
Chapter 1100 CD Flow Thresh

The so-called "surrounding Wei and saving Zhao" refers to the current situation on the river battlefield in front of Dalongfjord.

To be more precise——

It is the response method adopted by the top lane dog head of the blue side.

My mid laner Bright Moon's big move was stunned by the opponent's top laner Sword Ji's W skill to block, parry, and backhand. At the same time, the opposing ADC Obama and the mid laner Clockwork Demon also arrived after killing Prince Jiawen. In this case It is impossible for a goddess of the moon to withstand the concentrated fire damage of the three people on the opposite side. Similarly, the dog head who has just teleported into the field cannot give enough protection to his mid-lane teammates like the auxiliary hero.


The dog head chose another way more wisely.

Directly slow down and control Obama with the W skill, and flash forward to force open the opposite ADC Holy Gun Ranger!

This is the mess.

You Jian Ji can disrupt the situation, and so can I.

It should be known that although Gotou's damage output is far inferior to Jian Ji's burst ability in seconds, and it is not Fiona's opponent in a solo one-on-one situation, but if a large-scale Desert Reaper is close to the opponent In front of ADC heroes...

The Q skill "Soul Draining Blow" with a very short cooling time can also easily pose a fatal threat to the opponent's crispy ADC.

Just two Q's.

Lucian, who had just over two-thirds of his health left, had plummeted to the bottom of the blood bar on his head!

The single clockwork monster in the purple team urgently uses the E skill "Command·Defense" to control the magic ball and fly back to put a shield on teammate ADC Obama, but the little increase in shield value is not enough.

Huangxue Yege gritted his teeth and manipulated his ADC Obama to forcibly output as much damage as possible under the sharp deceleration control state of the dog's W skill "Wither", but his own ending was inevitable——


The third cooldown Q skill was smashed down with the desert scepter!

Obama's blood bar instantly cleared to zero.

"You-have-been-(You have been killed)!"

The kill announcement from the female voice of the system came,

The game screen on the computer screen in front of Huangxue Yege was suddenly black and white.

And just at this moment, the middle laner Jiaoyue under the control of Lin Feng got rid of the backhand dizzy control state of the sword girl W skill, and quickly marked the opponent's purple square top single sword girl while controlling her own Diana. Follow quickly.

But at exactly the same moment—


There was a tooth-piercing sound of metal rubbing against each other.

I don't know when a cold metal chain has wrapped around the body of the goddess of the moon again, the chain is tight, and the other end is held tightly in the hands of the auxiliary soul lock warden of the purple side and dragged back forcibly Diana staggered.

"Q is good again!?"

There was commotion and uproar from the spectator seats below the stage.

Tang Bingyao, who was sitting next to Li Shiyi, couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise: "Thresh's Q... has a very short cooldown."

The girl herself plays the ADC position, and she has met many Thresh opponents or partners in the bot lane on weekdays. Like Zeng Rui, she often uses this hero to cooperate with her, so she is very interested in the soul lock warden. There is not much to know about hook assist.

But this scene surprised her a little.

Because in her impression...

Thresh's Q skill "Death Judgment" has a cooldown time of more than a few seconds.

"CD Flow Thresh."

On the front row of the spectator seats, Shi Hang narrowed his eyes subconsciously, turned his head and glanced at Dawn Morning Star sitting beside him:

"Have you already used it?"

Dawn Morning Star nodded slightly, acknowledging:

"Senior No. 1 casually proposed an idea during the internal training a few days ago. We then did a few adjustments on runes, talents, and skill additions. It feels like it can be used on the field."

Under normal circumstances, the auxiliary Thresh can cooperate with ADC teammates and even jungle teammates to launch an attack in the early laning stage, and can play extremely strong. Under normal circumstances, this hero is similar to a robot, and will fall into a relatively embarrassing situation.

Unlike other protective and functional supports such as Feng Nu, Lulu, and even Braum, offensive support heroes such as Robot and Thresh can't help the team enough in the mid-term or in a disadvantaged situation.


Only then did I have some new ideas about Thresh's support that No. 1 casually gave a few days ago.

Then it was indeed the first attempt by the God team club to achieve results, that is, CD Thresh.

After debugging the rune talent and testing in actual combat, the auxiliary Thresh of this new style of play mainly adds some Q skills in the early stage, and with the special CD reduction equipment method, it can quickly reach the full value of the CD reduction data, basically The cooldown of a Q skill can be reduced to less than 5 seconds if it hits the target.

Counting the control time of the previous hook out, it is equivalent to shortening the control interval between Thresh's two hook out to three seconds or even less.

Such a Thresh, even in the mid-to-late stage of team battles, as long as the operation is done properly and the hook is accurate enough, it can almost achieve three or more times of control, whether it is protection or offensive pursuit, the ability is significantly improved.

Just like this moment.

The mid laner Jiaoyue under someone's control was only hit by Thresh's hook Q once before, but now he is caught in the entanglement of the "death judgment" scythe chain.

on stage.

In front of the computer screen, Lin Feng subconsciously glanced at the opponent's residual blood support Thresh who was not far behind him, and the light in his eyes flickered slightly:

"It's interesting..."

He also noticed the abnormality of Thresh's cooling CD time.

But now...

What he needs to worry about is far more than that.


With the fall of the purple ADC Obama, the number of blue and purple legions on the battlefield in front of Dalongfjord in the river channel became 4 vs. 3.

The blue team suddenly took the lead in numbers again.

The single dog head on the blue side who killed Lucian's life immediately turned to the target sword girl, waved the desert scepter in his hand, and chased after him again.

At the same moment, on the back row of the battlefield, the blue side's ADC playman also finished casting the previous big move, and decisively raised his gun to chase and follow up, preparing to enter the battle circle for his own output.

But at this very moment.

Almost at the same time.

The eyelids of Lin Feng and the shadow puppets twitched suddenly, and without the slightest hesitation, they urgently sent a warning signal to their ADC teammates to retreat:


"Back back!"

Just at this time, when the Q skill of the single dog head on the blue side aimed at Jian Ji and slammed it down, the [weakness] state on Jian Ji Fiona had also been lifted.

next second.

A cloud of fine golden awns exploded suddenly.

Sword Princess Fiona's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and in the next moment, she flew to the blue square ADC not far away like a ghost.

Between lightning and fire.

Wushuang Jianji's Q skill "Kong Po Zhan" raised her sword a little further and swept up.

Cut to the front of the life master.

A flaw hit.

In the same second, the ultimate move of "Unrivaled Challenge" was instantly set on Jhin's body!

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The update is delivered, and the two updates are done. Friends, go to bed early, good night, good night.

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