
Chapter 1113 Only One Situation Left

Niutou Q flashed and took control of the three of them.

The bright moon's big move is to rush forward, and an e-skill "Moon's Fall" further pulls the three of them back.

Prince eq Erlian entered the arena with a big move to trap the three of them.

The blue team's skill BO connection and cooperation in this wave... almost reached a level that can be called against the sky, all the control and all the AOE damage are all solidly and thoroughly hit.


As the opponent, even if the purple army launched an equally amazing wave of first-hand team battles, it is doomed to be helpless in the face of such a backhand counterattack.

The wild widow was killed instantly.

As for the sword princess Fiona under Tian Tian's control, she actually made the most astonishing and sensible reaction decision at the first time, and directly and decisively chose to give up the nearest target adc and turn to Dalongfjord——

The big move is directly applied to the bloody prince.

flat a.

Then q.

e skills and then a.

In a flash, he hit three flaws in one go, and the burst of damage directly harvested and took away the head of the blood-residual prince, and then blasted out the blood-recovery formation, forcing his own mid-range adc and two teammates who were standing within the blood-recovery formation Blood continued life.

It can be said that as any other professional top laner, it is absolutely impossible to do better than Tian Tian at the moment.


Still to no avail, a drop in the bucket.

Not only did they take a set of BO control box damage from several heroes on the opponent's blue side one after another, but the more important point is that the Clockwork Demon and Obama still have the passive moonlight mark of the bright moon on their bodies.

And this time.

It's the turn of someone's mid laner Moon Goddess to show off her power.

flat a.

The big move "Luna Sprint" that refreshes and resets like lightning!

The explosive damage per second is still the same, and still does not give the opponent adc Obama the slightest room to maneuver. Someone manipulated the mid laner Jiaoyue and directly took away most of the blood of the Paladin Ranger's health bar in the blink of an eye.

The remaining clockwork demon indeed managed to survive for a little longer by relying on Jian Ji's blood recovery array and his e-skill shield.

But when someone's Bright Moon Goddess has a big move, a q skill "Crescent Strike" in the middle, and then a big move with a combo of bo damage...

Clockwork is also doomed.

"Double kill!——"

The kill announcement by the female voice of the system sounded in the river Dalongfjord.

so far.

The team battle is not over.

But it seems to be over.

In the spectator seats, watching the OB screen on the spectator screen where the single sword girl on the purple side was besieged and set fire, the spectators from several clubs couldn't help shaking their heads regretfully:


At this time... Even if Jian Ji kills another one, it will not affect the overall situation.


The final result is that someone's mid laner Jiaoyue was forcefully forced out of the hourglass golden body by Jian Ji, and then relied on several teammates to knock off Jian Ji Fiona's resurrection armor, guard the corpse, etc., and then completely killed her. .


The kill announcement by the system's female voice seemed extremely solemn at this moment.

It finally made people realize... no matter how well-developed and powerful a hero is, he is still powerless against the firepower of an entire team of opponents.

In the end, Thresh, the purple side's assistant, escaped as the only survivor, but still——

This wave of team battles ended with a 1-for-4 victory for the blue team.

And the more important point, or the point that makes the members of the clubs in the spectator seats are discussing in a commotion...

This wave.

It's actually 4v5.

Because although the blue team's top laner Gotou rushed back towards the river Dalongfjord at the first moment of the team battle... or even earlier, but when he arrived, the team battle was basically over In the end, it was just an eye assist and watched the sword girl Fiona being shot and killed by several of her teammates.


Make a wave of 1 for 4.

Moreover, this result was actually achieved when the opponent made a perfect first move.

It's almost entirely defying common sense, disbelief and acceptance.

But that's the reality.

"Three-in-a-row control..."

Shi Hang, who was in the front row of the audience watching the battle, couldn't help sighing with emotion: "With the addition of a bunch of AOE damage, it's all real... Haoyue has no solution to output harvesting, this is the dream of every Haoyue player, right? ?”


It's like giving Lux a chance, a big move, and when the ultimate flash shot is made, the five heroes on the opposite side stand in a straight line and run through all of them; Followed by "Blaster of Last Breath".

This is something that can happen almost only on a theoretical level.

In addition to strength, it also depends too much on luck.

And this time, it was really the luck of the blue side.


The individual performance level factor of some players cannot be completely ruled out.

"This bull's head, this bull's head..." The coaches and team leaders of KG and God Club on the spectator stand murmured this subconsciously for countless times. When you look at it, it's like looking at a rare treasure.

Why didn't you find it earlier?

Hayami's assistant...

Just in this confrontation match, they simply kept refreshing their cognition time and time again, bringing shock and surprise to people time and time again.

Be alert.

Know how to defend.

At the same time... and able to grasp the rhythm of offense and the cooperation of teammates.

This kind of support is definitely a core-level treasure in any professional team!

Why did the Hayami Club pick it up! ?

Thinking of this, the coaches and team leaders of the other two clubs couldn't help feeling sad again. In contrast, the chief team leader of the Hayami Club on the other side was grinning from ear to ear and vigorously patting several fellow coaches beside him. All kinds of instructions on his shoulders, "We must pay more attention to shadow puppetry in the future", "Such a good support is not taken seriously enough in our team", "It shouldn't be", "Encourage and reward more in the future".

on stage.

The atmosphere on the side of the purple army was heavy and depressing.

Huangxue Yege opened his mouth, but looking at the black and white picture on the computer screen in front of him, he found that his mouth was in pain and he couldn't speak - a bull's head and a bright moon on the opposite side, forcibly cured him a little My temper is gone.

And Tian Tian also shook his head helplessly.

It hurts too much.

At this point in this round, he was completely beaten back by the opponent. His sword girl resurrection armor is gone, and there is a big dragon on the opposite side, and the development of the dog head has improved a bit. [Flash], but Haoyue's [Flash] is almost ready...

Basically, it wasn't that he lost confidence in this game, but judging from an objective point of view, it was only a matter of time before their purple team lost.


Speaking of time.

On the audience side of the audience, No. 3 frowned as if thinking of something:

"There is no news over there?"

It was about ten minutes before.

But now...

A lot of them are already in the past.

Number 1 and Number 5 also looked at each other, and each could see the worry in each other's eyes:

The person Chu Fangnan was looking for... naturally should be reliable.

Then there was no news of what was promised and guaranteed within the time limit, and what was more likely to happen would only be one situation——


Maybe something really happened.

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The update is here, the next one is around eleven o'clock, get rid of the code words!

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