the sadness and heaviness flickered deep in the pupils of his eyes. The light reveals his true mood swings.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva with some difficulty, Zhou Wei only felt that his voice was a little tight when he spoke again:

"That girl...has als?"

"No." Doctor Phil shook his head.

However, before Zhou Wei could subconsciously relax or react in confusion, Doctor Phil's voice came again:

"Her illness."

"More complex and serious than als."

for a while.

The wind and rain in the garden seemed to suddenly quiet down with this sentence.

It's just a kind of inexplicable coldness... slowly crawling into people's hearts.

The air is cool.

The rain fell on the pitch-black umbrella surface.

Under the umbrella, a tall and thin middle-aged British man bowed his head slightly as if mourning:

"That's a variant of als."

"It occurs in no more than three in 1,000 patients with regular als."

"This mutant disease—"

"It's called Oxenmore."

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The update will be delivered, and the third update will be relatively late. I suggest everyone get up and watch it tomorrow morning.

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